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The old streets of Summer Crinkle returned to its usual peace after the night fell. The tourists and workers all returned to their homes after a whole day of activities. Only the people from the Demon Hunter headquarters continued their search for the perpetrators behind the assault. They rounded up and silently took into detention characters who matched the sketches as well as those who acted suspiciously—this went to show the hold that the Demon Hunter headquarters actually had over Summer Crinkle. On the surface, Summer Crinkle belonged to the government, but truth be told, it was the headquarters who was the real shot-caller, after all, even the Summer Crinkle mayor was once an Expert Demon Hunter.

After nodding at a few friendly faces on the streets, Ye Qi was led by Tatum to enter an alley that had a stone pavement—where A Wa and Darien already stood waiting.

"Is this it?"

Ye Qi, standing in the shadows, pointed at a simple campground that had a colourful giant top in the middle. Even though it was fast approaching dawn, the tent was surrounded by mellifluous music and the occasional bursts of laughter.

"That's right!" The lanky fella nodded and said with open praise, "To think to use the circus' animals to hide the smell of ogres, that truly is a brilliant idea! If not for A Wa's animal friends, we wouldn't have found this place so soon!"

"I was merely following Ye's idea!" The shy A Wa scratched his head to divert the attention from him. "If not for Ye's brilliant reminder, my animal friends wouldn't have thought to pay attention to a place like this!"

A Wa came from a famed Demon Hunter family in Lagoon. However, he was expelled from his family because he couldn't bring himself to take down his assigned target due to his ability to converse with animals. With his natural affinity to crossbows and throwing daggers, he carved a spot for himself among the Demon Hunters on his own. However, due to his shy nature and kind heart, he didn't have many friends unless one counted those who took advantage of him, but that all changed when Ye Qi stepped onto stage to help him take revenge against Glados…

"A Wa, help me thank your animal friends!" After half a year of interaction with A Wa, Ye Qi knew the best way to deal with this shy fella, it was to be as straightforward as possible. "Did you manage to get any information out of the circus animals?"

"Unfortunately, no! The animals under Hank's care are too scared to converse with outsiders…" A Wa reached out to caress the shaking purple mink that had curled itself around A Wa's shoulders. There was an unspeakable sadness in its eyes. "Most of the animals there have been tortured beyond emotions. They're pretty much walking attractions waiting for death to catch up to them."

"Don't worry, since this place is related to that assault, those animals will be free soon!" Ye Qi consoled his friend before turning to Darien. "Darien, are you familiar with this circus?"

"Hank Circus is a popular attraction in Summer Crinkle! I've been here once with my parents when I was a child!" Darien, who was a local, gave all the information that he had. "Hank Circus comes to Summer Crinkle at least thrice every year, and it brings with it weeklong activities that never stop! They are famous for parlour tricks, animal taming, magic shows, illusion showcase…"

Illusion showcase?

Ye Qi narrowed his eyes when Darien brought that up. He was reminded instantly of the assassin who relied on Invisibility to assault the camp. Even though he couldn't be certain that Hank Circus' illusionist was the perpetrator they were looking for, it was a place to start.

"Tatum, A Wa, I need the both of you to go ask for a warrant from the headquarters!" Since this place was too embroiled in the assault not to be suspicious, Ye Qi had to meet with the ringmaster personally to find out more! However, he couldn't just saunter in and demand information. The Demon Hunter Headquarters might have Summer Crinkle under its fingertips, but certain surface procedures had to be done. "Darien, we, on the other hand, will go visit this most popular attraction in Summer Crinkle!"

Back in the Demon Hunter headquarters, things were progressing along.

"Noah, what did you find out?" Jacob asked Noah, who had just walked in, "Who is it?"

"It was a Cavalry blacksmith who sold the information to the enemies!" Noah reported, "I've sent him to the Tower of Thorns! But the person who bought the information was very careful; they didn't leave behind any information! They used a fake name and a veil during the transaction, and the money that changed hands were all old notes!"

Jacob nodded with approval and he continued in his hoarse voice. "No worries because we might have another lead on that front! It's Hank Circus. Ye Qi's team has already confirmed the ogres were smuggled through the circus, and the Apostle-level assassin might be hiding there as well! I want you and Titan to go support Ye Qi's team and help them if necessary!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Sir, welcome to Hank Circus, the happiest place on Earth!" The clown who sold the tickets came out with the circus' slogan when he saw Ye Qi and Darien walk towards the big top. Then, he went into his sales pitch. "Adult tickets…"

"I wish to see your ringmaster!" Ye Qi interrupted the clown and produced for him the newly released warrant. "I believe this is better discussed with your ringmaster!"

"Of course!" The painted smile on the clown's face wasn't enough to cover up his shock and alarm. He then recovered and proceeded to lead the way. "Please, come with me!"

The ringmaster was the leader of the circus, but his accommodation was similar to other members of the circus—in other places, it would be a trailer, but since Summer Crinkle didn't allow automobiles, it was a simple tent.

The ringmaster, Hank, was wearing a presentable suit, and his hair was slicked back neatly. His lips were stretched into a thin line, and his facial expression was tense. One really wouldn't expect the serious looking Hank to be in any way related to the "happiest place on world", but then again, he didn't look much like an assassin either.

"Sirs, how can I help you?" Even Hank's words were straight and to-the-book. "But first, please let me see the warrant!"

"A bunch of thugs attacked the tourists around Summer Crinkle tonight and caused serious injuries!" Ye Qi said with a downturned frown on his face as he passed Hank the warrant. "I hope Mr. Hank will cooperate with our investigation and summon all of your circus performers to gather because we suspect the thugs are hiding among your ranks!"

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