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FRAZER, J. G. Totemism and Exogamy (London, 1910).


FRAZER, J. G. Article "Taboo" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed.).

CRAWLEY, A. E. Mystic Rose (London, 1902); Exogamy and the Mating of Cousins (in Essays presented to Tylor, Oxford, 1907).

GENNEP, A. VAN. Tabou et totemisme a Madagascar (Paris, 1904).

HODSON, T. C. The Genna amongst the Tribes of Assam, _Journal of the Anthropological Institute_, xxxvi (London, 1906).

MARILLIER, L. Article "Tabou" (in La Grande Encyclopedie) (Paris).

TYLOR, E. B. Early History of Mankind, p. 129 ff. (3d ed., London, 1878).

FRAZER, J. G. Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship [holds that taboo is a negative magic] (London, 1905); Taboo and the Perils of the Soul (part ii of 3d ed. of the Golden Bough) (London, 1911).

MARETT, R. R. Is Taboo a Negative Magic? (in Essays presented to Tylor) (Oxford, 1907) [reply to Frazer].

THOMAS, N. W. Article "Taboo" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.).

GAIT, E. A. Article "Caste" (in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics) (Edinburgh and New York, 1911).

TAYLOR, R. New Zealand (London, 1870).

ALEXANDER, W. D. Brief History of the Hawaiian People (New York, 1892).

_The Hebrew Sabbath as a Taboo Day_

TOY, C. H. The Earliest Form of the Hebrew Sabbath, _Journal of Biblical Literature_ (Boston, 1899).

DRIVER, S. R. Article "Sabbath" (in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible) (Edinburgh and New York, 1902).

PINCHES, T. G. Sapattu, the Babylonian Sabbath, _Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology_ (London, 1904).

ZIMMERN, H. Comments on Pinches's article, _Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft_ (Leipzig, 1904).

MEINHOLD, J. Sabbat und Woche in Alten Testament (Gottingen, 1905).

WEBSTER, H. Rest Days: a Sociological Study, _University Studies_ (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1911).


Articles in La Grande Encyclopedie (Paris); Encyclopaedia Britannica (London, 11th ed.); Daremberg and Saglio, Dictionnaire des antiquites grecques et romaines (Paris).

TYLOR, E. B. Researches into the Early History of Mankind, p. 129 (3d ed., London, 1878); Primitive Culture, Index, s.v. (3d ed., London, 1891).

KING, J. H. The Supernatural, bk. ii, chap. iii f. (London, 1892).

DAVIES, T. WITTON. Magic, Divination, and Demonology (London, 1898).

TIELE, C. P. Elements of the Science of Religion, Index, s.v. (Edinburgh and London, 1899).

JEVONS, F. B. Introduction to the History of Religion, Index, s.v.

(London, 1896; 2d. ed., 1902).

LANO, A. Magic and Religion (London, 1901).

HOBHOUSE, L. T. Morals in Evolution, Index, s.v. (London and New York, 1906).

HADDON, A. C. Magic and Fetishism (London, 1906).

WESTERMARCK, E. Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, Index, s.v.

(London, 1908).

HUBERT AND MAUSS. In _L'Annee sociologique_, vii (Paris, 1902-1903).

REINACH, S. Orpheus, Index, s.v. (Paris, 1909; Eng. tr., London and New York, 1909).

FRAZER, J. G. Early History of the Kingship, Index, s.v. (London, 1905).

MARETT, R. R. Is Taboo a Negative Magic? (in Anthropological Essays presented to E. B. Tylor) (Oxford, 1907).

HARRISON, MISS J. E. Chap. iv of her Themis (Cambridge, England, 1912).


ERMAN, A. Life in Ancient Egypt (Eng. tr., London, 1894).

BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS. Egyptian Magic (London, 1899).

WIEDEMANN, A. Magie und Zauberei im alten Aegypten (Leipzig, 1905).

BREASTED, J. H. History of Egypt, Index, s.v. (New York, 1905).

_Babylonia and Assyria_

KING, L. W. Babylonian Magic and Sorcery (London, 1896).

JASTROW, M. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Boston, 1898); Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens (Giessen, 1906- ).

FOSSEY, CH. La magie assyrienne (Paris, 1902).

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