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"We'd better go and _hear_ what she says," laughed the irrepressible Amy. "Come on, Hen! You want to be in it. Wouldn't you like a boat ride to your island?"

"Why, how do you suppose I was going to get there?" demanded the little maid. "Automobiles don't run to islands--nor yet steam trains. But I hope the boat won't leak as bad as that trough me and Charlie Foley sailed in this morning," she added thoughtfully.


The plan Amy had originated for going to Station Island on her brother's yacht was approved by Jessie's mother and father, and in the end the Drew family agreed to make the voyage, too. Mrs. Norwood sent down her housekeeper and a staff of servants in advance so that everything would be in readiness for the yachting party.

A few articles of clothing had been bought for Henrietta when she had gone to the Blairs. But, besides being few, they were hardly suitable for an outing on Station Island. So Jessie and Amy were allowed to use their own taste in selecting the child's outfit for the island adventure. And how they did revel in this novel undertaking!

Being down town on these errands so much during the following two days, the Roselawn girls were bound to fall in with Belle Ringold and Sally Moon, as well as with other members of their class in the high school.

Jessie, at least, would never have noticed Belle and her chum could she have avoided it.

Amy had an overpowering fondness for a concoction called a George Washington sundae which was to be found only at the New Melford Dainties Shop. So, of course, each shopping "spree" must end with a visit to the confectionary shop in question.

"Come on," Amy said, on the second day. "I told Darry and Burd we'd wait for them, and we might as well ride home as walk. They have our second car. Cyprian is driving mamma to a round of afternoon teas and other junkets. But the boys won't forget us. Come on."

"'Come on' means only one place to come to," laughed Jessie. "I know you. What shall we do on that island, Amy, without any George Washington sundaes?"

"Say not so!" begged the other girl. "There is a fancy hotel there, they say, and perhaps it has a soda fountain."

"Hi! Amy Drew!" called a voice behind them, as they descended the two steps into the Dainties Shop.

"Well, would you ever?" demanded Amy, looking around with no eagerness.

"If it isn't Sally Moon and, of course, Belle."

"Hi, Amy!" repeated Sally. "Let me ask you something."

"Go ahead," returned Amy, but in no encouraging tone. "It's free to ask."

Sally, however, was not easily discouraged. Evidently Belle had put her up to ask whatever the question was, and to keep friendly with Belle Ringold Sally had to perform a good many unpleasant tasks.

"Your brother and Burd Alling have got back with that yacht, haven't they?" she demanded.

"You are correctly informed," answered Amy lightly.

"We want to see them. I suppose the boat is all right? That is, it is safe, isn't it?"

"So far it hasn't sunk with them," returned Amy scornfully.

"You needn't be so snippy, Amy Drew," broke in Belle. "We want to see your brother about the use of the _Marigold_. I suppose he will let it to a party--for a price?"

"I don't know," said Amy, staring.

"Why, that's absurd!" Jessie declared, without thinking. "It is a pleasure boat, not a cargo boat."

Amy began to laugh when she saw Belle's face.

"They don't even take passengers for hire," she said. "Is that what you want to know?"

"We want to hire a yacht to take us to Station Island," Sally hastened to say. "And Belle remembered Darrington's boat----"

"I don't suppose it is fit to take such a party as ours will be,"

interposed Belle.

"I guess Darry won't want to let it," said Amy, seeing that the two girls were in earnest. "Besides, we are going down ourselves this week."

"Who are going where?" demanded Belle, sharply.

"It's the Norwoods' party, you know," Amy said, for Jessie had "shut up as tight as a clam." "Mrs. Norwood has taken a bungalow there."

"On Station Island--Hackle Island it used to be called?" Sally cried.

"That is the place. And Darry will take us all on the _Marigold_. So, I guess----"

"We might have known it!" exclaimed Belle, angrily. "The Norwoods or some of that Roselawn crowd would tag along if we planned something exclusive."

But Amy only laughed at this. "You don't own that island, do you?

Remember what little Hen Haney said about owning an island? Well, Hackle, or Station Island, is the one she meant. She owns a big slice of it."

"I don't believe it!" cried Belle.

"She does. My father says so. And he and Mr. Norwood are going to get it for her."

"They will have a fine time doing that," sneered Belle. "Why, _my_ father has a claim upon all the middle of the island, and he is going to make his claim good. That nasty little freckle-faced young one from Dogtown will never get a foot of Hackle Island--you'll see!"

Amy shrugged her shoulders as she and Jessie took seats at a table. She knew how to aggravate Belle Ringold, and she sometimes rather impishly enjoyed bothering the proud girl.

"And there's one thing," went on Belle, with emphasis, so exasperated that she did not see Nick, the clerk, who was waiting for her order, "I wouldn't go away for the summer unless we went to a really fashionable hotel. No, indeed! Cottagers at seaside places are always of such a common sort!"

Amy only laughed. Jessie remained silent. It really did trouble her to have these controversies with Belle. It was not nice and she did not feel right after they were over.

"There is something wrong with us, as well as with Belle," Jessie said once to Amy, on this topic.

"I'd like to know what's wrong with us?" her chum demanded. "I like that!"

"When we squabble with Belle and Sally we make ourselves just as common as they are."

"Tut, tut! Likewise 'go to,' whatever that means," laughed Amy Drew.

"Why, child, if we did not keep up our end of any controversy that those girls start they would walk all over us."

However, on this occasion, and at Jessie's earnest desire, Amy hastened the eating of her George Washington sundae and the two friends got out of the shop before Darry and Burd Alling appeared in the car.

"What's the matter?" asked Amy's brother, when the car stopped before the Dainties Shop and he saw his sister and Jessie waiting. "Spent all your money and waiting for us to take you in and treat you?"

"We had ours," Jessie replied promptly, getting into the tonneau.

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