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Chapter 39: Confrontation (2)

Corrine stared at me as if I said something offensive, as if I'm harassing her or what. I can't believe that the person I admired because of her angelic appearance was hiding a non-angelic character.

For a split second, I saw the hatred in her eyes. I suddenly remembered a few things.

The Stanford family is a big influence in this school and throughout Hesperia. Her father is a member of the Board of Trustees of Titan Academy and also one of the major financer. Corrine's mother has that big effect for my side.

But currently, I’m having a fucked up conversation with the Stanford heiress. A hint of worry almost crossed my face but I tried not to let it show. I met Corrine's eyes.

Will this affect the group? No. Corrine can't do that. She still cares about Gin and knows how important it is for him.

But there was one thing I was more worried about. Her Mom. I don't know why but I just don't want to ruin the reputation and trust that her Mom gave to me.

I was relieved to notice that her expression was back to normal.

“Noted.” She said.

I can't help being surprised. I noticed her calmness, as if she's as sincere as she says.

“Okay, then.” I answered. I was about to turn back when I paused because of what she added.

“Shia,” she said. “Please do take this advice.” I couldn't do anything but to face her again.

“People love playing with unusual things— things that pricked their interest. But eventually, interest fades, and everything will go back the way it is.”

She came towards me.

“You are just temporary, Shia. After the Game, if given the chance you will all survive, you have to leave the Academy then and go back to your old life, and so do we.”

She smiled sweetly at me.

“And please don’t consider yourself as a threat. You are just a mere disturbance.”

I went back in the hallway towards the training room as if nothing happened. As if I was not really slapped with the truth through Corrine’s statement.

I walked down the staircase and entered the training room without even noticing what’s happening there. That's why I was surprised when a jungle greeted me as I walked in. It was all around me with the sudden sounds of rumble from the ground.

Real life simulator.

Then I realized what kind of training we have today. I saw how the ground slowly shook and the swelling sound of rumble from it as if it wanted to explode—

Oh shit.

We were under a 'specific ability training' today— Cain’s ability to be exact. I quickly tried to avoid it but I was standing almost at the foot of the explosion. I can see the rising of the ground; its very surface was about to exploded onto me when I felt a hand held me tightly on my arm. It pulled me out but we could longer go further.

“Turn around and duck!” It commanded..

I did what he said. I heard something big fell to the exploding ground before it could finally explode. Some tiny debris flew to me but most of them were sent in different directions.

I was about to look back at the explosion when he shouted again. “It’s interconnected. Up! Up!”

I immediately got what he wanted to say. I ran to the nearest tree. I used the momentum of my dash to jump and hold a branch and swung up at it. I quickly stepped on the big branches. Then I stood up and, with the other hand grabbed the branch above me, and held my other hand out to him.

“Come on!” I shouted to Ethan.

He's running with his hand reaching up. I pulled him up when I got his hand. Eventually, he made it to the branch where I was then we both looked down.

Next was the simultaneous explosion— from where I was standing before until to the tree where we were now. It was like a fireworks show but instead of the dark sky, the land was used. And instead of the lights, land debris and plants were draping it.

“Six in total.” Ethan whispered beside me.

I watched the destroyed land in front of us. In the middle of the dust and mess, I noticed the six holes Ethan was referring to. I also saw a large tree pulled from somewhere and fell close to the door. As if it was used as a shield. Maybe that was what Ethan used earlier.

Soon, we heard some voices. The rest of the group exited the forest one by one.

“Oh my God, are you okay?”

“The hell happened?”

“Shit, Shia. I did not mean that. Are you okay?”

Ethan lightly laughed beside me before jumping back to the ground. I don't know what’s funny since we both almost died because of what happened.

When he was on the ground, he stretched out his hand to help me get down. I reached it and quickly jumped beside him. The moment I got my balance, the group surrounded us.

“It's good that you’re both fine.” Luna said.

I noticed their appearances. They were full of scratches, dirt, with leftover leaves on Luna’s hair as though she did not notice, and everyone had almost torn-off clothes.

Wow. I missed a heck of an awesome training.

Cain suddenly came to me. “Shia, I didn't really do it on purpose.” He said with traces of excessive concern.

“I did not know that you will come soon. I thought that the first ones I made had all been defused.”

I was about to answer that 'it’s okay because it's part of our training' when Victoria spoke.

“They survived, so why bother?” She looked around as if assessing the damage. “Six out of ten.”

Ethan nodded and smiled. “Yeah, six out of ten.” He said joyfully.

I was confused while looking at them. “What?” I asked.

“Cain’s post-explosion technique commonly lasts for two hours―max.” Ethan explained. “It deliberately defused on its own when there wasn't any human movement within that set time. But six of it lasted for almost four hours today.”

Ethan looked at Cain. “I didn't know that your post-explosion time range has improved.”

“I did not expect, too.” Cain almost complaint. “I mean—I’ve been practicing for them to last for a longer time, but you were almost injured by them.”

“At least you know your new time range. I did not even know that you can do post-explosion.” I said. What I know was that Cain can only do a direct explosion— the technique where he needed to have a direct contact with the object to make it explode. Now he can even do the post explosion.

Cain scratched his head. “I learned that I could contain explosive energy for a few hours before it would inflate and explode as designed. But it is often weaker compared to the direct ones because there is a tendency that the contracting force inside the post to loosen up.”

“But it’s still a good job.” I said.

“I have to agree.” Ethan seconded.

Unexpectedly, we all looked at the direction of the door where I entered earlier. Gin was standing there with his brows immediately furrowed when he saw the mess that was blocking his way.

He looked at our direction. I froze when our eyes met but there were no emotions visible on his face. It was as if the man I met last night at the lake and the man in front of me now were completely two different persons.

“Team Captain.” The group greeted him.

Seemingly, he had no idea what happened. Fine, then. That’s better. After all, he was drunk. It will just complicate things when he recalls what happened.

Corrine's words suddenly flashed to my mind.

'People love playing with unusual things… But eventually, interest fades…'

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