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Potato Croquettes

Pare sweet or white potatoes and boil as for mashed potatoes. When done and mashed add a good lump of butter and season well; add a little hot milk, form into croquettes and dip into beaten egg, then in bread or cracker crumbs. Cook in deep fat. Garnish with parsley.

Let the sky rain potatoes.--Shakespeare

Pittsburgh Potatoes

1 onion 1 quart potato cubes 1/2 can pimentos 2 cups white sauce 1/2 lb. cheese 1 teaspoon salt

Cook potatoes with chopped onion. Drain and add pimentos cut fine. Pour white sauce over; stir in cheese; bake in a moderate oven.

Sweet Potato Souffle

Boil some sweet potatoes and ripe chestnuts separately, adding a little sugar to the water in which the chestnuts are boiled.

Mash all well together and add some cream and butter and beat until light. Then place for a minute or two in the oven to brown.

Potatoes a la Lyonnaise

Cut cold boiled potatoes into tiny dice of uniform size. Put two great spoonfuls of butter into the frying pan and fry two sliced onions in this for three minutes. With a skimmer remove the onions and turn the potatoes into the hissing butter. Toss and turn with a fork, that the dice may not become brown. When hot, add a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley and cook a minute longer. Remove the potatoes from the pan with a perforated spoon, that the fat may drip from them. Serve very hot.

Stuffed Potatoes

Wash good sized potatoes. Bake them and cut off tops with a sharp knife, and with a teaspoon scoop out the inside of each potato. Put this in a bowl with two ounces of butter, the yolks of two eggs, salt to taste, pepper and sugar.

Potato Dumplings

To be served with German Pot Roast or Beef a la mode.

4 large raw potatoes grated 8 large boiled potatoes grated 2 eggs 3/4 cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon melted butter

Mix eggs with grated raw potatoes, add bread crumbs and butter, lastly grated boiled potatoes and salt, mix flour with the hands while forming dumplings size of large egg, drop at once into boiling salted water.

Boil twenty minutes, drain, lay on platter and sprinkle with fried chopped onions, bread crumbs browned in butter.

Potato Puffers

Peel and grate 8 large potatoes, one onion, mix at once with two or three eggs (before potatoes have time to discolor). Have spider very hot with plenty of hot fat.

Drop into flat cakes 3 in. in diameter, fry crisp brown on one side then turn and fry second side. Serve immediately with apple sauce or stewed fruit of any kind.

Stuffed Tomatoes

(Luncheon Dish.)

5 large tomatoes 1 tablespoon minced green (sweet) peppers minced onion 3 or 4 pork sausages 2 cups bread crumbs 1 teaspoon or tablespoon of minced parsley salt and pepper 1 tablespoon melted butter

Boil the sausages ten minutes, then skin and chop fine. Hollow your tomatoes using about 1/2 cup of the solid parts, chopping fine. Mix all thoroughly then heap into the tomato shells. Put large tablespoon butter in baking pan and bake about 20 minutes in hot oven.

Green peppers and sausages can be omitted if so preferred.

This stuffed tomato served with bread and butter can be used as a first course instead of bouillon and also can be used as a substitute for meat.

Baked Tomatoes

8 large smooth tomatoes 2 green peppers 1 tsp. salt 1 1/2 pints milk 1 good sized onion 1 1/2 T. sugar flour

Wash tomatoes, do not peel, slice piece from top of each and scoop out a little of the tomato. Cut peppers in two lengthwise and remove seeds--place in cold water.

Now put onion and peppers through meat chopper, sprinkle a little sugar and a little salt over each tomato and place in good sized baking dish; now put ground onion and ground peppers on top of tomato.

Put butter in skillet and when melted, not brown, stir in flour until a paste is formed, now add gradually the milk as you would for cream dressing, stir constantly.

The dressing must be very thick to allow for the water from the tomatoes. Put this sauce around the tomatoes, not on top and place in a moderate oven to bake about one hour slow. Serve if possible in the same dish in which it was baked as it is very attractive.



Green String Beans

1/4 Peck

Fry in ham or bacon, 1 onion; add 1 cup tomatoes, 1 sprig thyme, 1 clove garlic--parsley. Add beans and 1 cup water. Cook 1 1/2 hours.

Fresh Beans (Green or Yellow.)

1/4 peck beans 1 good size onion 1/2 clove of garlic 2 small tomatoes 1 pinch of thyme 1/2 tablespoon butter 1/2 tablespoon bacon fat Salt to taste

Cut beans lengthwise very thin. Put butter and bacon fat in saucepan.

Cut up onion and let it fry to a light brown. Then wash beans and put them in the fat. Add garlic and tomatoes, (cut up) and thyme--a little salt and a little water. Cook.


A dish from "fair Provence"

1 large or two small egg-plants; two cucumbers; four onions; six tomatoes; 1 green pepper.

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