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DE MAL EN PIS (Fr.), from bad to worse.

DEMEURE (Fr.), dwelling.

DEMI-JOUR (Fr.), half-light, twilight, subdued light.

DE MINIMIS NON CURAT LEX (L.), the law does not concern itself about very small matters.

DE MORTUIS NIL NISI BONUM (L.), say nothing but good of the dead.

DE NIHILO NIHILUM, IN NIHILUM NIL POSSE REVERTI (L.), from nothing nothing, into nothing nothing can return.

DE NOVO (L.), anew.

DEO DATE (L.), give ye to God.

DEO FAVENTE (L.), with God's favour.

DEO GRATIAS (L.), thanks to God.

DE OMNI RE SCIBILI ET QUIBUSDAM ALIIS (L.), about all things knowable, and some others.

DEO VOLENTE, or D.V. (L.), God willing: by God's will.

DePeCHE (Fr.), despatch, message.

DE PIS EN PIS (Fr.), worse and worse.

DE PROFUNDIS (L.), out of the depths, a dirge.

DE RETOUR (Fr.), back again, returned.

DER GROSSE HEIDE (Ger.), the great heathen or Pagan [Heine's name for Goethe].

DE RIGUEUR (Fr.), strictly required: indispensable: obligatory: compulsory: latest.

DERNIER RESSORT (Fr.), last resort, last resource.

DeSAGReMENT (Fr.), something disagreeable.

DESIPERE IN LOCO (L.), to jest at the proper time.

DeSOBLIGEANTE (Fr.), a carriage for two.

DeSORIENTe (Fr.), having lost one's bearings, confused, bemuddled.

DESUETUDO (L.), disuse.

DESUNT CETERA (L.), the remainder is wanting.

DE TE FABULA NARRATUR (L.), the parable is told about you yourself; thou art the man.

DeTENU, fem. DeTENUE (Fr.), a prisoner.

DE TROP (Fr.), too much, or too many, superfluous, intrusive.

DETUR DIGNIORI (L.), let it be given to the more worthy;--DETUR PULCHRIORI (L.), let it be given to the fairer.

DEUS AVERTAT! (L.), God forbid!

DEUS DET! (L.), God grant!

DEUS EX MACHINA (L.), a god [let down] out of the machine [in theatrical apparatus]: a too obvious device in an author's plot.

DEUS NOBIS HaeC OTIA FECIT (L.), it is a god that hath given us this ease.

DEUS VOBISCUM! (L.), God be with you!

DEUS VULT! (L.), God wills it! [the Crusaders' cry].

DEXTRO TEMPORE (L.), at a lucky moment.

DICAMUS BONA VERBA (L.), let us speak words of good omen.

DICHTUNG UND WAHRHEIT (Ger.), fiction and truth.

DICTA PROBANTIA (L.), proof texts.

DICTUM DE DICTO (L.), hearsay report.

DICTUM SAPIENTI SAT EST (L.), a word to the wise is enough.

DIEM PERDIDI (L.), I have lost a day [said by the emperor Titus].

DIES FASTI or PROFESTI (L.), days on which judgment could be pronounced, on which courts could be held in ancient Rome, lawful days.

DIES FAUSTUS (L.), lucky day.

DIES FESTI or FERIae (L.), days of actual festival.

DIES INFAUSTUS (L.), unlucky day.

DIES IRae (L.), day of wrath: the day of judgment.

DIES NEFASTI (L.), days on which judgment could not be pronounced or assemblies of the people be held, in ancient Rome.

DIES NON (L.), a day on which judges do not sit.

DIEU AVEC NOUS (Fr.), God with us.

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