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Articles in Encyclopaedia Biblica (London and New York); Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible (Edinburgh and London); Jewish Encyclopedia (New York and London).

SCHuRER, E. Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi (3d ed., Leipzig, 1901); Eng. tr., History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Index. s.v. (New York, 1891).

BLAU, L. Das alt-judische Zauberwesen (Strassburg, 1898).

_Arabia and Modern Egypt_

WELLHAUSEN, J. Reste arabischen Heidentumes, Index, s.v. (Berlin, 1897).

LANE, E. W. The Thousand and One Nights, Index (London, 1883).


CASTReN, M. A. Finnische Mythologie (Germ. tr., St. Petersburg, 1853).


BLOOMFIELD, M. Eng. tr. of the Atharva-Veda (in Sacred Books of the East) (Oxford).

HOPKINS, E. W. Religions of India, Index, s.v. (Boston and London, 1895).


HARRISON, MISS J. E. Themis, a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion (Cambridge, England, 1912).


APULEIUS. Metamorphoses.

FRIEDLaNDER, L. Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms (8th ed., Leipzig, 1910); Eng. tr., Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, Index (London and New York, ca. 1903).

WISSOWA, G. Religion und Kultus der Romer (Munchen, 1902).

FOWLER, W. W. Religious Experience of the Roman People, Index (London, 1911).


LA SAUSSAYE, P. D. CHANTEPIE DE. Religion of the Teutons, Index, s.v.

(Boston and London, 1902).

_Noncivilized Peoples_

ELLIS, A. B. Tshi (London, 1887); E?e (London, 1890); Yoruba (London, 1894).

CODRINGTON, R. H. The Melanesians, Index, s.v. (Oxford, 1891).

SPENCER AND GILLEN. Native Tribes of Central Australia (London, 1899); Northern Tribes of Central Australia [the Intichiuma ceremonies]

(London, 1904).

HOWITT, A. W. Native Tribes of South-East Australia (London, 1904).

HOLLIS, A. C. The Masai, Index (Oxford, 1905); The Nandi, Index (Oxford, 1909).

WESTERMARCK, E. L'ar, or the Transference of Conditional Curses in Morocco (in Essays presented to Tylor) (Oxford, 1907).

SELIGMANN, C. G. Melanesians of British New Guinea, Index (Cambridge, England, 1910).

BROWN, G. Melanesians and Polynesians, Index (London, 1910).

DIXON, R. B. The Northern Maidu (New York, 1905); The Shasta (New York, 1907).

SKEAT, W. W. Malay Magic (London, 1900).

RIVERS, W. H. H. The Todas (London. 1906).

CROOKE, W. Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India, Index

(London, 1896).

TEIT, J. Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia, Index (Boston and New York, 1898).

BELL, H. H. J. Obeah: Witchcraft in the West Indies (2d ed., London, 1893).


La Grande Encyclopedie (Paris), article "Divination."

Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th ed.), articles "Divination" and "Oracle."

Encyclopaedia Biblica (London and New York), article "Divination."

Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible (Edinburgh and New York), articles "Divination" and "Soothsaying."

Jewish Encyclopedia (New York and London), articles "Divination,"

"Astrology," "Necromancy."

CICERO. De Divinatione.

PLUTARCH. De Pythiae Oraculis; De Defectu Oraculorum.

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