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B B. The long saphena vein.

C C. The tendon of the tibialis posticus muscle.

D. The tibia; d, the inner malleolus.

E E. The tendon of the flexor longus digitorum muscle.

F. The gastrocnemius muscle; f, the tendo Achillis.

G. The soleus muscle.

H. The tendon of the plantaris muscle.

I I. The venae comites.

K K. The posterior tibial artery.

L L. The posterior tibial nerve.


A. The tibialis anticus muscle; a, its tendon.

B. The extensor longus digitorum muscle; b b b b, its four tendons.

C C. The extensor longus pollicis muscle.

D D. The tibia.

E. The fibula; e, the outer malleolus.

F F. The tendon of the peronaeus longus muscle.

G G. The peronaeus brevis muscle; i, the peronaeus tertius.

H H. The fascia.

K. The extensor brevis digitorum muscle; k k, its tendons.

L L. The anterior tibial artery and nerve descending to the dorsum of the foot.

[Illustration: Legs, showing muscles, blood vessels and other internal organs.]

Plate 67, Figures 1, 2



A. The calcaneum.

B. The plantar fascia and flexor brevis digitorum muscle cut; b b b, its tendons.

C. The abductor minimi digiti muscle.

D. The abductor pollicis muscle.

E. The flexor accessorius muscle.

F. The tendon of the flexor longus digitorum muscle, subdividing into f f f f, tendons for the four outer toes.

G. The tendon of the flexor pollicis longus muscle.

H. The flexor pollicis brevis muscle.

i i i i. The four lumbricales muscles.

K. The external plantar nerve.

L. The external plantar artery.

M. The internal plantar nerve and artery.

[Illustration: Bottom of left foot, showing muscles, blood vessels and other internal organs.]

Plate 68, Figure 1


A. The heel covered by the integument.

B. The plantar fascia and flexor brevis digitorum muscle cut; b b b, the tendons of the muscle.

C. The abductor minimi digiti.

D. The abductor pollicis.

E. The flexor accessorius cut.

F. The tendon of the flexor digitorum longus cut; f f f, its digital ends.

G. The tendon of the flexor pollicis.

H. The head of the first metatarsal bone.

I. The tendon of the tibialis posticus.

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