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Chapter 2.2: Lyre and Moving

Adelos nodded and sat cross-legged on a flat rock. He breathed deeply till the tingling nerves calmed down and slowly held the lyre up. He closed his eyes and stretched out his fingers, strummed the strings with his right hand while he held the lyre with his left.

The melodious sound of the lyre somewhat differentiated from the commonly used traditional harp.

The harmonics gave off the feeling of the wilderness; it was as if the sunlight fell as a blanket of white upon the green lands and the air had the gentle heat of a new season, it was neither hot nor cold but warm and tepid; the forest greens were alive with the singing and hummings of forest creatures. The soft, rich and subtle sound of the lyre made others think of the ancient times.

Apollo and Artemis were immersed by this spellbinding sound, suddenly feeling the presence of a dragon rushing high from the heavens towards the seven seas changing suddenly to a serene view of a man sleeping peacefully.

Adelos played with all his heart both physically and mentally. On a spur of a moment, between the heavens and earth, his body relaxed and vision blurred, his mind became and clear and was able to feel everything around him; his heart sank in peace and tranquility and found a chaotic space in between his brows. Inside the vague, chaotic space, there seemed to be a little gray bell resting and above the bell is some obscure ancient lines written. The aura it gave off was unsettling and mysterious. The sight of the bell gave birth to feelings of unspeakable joy.

Man is afraid of the unknown and when he came to this mythical place, he did not know the reason why and only felt as if all he experienced this past few years was a dream, but… perhaps the answer he wished for lied in this bell.

Adelos' mood lightened, and the tune of the lyre became more pleasant, fresh, and comfortable.

Apollo and Artemis felt the dragon circling the air wantonly and fearlessly, and the man who slept peacefully awoke and danced with zeal. Feeling the change of atmosphere, Artemis and Apollo looked at each other with a light smile in their eyes.

From afar, the night goddess smiled lightly. The brows of Adelos which was originally close stretched. His youngest son, although clever and intelligent was far less talented than his eldest sister and eldest brother. Leto could always feel the burden he carried, but the moment his fingers strummed the lyre and played a tune, the burden in her heart seemed to clear away.

When gods are born, fate decides and determines their future success. Just before the gods' birth, their divine powers gifted by the thread of fate will resonate between the heavens and earth, ultimately deciding the potential they are able to grasp in the future.

In a cave on Mount Dicte, Crete, Zeus was born. The flash of lighting, the roar of thunder, the scorching ember flames, and trembling sky signaled the arrival of a great deity. Therefore, Rhea, regardless of offending her husband, god of time and space and king of Titans, secretly gave birth to Zeus.

Rhea was a subject in love to Cronus and bore him splendid children. Cronus swallowed each child whole when they came forth from the womb of their mother with intent that no other proud sons of Ouranos should hold kingly office for he learned from Gaia and Ouranos that he was destined to be overcome by his own son.

And Rhea struck with grief, besought her dear parents, Gaia and Ouranos to help conceal the birth of her child. They heard and obeyed Rhea's wishes whilst speaking of the prophecies destined to happen.

Zeus grew with the greatest of divine gift and later rescued his brothers and sisters with fattening Cronus' belly not with food, but with a stone which he first vomited followed in succession the children he swallowed and later led a ten year long war against Cronus and the Titans, driving them in defeat into the pit of Tartarus, ultimately becoming the king of gods.

And when Leto bore Artemis and Apollo, the sun and moon set high above the heavens and coalesced into one. All mortal flesh shook and faced the direction of their place of birth and ran in joy and tranquility. Such signs indicated their limitless potential in the future.

When Leto bore Adelos, only the Polaris constellation on the Northern Star reacted to the extreme. Among the vast group of stars, the Polaris constellation was neither conspicuous nor distinct and such Zeus did not care to take not take note of Adelos' existence

Leto believed Adelos was aware of this situation despite her futile attempts to hide the gods’ scorn and mocking and also of Zeus' choosing to ignore the very being of his existence. She believed this caused a knot to form in his heart but it seemed to have passed when listening to the beautiful sound of the lyre.

Soon, the gentle sound of the lyre slowly stopped.

Leto hurried over to her children anxiously. "My dearest children, we have to go." The orbs of her eyes were a pool of sadness. "Hurry back home and start packing."

"Mother, why do we have to go?" Apollo frowned. Though Delos Island was small, he did not care much for it. He, his brother, and sister lived happily on this small, gentle island.

"Is someone after us, mother? Someone with evil intent?" Adelos was far more familiar with the current situation than Artemis and Apollo. In his previous lifetime, the histories of the mythical gods spread throughout the world over the course of thousands of years.

Leto lovingly gazed at her youngest child and nodded her head. With the exception of little divine power, his insight of the world and grasp of the heart and mind seemed to be a bit better than his eldest siblings.

"Themis sent me a letter. With Hera's decree, a giant python is after us with means to kill." Leto fumed with anger. In front of a stubborn deity such as Hera, she felt helpless.

Artemis' oceanic blue eyes stared blankly and tilted her head in puzzlement. "What of father? Why does he not stop Hera?" Artemis learned since birth her father was a powerful and almighty existence—a king of gods.

Adelos creased his brows and looked at his sister with a strange look. He did not expect Artemis still looked to Zeus for help, but he said nothing.

"If he is able to stop Hera, he would not let us spend years on this island." Said Apollo.

"Do not talk too much. Hurry and pack." Leto said before leaving.

Other gods may not be aware, but Leto knew fairly well that Zeus, king of gods was only a mere, empty title pushed by his brothers eons ago after overthrowing their father, Cronus.

Poseidon ruled the seven seas, Hades controlled the underworld, and some of the more distant gods dismissed him. Zeus could only sit on top of Mount Olympus for he feared if one day, he went down, Mount Olympus would change its thrones.

He feared his throne being overtaken. And it is also because of fear that Zeus disregards the feelings and merits of other gods, and even devoured Metis, goddess of wisdom, alive, for it was prophesied she would bear a child and overthrow him.

Leto, Apollo, and Artemis left. Adelos shook his head and a cold smile donned his face. He thought he would not entrust his life and safety on a god like Zeus.

He cleared his mind, entering a state of clarity. His spirit entered the spaces between his brows and went towards the gray bell.

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