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HOMOGENEAL, h[=o]-m[=o]-j[=e]'ni-al, HOMOGENEOUS, h[=o]-m[=o]j[=e]'ni-us, _adj._ of the same kind or nature: having the constituent elements all similar.--_ns._ HOMOGE'NEOUSNESS, HOMOGEN[=E]'ITY, HOM[=O]'GENY, sameness of nature or kind. [Gr. _homogen[=e]s_--_homos_, one, same, _genos_, kind.]

HOMOGENESIS, h[=o]-m[=o]-jen'e-sis, _n._ (_biol._) a mode of reproduction in which the offspring is like the parent, and passes through the same cycle of existence.--_adj._ HOMOGENET'IC. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _genesis_, birth.]

HOMOGRAPH, hom'[=o]-graf, _n._ a word of the same form as another, but different meaning and origin.--Also _Homonym_.

HOMOIOUSIAN, h[=o]-moi-[=oo]'si-an, _adj._ similar in essence (as distinct from the Nicene _homo-ousion_ and the strictly Arian _hetero-ousion_), the semi-Arian position in the great Christological controversy of the 4th century (see ARIAN). [Gr. _homoios_, like, _ousia_, being--_einai_, to be.]

HOMOLOGATE, h[=o]-mol'o-g[=a]t, _v.t._ to say the same: to agree: to approve: to allow.--_n._ HOMOLOG[=A]'TION. [Low L. _homolog[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--Gr. _homologein_--_homos_, the same, _legein_, to say.]

HOMOLOGOUS, h[=o]-mol'o-gus, _adj._ agreeing: corresponding in relative position, proportion, value, or structure.--_adj._ HOMOLOG'ICAL.--_v.t._ and _v.i._ HOMOL'OGISE.--_ns._ HOM'OLOGUE, that which is homologous to something else, as the same organ in different animals under its various forms and functions; HOMOL'OGY, the quality of being homologous: affinity of structure, and not of form or use. [Gr. _homologos_--_homos_, the same, _legein_, to say.]

HOMOLOGUMENA, h[=o]-m[=o]-l[=o]-g[=oo]'me-na, the books of the New Testament, whose authenticity was universally acknowledged in the early Church--opp. of _Antilegumena_. [Gr.,--_homologein_, to agree.]

HOMOMORPHOUS, h[=o]-m[=o]-mor'fus, _adj._ analogous, not homologous, superficially alike--also HOMOMOR'PHIC.--_n._ HOMOMOR'PHISM. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _morph[=e]_, form.]

HOMONYM, hom'o-nim, _n._ a word having the same sound as another, but a different meaning.--_adj._ HOMON'YMOUS, having the same name: having different significations: ambiguous: equivocal.--_adv._ HOMON'YMOUSLY.--_n._ HOMON'YMY, sameness of name, with difference of meaning: ambiguity: equivocation. [Fr. _homonyme_--Gr.

_hom[=o]nymos_--_homos_, the same, _onoma_, name.]

HOMOOUSIAN, h[=o]-m[=o]-[=oo]'si-an, _adj._ of or belonging to identity or sameness of substance--the co-equality of the Son with the Father--the orthodox position which triumphed in the great Christological controversy of the 4th century (see ARIAN). [Gr. _homos_, same, _ousia_, being--_einai_, to be.]

HOMOPHONE, hom'o-f[=o]n, _n._ a letter or character having the same sound as another.--_adj._ HOMOPH'ONOUS, having the same sound.--_n._ HOMOPH'ONY.

[Gr. _homos_, the same, _ph[=o]n[=e]_, sound.]

HOMOPLASTIC, h[=o]-m[=o]-plas'tik, _adj._ analogical or adaptive, and not homological in structure.--_ns._ HOM'[=O]PLASMY, HOM'[=O]PLASY. [Gr.

_homos_, the same, _plastos_, _plassein_, to form.]

HOMOPTERA, hom-op't[.e]r-a, _n._ an order of insects having two pair of wings uniform throughout.--_adj._ HOMOP'TEROUS. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _pteron_, a wing.]

HOMOTAXIS, hom'o-tak'sis; _n._ (_geol._) similarity of order in organic succession, a term suggested by Huxley as a substitute for _contemporaneity_ (q.v.).--_adjs._ HOMOTAX'IAL, HOMOTAX'IC.--_adv._ HOMOTAX'ICALLY. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _taxis_, arrangement.]

HOMOTONOUS, h[=o]-mot'[=o]-nus, _adj._ of the same tenor or tone.--_n._ HOMOT'ONY.

HOMOTROPOUS, h[=o]-mot'r[=o]-pus, _adj._ turned or directed in the same way as something else: (_bot._) curved or turned in one direction.--Also HOMOT'ROPAL. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _tropos_, a turn.]

HOMOTYPE, hom'o-t[=i]p, _n._ that which has the same fundamental type of structure with something else.--_n._ HOM'OTYPY. [Gr. _homos_, the same, _typos_, type.]

HOMUNCULUS, h[=o]-mung'k[=u]-lus, _n._ a tiny man capable of being produced artificially, according to Paracelsus, endowed with magical insight and power: a dwarf, mannikin. [L., dim. of _homo_.]

HONE, h[=o]n, _n._ a stone of a fine grit for sharpening instruments.--_v.t._ to sharpen as on a hone. [A.S. _han_; Ice. _hein_; allied to Gr. _k[=o]nos_, a cone.]

HONE, h[=o]n, _v.i._ to pine, moan, grieve. [Perh. Fr. _hogner_, to grumble.]

HONEST, on'est, _adj._ full of honour: just: the opposite of thievish, free from fraud: frank, fair-seeming, openly shown: chaste: (_B._) honourable.--_adv._ HON'ESTLY.--_n._ HON'ESTY, the state of being honest: integrity: candour: a small flowering plant, so called from its transparent seed-pouch: (_B._) becoming deportment: (_Shak._) chastity.--MAKE AN HONEST WOMAN OF, to marry, where the woman has been dishonoured first. [Fr.,--L.


HONEY, hun'i, _n._ a sweet, thick fluid collected by bees from the flowers of plants: anything sweet like honey.--_v.t._ to sweeten: to make agreeable:--_pr.p._ hon'eying; _pa.p._ hon'eyed (-'id).--_adj._ (_Shak._) sweet.--_ns._ HON'EY-BAG, an enlargement of the alimentary canal of the bee in which it carries its load of honey; HON'EYBEAR, a South American carnivorous mammal about the size of a cat, with a long protrusive tongue, which it uses to rob the nests of wild bees; HON'EY-BEE, the hive-bee; HON'EY-BUZZ'ARD, a genus of buzzards or falcons, so called from their feeding on bees, wasps, &c.; HON'EYCOMB, a comb or mass of waxy cells formed by bees, in which they store their honey: anything like a honeycomb.--_v.t._ to fill with cells: to perforate.--_adj._ HON'EYCOMBED (-k[=o]md), formed like a honeycomb.--_ns._ HON'EY-CROCK (_Spens._), a crock or pot of honey; HON'EYDEW, a sugary secretion from the leaves of plants in hot weather: a fine sort of tobacco moistened with molasses.--_adjs._ HON'EYED, HON'IED, covered with honey: sweet: flattering; HON'EYLESS, destitute of honey.--_ns._ HON'EY-GUIDE, -INDICATOR, a genus of African birds supposed to guide men to honey by hopping from tree to tree with a peculiar cry; HON'EY-L[=O]'CUST, an ornamental North American tree; HON'EYMOON, HON'EYMONTH, the first month after marriage, commonly spent in travelling, before settling down to the business of life.--_v.i._ to keep one's honeymoon.--_adj._ HON'EY-MOUTHED, having a honeyed mouth or speech: soft or smooth in speech.--_ns._ HON'EY-STALK, prob. the flower of the clover; HON'EY-SUCK'ER, a large family of Australian birds; HON'EYSUCKLE, a climbing shrub with beautiful cream-coloured flowers, so named because honey is readily sucked from the flower.--_adjs._ HON'EY-SWEET, sweet as honey; HON'EY-TONGUED, having a honeyed tongue or speech: soft or pleasing in speech.--VIRGIN HONEY, honey that flows of itself from the comb; WILD HONEY, honey made by wild bees.

[A.S. _hunig_; Ger. _honig_, Ice. _hunang_.]

HONG, hong, _n._ a Chinese warehouse: a foreign mercantile establishment in China. [Chin.]


HONK, hongk, _n._ the cry of the wild goose.--_v.t._ to give the cry of the wild goose. [Imit.]

HONORARIUM, hon'or-[=a]'ri-um, _n._ a voluntary fee paid, esp. to a professional man for his services. [L. _honorarium_ (_donum_), honorary (gift).]

HONORARY, on'or-ar-i, _adj._ conferring honour: holding a title or office without performing services or receiving a reward.--_n._ a fee. [L.


HONOUR, on'or, _n._ the esteem due or paid to worth: respect: high estimation: veneration, said of God: that which rightfully attracts esteem: exalted rank: distinction: excellence of character: nobleness of mind: any special virtue much esteemed: any mark of esteem: a title of respect: (_pl._) privileges of rank or birth: civilities paid: at whist, one of the four highest trump cards (if one pair of partners hold four honours they score four points; if three, two points; if only two, none--'Honours easy'): (_golf_) the right to play first from the tee: academic prizes or distinctions.--_v.t._ to hold in high esteem: to respect: to adore: to exalt: to accept and pay when due.--_adj._ HON'OURABLE, worthy of honour: illustrious: actuated by principles of honour: conferring honour: becoming men of exalted station: a title of distinction.--_n._ HON'OURABLENESS, eminence: conformity to the principles of honour: fairness.--_adv._ HON'OURABLY.--_adjs._ HON'OURED; HON'OURLESS.--_n._ HON'OUR-POINT (_her._), the point just above the fesse-point.--HONOUR BRIGHT! a kind of interjectional minor oath or appeal to honour; HONOURS OF WAR, the privileges granted to a capitulating force to march out with their arms, flags, &c.--AFFAIR OF HONOUR, a duel; DEBT OF HONOUR (see DEBT); LAST HONOURS, funeral rites: obsequies; LAWS OF HONOUR, the conventional rules of honourable conduct, esp. in the causes and conduct of duels; MAID OF HONOUR, a lady in the service of a queen or princess; POINT OF HONOUR, any scruple caused by a sense of duty: the obligation to demand and to receive satisfaction for an insult, esp. in the duel; UPON MY HONOUR, an appeal to one's honour or reputation in support of a certain statement; WORD OF HONOUR, a verbal promise which cannot be broken without disgrace. [Fr.,--L.


HOOD, hood, _n._ a covering for the head: anything resembling such: a folding roof for a carriage: an ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown, and worn over it.--_v.t._ to cover with a hood: to blind.--_adj._ HOOD'ED.--_n._ HOOD'IE-CROW, the hooded crow (_Corvus cornix_).--_adj._ HOOD'LESS, having no hood.--_ns._ HOOD'MAN, the person blindfolded in blindman's buff; HOOD'MAN-BLIND (_Shak._), blindman's buff. [A.S. _hod_; Dut. _hoed_, Ger. _hut_.]

HOODLUM, h[=oo]d'lum, _n._ (_U.S._) a rowdy, street bully.

HOODOCK, hood'ok, _adj._ (_Scot._) miserly.

HOODWINK, hood'wingk, _v.t._ to blindfold: (_Shak._) to cover: to deceive, impose on. [_Hood_, _wink_.]

HOOF, h[=oo]f, _n._ the horny substance on the feet of certain animals, as horses, &c.: a hoofed animal:--_pl._ HOOFS, HOOVES.--_v.i._ (of a hoofed animal) to walk.--_adjs._ HOOF'-BOUND, having a contraction of the hoof causing lameness; HOOFED; HOOF'LESS, without hoofs,--_n._ HOOF-MARK, the mark of an animal's hoof on the ground, &c.--_adj._ HOOF'-SHAPED.--CLOVEN HOOF (see CLOVEN). [A.S. _hof_; Ger. _huf_, Ice. _hofr_.]

HOOK, hook, _n._ a piece of metal bent into a curve, so as to catch or hold anything: a snare: an advantageous hold: a curved instrument for cutting grain: a spit of land projecting into the sea, ending in a hook-shaped form.--_v.t._ to catch or hold with a hook: to draw as with a hook: to ensnare: (_golf_) to drive a ball widely to the left--also _Draw_.--_v.i._ to bend: to be curved.--_adj._ HOOKED.--_ns._ HOOK'EDNESS, the state of being bent like a hook; HOOK'ER, he who, or that which, hooks.--_adj._ HOOK'-NOSED, having a hooked or curved nose.--_n._ HOOK'-PIN, an iron pin with hooked head used for pinning the frame of a floor or roof together.--_adj._ HOOK'Y, full of, or pertaining to, hooks.--HOOK AND EYE, a contrivance for fastening dresses by means of a hook made to fasten on a ring or eye on another part of the dress; HOOK IT (_slang_), to decamp, make off.--BY HOOK OR BY CROOK, one way or the other; OFF THE HOOKS, out of gear: superseded: dead; ON ONE'S OWN HOOK, on one's own responsibility.

[A.S. _hoc_; Dut. _haak_, Ger. _haken_.]

HOOKAH, HOOKA, h[=oo]'ka, _n._ the water tobacco-pipe of Arabs, Turks, &c.

[Ar. _huqqa_.]

HOOKER, hook'[.e]r, _n._ a two-masted Dutch vessel, a small fishing-smack.

[Dut. _hoeker_.]

HOOLIGAN, hoo'li-gan, _n._ one of a gang of street roughs, addicted to crimes of violence--HOO'LIGANISM. [From the name of a leader of such a gang.]

HOOLY, h[=oo]l'i, _adv._ (_Scot._) softly, carefully--also _adj._

HOOP, h[=oo]p, _n._ a pliant strip of wood or metal formed into a ring or band, for holding together the staves of casks, &c.: something resembling such: a large ring of wood or metal for a child to trundle: a ring: (_pl._) elastic materials used to expand the skirt of a lady's dress.--_v.t._ to bind with hoops: to encircle.--_ns._ HOOP'-ASH, a kind of ash much used for making hoops (same as _Nettle-tree_); HOOPED'-POT, a drinking-pot with hoops to mark the amount each man should drink; HOOP'ER, one who hoops casks: a cooper. [A.S. _hop_; Dut. _hoep_.]

HOOP, h[=oo]p, _v.i._ to call out.--_n._ HOOP'ER, the wild swan. [_Whoop_.]


HOOPOE, h[=oo]p'[=o], HOOPOO, h[=oo]p'[=oo], _n._ a genus of crested birds allied to the hornbills. [L. _upupa_; Gr. _epops_.]

HOOT, h[=oo]t, _v.i._ to shout in contempt: to cry like an owl.--_v.t._ to drive with cries of contempt.--_n._ a scornful cry: the owl's cry. [Imit.; cf. Sw. _hut_, begone; W. _hwt_.]

HOOVE, h[=oo]v, _n._ a disease of cattle and sheep, marked by distention of the abdomen by gas--also _Wind-dropsy_, DRUM-BELLY.--_adjs._ HOOV'EN, H[=O]'VEN.

HOP, hop, _v.i._ to leap on one leg: to spring: to walk lame: to limp:--_pr.p._ hop'ping; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ hopped.--_n._ a leap on one leg: a jump: a spring: a dance, dancing-party.--_ns._ HOP'-O'-MY-THUMB, the diminutive hero of one of Madame D'Aulnoy's famous nursery tales--'_le petit pouce_,' not to be confounded with the English Tom Thumb; HOP'PER, one who hops: a shaking or conveying receiver, funnel, or trough in which something is placed to be passed or fed, as to a mill: a boat having a movable part in its bottom for emptying a dredging-machine: a vessel in which seed-corn is carried for sowing; HOP'PING, the act of one who hops or leaps on one leg; HOP'-SCOTCH, a game in which children hop over lines scotched or traced on the ground.--HOP, SKIP, AND JUMP, a leap on one leg, a skip, and a jump with both legs; HOP THE TWIG (_slang_), to escape one's creditors: to die. [A.S. _hoppian_, to dance; Ger. _hupfen_.]

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