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~Membrane~ (mem'-br[=a]n). (L. membrana = thin skin.) A thin, soft tissue that connects two parts, or lines a body.

~Mercaptan~ (mer-kap'-tan). (L. mercaptans = taking mercury.) A vile-smelling liquid that gets its name because of its strong action on mercury. It seizes upon mercury, so to speak.

~Metallic~ (me-tal'-ik). Made up of metals, or like metals.

~Metamorphosis~ (met-a-mor'-f[=o]-sis). (L. metamorphosis = change, transformation.) A change of form; a development, as the change of the caterpillar into the chrysalis.

~Mica~ (m[=i]'-ka). A transparent mineral that can be separated into thin sheets or layers.

~Microscope~ (m[=i]'-kr[=o]-sk[=o]p). An instrument that magnifies, or makes objects look larger when placed beneath it.

~Moult~ (m[=o]lt). (L. mutare = to change.) To shed or cast off the feathers, hair, or skin.

~Muscle~ (mus'-l). Bundles of fibres that have the power of growing longer or shorter. The body is moved by means of the muscles.

~Nary~ (ner'-i). "Ne'er a," a contraction of "never a."

~Nerve~ (nerv). (L. nervus = a fibre _or_ tendon.) The nerves are fibres or threads that carry impressions to the brain. Nerved = having fibres, as in the wings of insects.

~Neuroptera~ (n[=u]-r[)o]p'-te-ra). (Gr. = nerve-wing.) The name of an insect order.

~Nymph~ (nimf). (L. nympha = a bride, a young girl.) The young of insects that undergo an incomplete metamorphosis.

~Ocelli~ (o-sel'-le), pl. of Ocellus. (L. = a little eye.) The tiny, simple eyes of insects.

~Odonata~ ([=o]-d[=o]-na'-ta). The name of an insect order to which belong the dragon flies.

~Odors~ Pleasant or unpleasant smells.

~Opera-glass~ (op'-e-ra-glas). Magnifying glasses used at the theatre or opera to make things seem nearer.

~Organism~ (or'-gan-izm). A member of the animal or vegetable kingdom.

~Orthoptera~ (or-thop'-t[=e]-ra). (Gr. = straight-wing.) An insect order to which belong the grasshoppers.

~Ovipositor~ ([=o]-v[)i]-poz'-[)i]-tor). (L. ovum = egg, _and_ ponere = to place.) The end of the abdomen of some insects, with which they are able to put their eggs in a good place to be hatched.

~Oxygen~ (ok'-si-jen). A part of the air that is necessary to all animal and vegetable life.

~Parasites~ (par'-a-s[=i]tz). Animals or plants that live on others.

~Phylloxera~ (fil-ok-s[=e]'-ra). (Gr. = leaf _and_ dry.) An insect very destructive to grape vines.

~Plaited~ (pl[=a]t'-ed). Folded length-wise like the plaits of a closed fan.

~Plecoptera~ (pl[=e]-k[)o]p'-t[=e]-ra). (Gr. = twist _and_ wing.) An insect to which belong the stone flies.

~Pollute~(p[=o]-l[=u]t'). (L. polluere = to make unclean, to soil.) To make foul or unclean.

~Pores~ (porz). (L. porus = a way, a passage.) Small openings in the skin to help in breathing.

~Prey~ (pr[=a]). (L. praeda = property taken in war.) An animal in the chase; game.

Prolific (pr[=o]-lif'-ik). Fruitful; producing young in abundance.

~Propel~ (pr[=o]-pel'). (L. propellere = to drive, or push forward.) To urge onward by force.

Prophet (prof'-et). One who tells of the future.

~Pulvillus~ (pul-vil'-us); pl. ~Pulvilli.~ (L. = a little cushion.) A little pad or cushion on an insect's foot.

~Ravenous~ (rav'-n-us). Greedy, furiously hungry.

~Repel~ (re-pel'). (L. repellere = to drive back.) To drive back, to check.

~Resinous~ (rez'-i-nus). Like resin, which is made from pine pitch.

~Rudimentary~ (rew-di-men'-ta-ri). (L. rudimentum = a first attempt.) Imperfectly developed or in an early stage of development.

~Saliva~ (sa-l[=i]'-va). Spittle. The liquid formed in the mouth, which mixes with food, and helps it to digest.

~Segment~ (seg'-ment). (L. secare = to cut.) A part cut off, a section.

~Seize~ (s[=e]z). To grasp, to clutch.

~Sensitive~ (sen'-si-tiv). Quick to feel. The nerve of the eye is sensitive to light, quick to feel light.

~Shellac~ (she-lak' or shel-ak'). It is made from a coloring matter in the bodies of certain insects. A polish which is used with varnish.

~Silk~ (s[=i]lk). A fine, soft, strong thread made by the larvae of certain insects.

~Skeleton~ (skel'-e-ton). (Gr. = ~dried~ up.) The dry bones of the body taken together.

~Socket~ (sok'-et). Any hollow thing or place which receives or holds something else.

~Soothsayer~ (soth'-s[=a]-er). One who pretends to know what the future holds for us.

~Source~ (s[=o]rs). The place where anything begins.

~Species~ (sp[=e]'-shez). A group of closely related animals or plants.

~Spine~ (sp[=i]n). (L. spina = a thorn). Anything sharp and slender like a thorn.

~Spiracle~ (spir'-or sp[=i]r-a-kl). (L. spiraculum = a breathing hole).

An air-hole.

~Survivals~ (ser-v[=i]'-valz). (L. supervivo = to live over.) Those outliving the larger number.

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