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Chance Meeting

After sending Grucius back to Tempest, I tried to return myself but the skill wouldn’t activate.

Grucius did just disappear in front of me a second ago, though…
These questions,

≪Announcement. You are inside a wide-range barrier. Transfer skills are sealed.≫

were answered by the『Great Sage』.

I’m getting a bad feeling about this.

When Milim invaded, I did not feel any killing intent from her; so I was not that worried. But this time, all my senses are sounding the alarm.

I tried calling for Ranga from within my shadow, but he did not respond.

So it seems that I can neither call for aid nor escape.
The feeling of dread led to me to set up some things as insurance. At least I can still use my skills…

≪Announcement. You are inside a wide-range barrier. All magic energy manipulation abilities have been sealed.≫


Moreover,『Steel Thread』and thread manipulation abilities have also been sealed.

They permitted Grucius departure in order not to fight both of us at once. Had I decided to leave first, though, they might not have waited.

What could they be planning?

However, these long range barriers require more time to be analyzed.

This was the first time I felt my heart beat faster out of anxiety.

That could have been the result of me changing into the slime, but chances are, it’s mostly due to the predictive abilities of the『Great Sage』.

Which is why I have been able to face strong opponents fearlessly.  Though they were strong, I could predict the outcome.

If I can’t win, I should just run away. If I can’t run away, let’s at least punch them once.

However, I do feel their killing intent.

A few humans would be needed to set up a barrier this large.

So if I turned into a slime, I would be essentially blind.

The moment I was caught in this barrier, my chances of winning have fallen significantly.

So it’s possible to fight like this. Moreover, the enemy doesn’t even realize that they have been separated from the outside world.

Chances are, the barrier is at least 4 kilometers wide. It’s boundary is completely outside of my sight.

(Just who would do this, and why are they hunting me?)
When I thought that,

「Pleased to meet you, should I say? Though I won’t know you for long」

A single person walking towards me threw such words at me.

A nostalgic feeling when looking at her.

She wears small round glasses, which could be described as her defining characteristic.

She wears dark clothing that’s easy to move around. However, by the quality of it, the clothing is clearly made for ceremonial occasions. Rather than a skirt, she wears pants.

Though I am a fan of black myself, hers is an unnatural fascination with the color.

Other than the cold glare, she can only be described as beautiful

「Pleased to meet you, but do you have some business with me?
My name is Rimuru; could there be some misunderstanding here?」

It’s probably pointless, but no harm in trying.

But even so, I’d rather not get killed because of a misunderstanding.

「Of course not, there is no mistake here.

So I decided to crush it.

You understand, don’t you?」

Without any hesitation and as if bored, she explained herself.

But how does she know that I rule over Tempest?

「Why do you call me a monster, and some monsters’ city lord?

「Huh? Are you playing dumb?

I won’t tell you who, of course, but this much I’m certain about.
There are many “eyes” in the Royal Capital. You should be more prudent with your secrets.」

An informant, she says?

I don’t get it. Well, I do understand that she’s out to kill me, though.

She is armed with a rapier hanging on her hip.

I can’t feel the presence of anyone else around, seems like the people who created the barrier will not be joining the fight.

Or does that mean that she’s simply that powerful?

After raising an army, it would take them about a week to reach the city.

If he was running without rest, I’d say about three days.

All I know is that I don’t have the time to fool around.

「Seems that even if I claimed that you’ve got the wrong person you won’t trust me, will you?」

「Ah, is that so…」

She got me. To think that she has even heard of my name.

「Can we start now?」
「I’d prefer not to, but can I at least hear your name?」

I said to her, who was drawing her rapier.
The beauty tilted her neck, and said

「I haven’t told you, huh. Didn’t really care, so I forgot.

I am the “Emperor’s Personal Knights Battalion” Knights Captain.

Our acquaintanceship shall be short, and not a pleasant one.」

She drew the rapier.

Crimson magic enveloped it. A Magic sword, it seems.

I heard that she was the ultimate pragmatist who doesn’t like to follow through.

But, more importantly.

Thank goodness she’s intending to fight. I can mercilessly crush her.

So while drawing my sword,

「Hinata, you say? Wait a second, I’ve been meaning to talk to you!」

「Wait, I said. You’re Japanese, and so am I. Shizu-san has asked me to look…」

Besides, a monster being a Japanese? What a ridiculous thing you say, don’t try to make me laugh」

Doesn’t seem like she’ll believe me.
Right! I thought of a way and,

「I’ve been telling you: I’m Japanese! I died over there and reincarnated as a slime in this world!」

I said, in Japanese.
Surprise colored her face.

「How skillful… where have you learned those words?

Moreover, the chance that such a person is talking to me right now on top of that makes it impossible.
In other words, there’s no need to even consider your words.」

She completely disregards anything I’ll say.
I had thought she may believe if a monster suddenly starts speaking Japanese, but…

「So you are planning to fight no matter what, huh?

And besides, do you think that you’ll be enough to defeat me?」

I declared.

No matter how far my abilities have been restricted, I can hardly imagine losing to her.
Is what I thought, but…

「Hmm? What kids are you talking about?
Besides, I’m surprised. Are you honestly thinking that you can win against me in this barrier?」

She smiled in amusement and whispered the response.

A series of high speed thrusts. The afterimage matches the color of the jewels?

Seriously! Even physical abilities are restricted.

A burning pain ran through my body. Pain? I felt something I should be resistant to.

「Hmm? Not all of them hit I see.
I am impressed by your evasive abilities. I wonder how far you can go?」

Without giving me a second to rest, she resumed her onslaught.

Feeling imminent danger, I jumped away from her.
Thus, I was hit four times. Somehow, I feel that taking any more hits is dangerous.

「Oh, have you noticed this skill’s powers?

Seems like you’re a bit brighter than the rest」

With a small nod, she complimented me.

This skill probably transmits pain not to the nerves, but directly to the soul. So there’s no way to guard against it.

I had the『Great Sage』run some predictions based on my observations. It seems that I will die if I get hit thrice more.

What an absurd skill. But I can’t be certain whether this is a skill or an ability of the magic sword.

Sakaguchi Hinata. She definitely has a unique skill.

In fact, I probably should have attempted escaping since the moment I found out I was trapped inside the barrier.

I’m constantly a step behind.

Moreover, since『Cloning』,『Devil Transformation』, and『Fire Change』are also magic energy manipulation abilities, I can’t even transform.

Not that I am completely defenseless, though.

「Fumu. What are you planning, I wonder.

A rank monsters trapped in the Holy Barrier cannot live for long.

Don’t you understand? The barrier purifies magical energy itself.

It is the strongest barrier the church has against you monsters.

Oh and you said that I wouldn’t be enough to kill you, but there was hardly a need for me to come out.

But, I guess I did want to try talking to you once.

Perhaps not revenge, but she would have wanted me to kill you, no?」

「That was? Doesn’t matter. She was the only person who was nice to me in the whole world. And now she is gone…」

Not a feeling I myself understand. She murmured and looked at me.

After showing such an overwhelming difference, she stands motionless.

And, if I trust what she is saying, my chances of victory inside the barrier are next to none.

But, she believes me to be Shizu-san’s nemesis? That I don’t get.

But there’s no time for that.
If anything, I mostly worry about…

「This barrier can only be created by the Holy Knights. So don’t worry.

But, creating a weak barrier is part of our curriculum, so they will create a weak one.

Not that you’ll be able to return」

As I thought; if they use such a barrier to attack Tempest, my friends will be in danger.

My only option is to use attacks that don’t use magical energy.

Her sword hand is superior to mine. My physical strength is slowly falling–that much is true–but she hasn’t shown her true skill yet either.

Which is why I have to depend on unique skills to defeat her.

First, I raised my abilities using〈Fighting Spirit Technique〉. Moreover, I activated『Herculean Strength』.
As expected, I can use skills that don’t rely on magical energy.

「Isn’t it too early to think that you have won?」

I readied my sword and went on the offensive.

Maybe out of surprise, but Hinata went on the defense.

Her eyes. They are the eyes of a chef looking at a fish on the cutting board.

Nor were her previous words fueled by pride, but by raw calculation.

She was not looking down on me in the slightest…

This feels as if I were fighting the『Great Sage』instead of her.

The overwhelming difference between us.

She is able to perfectly read my attacks.

The second I lost my balance, she landed two more hits with deadly precision.

「Oh? Is this the end?

Honestly, I looked down on you. But even now, you can’t win against me.

The special ability of the sword, Dead End Rainbow, bestows certain death upon an opponent it has struck seven times.
There was no need to teach you this, but you wouldn’t be able to pass on without knowing what killed you, would you?」

She said.

But, though she masquerades it as an act of kindness, she really intends to instill fear in me and push me into making a mistake.

Even with my abilities sealed I had thought I would manage somehow, but she’s the worst opponent for me.

And, she kept analyzing my abilities while fighting; yet being so sure of her victory, she has yet to neglect to continue analyzing.

Even with the limitless Milim I could imagine a thing or two to do. Not that I’d win, of course…

「Then I’ll continue this pointless struggle.
I am not so obedient that I’d just roll over and die when asked!」

I respond, and try something I have yet to use.

While I cannot summon a spirit without making a contract, I can call forth the one resting inside me.

≪Solution. The High Spirit Ifrit has been separated from the『Shapeshifter』skill.≫

Seems like it was a success.

The reason is: I fear it won’t reach her.

If I don’t go all out in one shot, I cannot win.

「Serve thy purpose, Fire Spirit Ifrit!!!」

At my call, the Ifrit materialized.

Thus, my energy was finally put into some use.

Ifrit began his attack. Thus, she should be too occupied to attack me.

Thus, I could launch some attacks on her,

「Oh? To even be able to summon high level spirits, how unexpected; but, that’s not enough to defeat me」

She declared facing me, interrupting my attack.

Even if we are inside the Holy Barrier, spirits are natural energy and are unaffected.

Even if that was not the case, Ifrit, who surpasses A rank, would not be defeated by it.

By the looks of it, Ifrit is looking back, crouching. As if he were defying my orders.

「You, what did you do?」
「I’ll answer if you tell me what you were planning to do?」

The air tensed between us.

「Return, Ifrit!」

Hearing that call, Ifrit disappeared, and returned back inside of me.

≪Solution. Ifrit was subjected to a Forced Control Ability
The opponent probably attempted to steal Ifrit away≫

Forced control ability? So her power is to take away…

I was blinded by the barrier, thinking that it was the reason for the close battle, but that was a mistake.

Did I really believe I could defeat her!

What a terrifying enemy she is.
She has yet to use all her strength–that much I am sure of.

「You… tried to snatch Ifrit away, huh…?」

Since you found out, I’ll let you know.
You’re right. It’s thanks to my unique skill『Usurper』」

Unique skill『Usurper』she says…

But she does so without having to analyze the abilities, so it’s more battle oriented.

It’s guaranteed for summoned ones, but seems like World Travelers can also acquire one.

The fact that I didn’t consider that before only shows my immaturity.

Just shows how much more fighting experience she has.

I can’t win without betting my very existence here.

She even so easily crushed my Ifrit trump card, so I have only one thing left to do.

I have no idea what will happen as a result, or whether it will reach the barrier…
But I have to try.

「Hinata, we have yet many things to discuss, but I don’t have enough time.

「Still haven’t given up? Well, be my guest…

The last attack will be on a completely different level of pain than the rest.」

She looked at me one last time,

(Oi, I leave the rest to you『Great Sage』!)
≪Understood. Order has been received. After confirming the situation, I will execute command≫

I am impaled by last attack

「Die! Dead End Rainbow!」

After shouting that order, my consciousness fell into seemingly endless darkness.
As if falling asleep, I fell unconscious.

At the same moment as the rapier pierced Rimuru’s flesh,『Gluttony』awakened on commend.

Hinata quickly noticed Rimuru’s change and was on her guard.

For some reason, she decided to let it go; little did she know that this decision saved her life.

In front of her eyes, Rimuru began to change, but collapsed without taking a form.

But, that being didn’t care–it moved towards her formless.

Dangerous! Hinata felt.

Had she been a second late releasing that sword, she would have been swallowed whole already.

Unbelievable. She murmured.

This being will not die, as it does not have a soul.

Since coming to this world, she has discerned the three layers of souls.

Cloaking themselves in their souls, the most brittle existence, the astral bodies

Those who have a direct connection to this world, material bodies

The soul is the entity itself, there is no “being” outside of it.

Of course, should it be based on astral body alone, the being will dissipate into thin air.

However, spiritual body preserves kind of like virtual memory, hence cannot serve as a permanent medium.

So for those with tempered souls, should they even sustain brain damage, recovery of certain memories becomes possible.

But, even if it is but a soul, should it obtain some level of intelligence, it will be recognized as a monster.

But, even this special race requires a soul. So what is happening before her now completely escapes her understanding.

The only thing she could think of…

At the very least, it has certainly exceeded the definition of “life” of this world.

No, Hinata thought, it was a slime to begin with.

It wasn’t something she could quickly defeat. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t something she couldn’t defeat.
Her weapon, however, crumbling before her eyes,

「Astral Bind!」

She took out an amulet from her bag, and erected another barrier with it.

However, the slime continued to move.

Thus, Hinata concluded that the slime before her was but Rimuru’s empty husk.

Probably, though his soul was destroyed he activated some kind of program to defeat his opponent…

If it doesn’t have a soul, it’s hardly an enemy. All you need to do is stop the body from moving.
Of course, she still needed to watch out for getting caught and devoured by this half-baked thing.

「Oh my. You are a pain even after death… I hate you.
But, if I don’t erase what you have become, I fear you’ll wreak havoc upon the world…」

She grumbled to herself, while coming up with a plan.

The myriad of spirits attacked the slime as a flood.

So while she did feel bad for the Spirits, they’d have to go out and die.

Thanks to her ability『Mathematician』she can normally ignore the chant, but this time was different.

The magic that she is planning to use is the ultimate attack magic from the〈Divine Magic〉archive.

Finding this very fact ironic, Hinata hated this magic. However, her preferences aside, the magic that Hinata knows, the strongest among it, is limited to the ones taught by the church.

After quickly weaving such a complicated spell, a completed magic circle was now before her.
The decorative glasses have by now fallen off her face, and,

「I lift my prayers to the heavens. I ask, for a holy strength.

Upon all of creation! Disintegration!!!」

A power befitting a god.

Upon completing the chant, a brilliant white light shot out from her hands.

It traveled to the target at a speed of 300,000 km/s. Equal to the speed of light.

Amidst a magic fight, or a duel, it is not a power you can use. Moreover, it requires a large amount of energy to use, and can be used at most once per day.

Now, the hideous slime, who barely feels any damage from the environment, has disappeared without a trace.
This is also a skill which only erases its target.

「It’s over, huh… you were harder than expected」

Hinata sighed in relief, and so muttered.

She had originally thought that there was no need to erect it, but the informant insisted that it was necessary.

She thought not further. She refused to consider meaningless possibilities.

She was busy thinking about what the slime Rimuru has said.

Ah, whatever. Thinking about it wouldn’t help. What can she do about something she has never heard of?

Would she be able to gain complete control of Tempest if she set off for the city?

She decided to first learn of the subjugation team’s progress, so she returned to the church.

By now, the monster named Rimuru was completely forgotten.

The chance that the monster was still alive was completely ignored by her.

Hinata’s only thought at the time was「I need a new sword」
And thus she left.

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