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MANILIUS. Astronomica (ed. Theod. Breiter, Leipzig, 1907-1908).

FIRMICUS MATERNUS. Matheseos Libri viii (ed. Pruckner, Basel, 1551); bks. i-iv and bk. v, proem (ed. Kroll and Skutch, Leipzig, 1897).

TYLOR, E. B. Primitive Culture, Index (London, 1891).

KING, J. H. The Supernatural (London, 1892).

ERMAN, A. Handbook of Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr., London, 1907).

JASTROW, M., JR. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Boston and London, 1898; and the German ed., Giessen, 1906- ); Aspects of Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria (New York and London, 1911).

HOPKINS, E. W. Religions of India, pp. 256, 328 (Boston and London, 1895).

STENGEL AND OEMICHEN. Die griechischen Sakralaltertumer (Munich, 1890).

BOUCHe-LECLERCQ. Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquite (Paris, 1879-1882); L'astrologie grecque (Paris, 1899).

DAREMBERG AND SAGLIO. Dictionnaire des antiquites grecques et romaines, articles "Divinatio" and "Haruspices" (Paris, 1873-1884).

FARNELL, L. R. Cults of the Greek States, iv, 179 ff. (Oxford, 1896-1909) (Oracles); Greece and Babylon, Index, s.v. (Edinburgh, 1911).

GARDNER AND JEVONS. Greek Antiquities (London, 1895).

WISSOWA, G. Religion und Kultus der Romer (Munchen, 1902).

FOWLER, W. W. Religious Experience of the Roman People (London, 1911).

Article "Sibylla" (by Buchholz in Roscher's Lexikon).

CUMONT, FR. Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans (New York and London, 1912).

WELLHAUSEN, J. Reste arabischen Heidentumes (Berlin, 1897).

Article "Celts" in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Edinburgh and New York, 1911).

LA SAUSSAYE, P. D. CHANTEPIE DE. Religion of the Teutons, Index (Boston and London, 1902).

GROOT, J. J. M. DE. Religious System of China (Leiden, 1892-1907).

Articles "Ancestor-worship," "Ahoms," "Bantu" in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.

TURNER, G. Samoa, Index (London, 1884).

FURNESS, W. H. 3d. Home Life of Borneo Head-hunters (Philadelphia, 1902).

RIVERS, W. H. H. The Todas, Index (London, 1906).

THURSTON, E. Omens and Superstitions of Southern India (London, 1912).

ELLIS, A. B. Tshi (London, 1887).

CALLAWAY, H. Religious System of the Amazulu (Natal, 1868-1870).

Article "Dreams and Sleep" in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.


See periodicals mentioned above, p. 587.

FRAZER, J. G. Golden Bough (3d ed., London, 1911).

KEIGHTLY, T. Fairy Mythology (2d ed., London, 1850).

MACCULLOCH, J. A. Article "Fairy" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

MANNHARDT, J. W. E. Wald- und Feldkulte (Berlin, 1877).

History of the aesopic Fable (in Caxton's aesop, ed. Jos. Jacob) (London, 1889).

JACOBS, J. Migration of Fables (Introduction to his Fables of Pilpay) (London, 1888); Fables of aesop (London, 1894).

HARTLAND, E. S. Science of Fairy Tales (London, 1891); Folk-lore, what is it? (London, 1897); Mythology and Folktales (London, 1900).

GOMME, G. L. Ethnology in Folklore (London, 1892); Folklore as an Historical Science (London, 1908).

GENNEP, A. VAN. La formation des legendes (Paris, 1910).

Bibliotheca Diabolica (New York, 1874).

CARUS, P. History of the Devil and of the Idea of Evil (Chicago, 1900).


BATCHELOR, J. The Ainu and their Folklore (London, 1901).

SEIDENAGEL, C. W. Language spoken by the Bontoc-Igorot [of Luzon]

(Chicago, 1909).

EMERSON, N. B. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii (Washington, 1909).


BOAS, F. Dissemination of Tales among the Natives of North America, _Journal of American Folklore_, iv (Boston, 1891); Indianische Sagen von der nordpacifischen Kuste Nord-Amerikas (Berlin, 1895).

DORSEY, G. A. The Dwamish Indian Spirit Boat, _Bulletin of Philadelphia Free Museum of Science and Art_ (1902).

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