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_Bruchus lenti_, see Lentil-Weevil

Buprestes, 21


_Cacan_, the, 36-9

Capricornis, 21-2

Cerceris, 172, 178

Chrysomela, 151, 172

Cigale, the, 1-67 Burrow of the, 17-30 Deafness of the, 41-3 Diet, 7 Eggs of the, 45-67 Eggs, hatching of, 61-7 Eggs, method of laying, 50-4 Enemies of the, 47-50 Excavation, method of, 23-7 Fable of Ant and, 1-16 Larva of the, 17-30 Larva, habits of, 61-7 Mechanism of sound, 31-4 Pupa, emergence from, 28 Song of the, 2, 6, 31-44 Species of, 31-6

Cigalo e la Fournigo (Provencal poem), 10-16

Cricket, Field, the, 120-9 Eggs of, 120-2 Excavations of, 124-5 Fertility of, 123 Song of, 126-8

Cricket, Italian, the, 130-5 Appearance of, 130 Song of, 131-4


Dermestes, victims of arum, 232

Dioscorides on the Cigale, 29

Diptera, 168, 172

Dog, its love of stenches, 233 Scent of the, 220-22 A truffle-hunter, 218-20


Elephant-Beetle (Balaninus or Acorn-Weevil), 238-57 Boring acorns, habit of, 240-4 Eggs, method of laying, 245, 254-7 Motives in boring, 246-50 Snout of, 238-9

Emperor Moth, _see_ Great Peacock Moth

_Empusa pauperata_, _see_ Mantis

Eucores, 176


Golden Gardener, the, 102-19 Cannibal habits of, 111-19 Courtship of, 103-10 Ferocity of, 101-4, 108-10 Nutriment of, 102-10 Vermin killer, as a, 107

Grandville, illustrates La Fontaine's fables, 2


Halictus, 176, 178

Haricot bean, the, 282-9

Haricot-Weevil, the, _see_ Weevil

Heredia, J.-M. de, 287-90

Hydnocystus, a fungus, 228

Hymenoptera, habits of, 137-8, 150, 162, 171-2, 175-6


La Fontaine, fable of the Cigale and the Ant, 3

Locust, Grey, the, 300-16 Larva of, 300 Metamorphosis of, 300-9 Wing, formation of, 309-15


Mantis, the _Empusa pauperata_, 97

Mantis, the Grey, 96

Mantis, the Praying, 68-101 Cannibalism of, 82-5 Courtship, 79-83 Hunter, as, 68-78 Nest of, 86-101

_Melolontha fullo_, _see_ Pine-chafer

Minotaur, 225


Oak Eggar, the, 202-16, 234-7 Experiments as to sense of smell in males, 208-15 Swarming of males during the mating season, 204-15

Odynerus, 150-1, 172

Osmia tricornis, 173, 175


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