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In the darkness, Mokkun's crimson eyes glinted with sharp light as he gazed upon Masahiro's sleeping form. The boy had fallen into an exhausted slumber hours ago, his bruised pale face stripped of the tempered edge of determination that he held in battle, looking as every bit his young age.

Mokkun.... why did you choose to take the form of a mononoke?  (Trans-note: The word he uses for "mononoke" here can also mean "monster".)

Masahiro had posed this question to him shortly after their first meeting. Before the rampaging demon, Guren had taken his true form amidst a furious flames. But he had chosen to return to his beast form, a small diminutive creature with silky white fur, small scrabbling claws and long trailing ears . A flower like pattern adorned his forehead, red in white fur like blossoms upon fresh snow. His eyes were as crimson and sharp as the spines that adorned his neck, burning with an inner flame, as though he had taken within himself a ray of the setting sun.

No matter what happened... the child could always see him, even if he lost sight of himself.

(Trans-note: There a note from a previous translator here... it says "awwww.. kids are so innocent...".)

How would he explain this to Mizu and Musoru? There was nothing but tragedy ahead, the inconsolable grief of broken families and pained suffering, of that he was certain.

For once, Narachika felt disgusted by his own powerlessness. No matter what the victories, the successful exorcisms, demons slain without a hitch, it was always the tragedy of the victims that touched him the most. Despite his best efforts, things always seemd to complicate themselves rather fast. With a sigh he walked on, slowly making his way to the ramshackle house at the edge of the village where the children lived. The small falling down structure appeared in the distance, creeping ever closer with every step until the firelight shown through the gaps in the walls. Narachika paused at the threshold, his reluctance interrupted by sounds of joyous conversation.


The children wasted no time in spotting the torchlight of the visitor and peeked out the door at the visitor, their faces lighting up in recognition.

"Ah! Mister! it's you! "

"Where is the other mister? " (Masahiro)

Bewildered, Narachika could only nod numbly, as slender woman appeared behind the children in the doorway.

"What is it?"

"Mommy! Mommy!, This mister is from the capital! He's reeeeeeaally famous there! "

"Mother, this man and his companion were the ones that vanquished the monster so that you could return to us."

The children milled around their mother with excitement, both vying to be the first to introduce the visitor.

"Ah, I see..I owe you my deepest gratitude."  The mother nodded.

"Oh, it's nothing." Narachika looked away. He politely declined the family's offer of dinner and excused himself to visit the other afflicted families in the village. He made his way to each and every dwelling, surprisingly it seems that all of the afflicted villagers have made a full recovery, as though nothing had ever happened at all.

Word had traveled fast, and everyone seemed to know that Narachika was an Onmyouji from the capital. At every door, he was greeted with gratitude, admiration, offerings of food and drink, as well as humble gifts that he politely declined. Last but not least, he made his way to the home of Hoshu Yudai, the young girl that had opened the shrine so many horrifying months ago. Yudai still lay on the bed, still frail from her ordeal, but greeted Narachika with a smile as he entered.

After so many months as a lifeless doll, her smile seemed to light up the entire room.

"It's supposed to be a secret, but I wanted you to know that the goddess visited me." Yudai whispered into Narachika's ear as he leaned in close, careful to keep her parents from overhearing.

"The goddess told me to not tell anyone, but you saved me, so I guess it's okay."

Yudai told Narachika that the goddess had appeared before her as she regained consciousness, and had touched her face.

"She said she will heal me..... she has forgiven me." Yudai gave him a calm smile.

His task complete, Narachika made his way back to the Yutari manor, relived but troubled.

"What on earth happened?"


At the manor, the shinshou had gathered on the roof of the main house, eager to pass the time while awaiting further instructions. Despite the relaxed atmosphere, none had the nerve to enter the house. It wasn't quite appropriate to walk in on Touda's time with Masahiro. It was best to tread carefully around the ever volatile Touda.

"You know, I dont think there's anything to fear from Touda right now." Taiin piped up unexpectedly after a long silence.

Nothing happened for a while as Kouchin and Rikugou stared off into the distance. Taiin and Genbu chattered, animatedly exchanging their opinions on the events of the day before Taiin came to a sudden silence.

"Taiin ?"

Genbu looked puzzled as she deftly placed a finger on her lips, gesturing for his silence as she tilted her head to listen to something that only she seemed to hear. (Trans-note: Taiin can send and receive messages from Byako by listening to and sending gales.)

A moment passed as she listened. Then she nodded and turned to Rikugou.

Rikugou merely nodded, prompting her to continue without looking up.

Wordlessly Rikugou stood and gestured to Genbu, leaving the others to find a secluded spot in which the message could be relayed.

Kouchin and Taiin remained on the roof, looking after the two figures retreating into the darkness before sitting down again. It seems like this has been the first night that the star have been visible in a long time. Kouchin stared at the stars for a while, taking in the sight of the sky strewn with hundreds of points of light before turning to Taiin.

"Do you wish to know why Touda has lost his intimidating aura?"

Taiin's eyes grew wide as she turned to Kouchin. She nodded vigorously.

"Well...It's just a theory...."

"Theories are fine too... "

Kouchin nodded slightly, and paused to squint off into the distance, as if recalling some distant memory.

She paused a little to gather her thoughts before beginning.

"Of course, It must be mentioned that the things Ive heard are not completely accurate. "


Masahiro laughed as he tottered unsteadily to Seimei's side, catching his wrinkled hand for support. Seimei looked down at the boy before patting his head.

"Now Masahiro.... Listen carefully.... I am Grampa...."

The boy giggled as he grasped Seimei's hand.

"Can you say Grandpa? "

"........ "

"Come on...say it... Graaaaannnnnd paaaaa...."


"Are you serious?! Kids dont talk this early."

Touda, the usual silent presence at Seimei's side piped up some slight irritation. Kouchin watched at his side, invisible but present. The fierce aura of the shinshou were difficult to suppress, and were at their strongest when the shinshou were visible. Kouchin was careful and always made sure to dampen her aura around children. She didn't want to say anything to Touda who simply appeared whenever he he felt like it, regardless of circumstance. Seimei hasnt repremanded him, so maybe it wasn't a big deal.

Kouchin watched as Seimei turned to Touda. "Guren,....Education is best offered as early as possible.... and look at him... he's very eager to learn new things. " He looked down at Masahiro, who burbled a string of nonsensical sounds.

"That's right, just like that.... Grrraaaaannnd.... Paaaaaa....."


"Good! Good!.... Grandpa...... Graaannnd.... Paaaa..............."

"......... Graaaaaa ............. aaaaaa ....? "

"............ Graaaaaannnn........Paaaaaa..... " the child tried again.

Seimei looked up with a surprised smile. "Ha ha... Masahiro is such an intelligent child. My goodness, he's learning to talk earlier than Narachika. He's got a promising future ahead of him." Seimei laughed to himself as he continued to mutter words of praise.

Behind him Touda stared silently at the scene before muttering under his breath.

"Idiot..." (Trans-note: He's referring to Seimei, not Masahiro.)

"Touda, did you say something?"

"Nope... nothing at all."

Touda looked away in annoyance as Seimei glared at him.

"Now listen closely Masahiro...... that over there, is Guren...... Guuuuuuu  Reeeeennn."

"Hey! HEY!... Didnt I say this already? How cou-."

"Will you shut up? Guren!..... Gu-ren... that is Guren..Masahiro... Guuuuuuu reeeeeen."

Masahiro looked between the two with confusion before toddling unsteadily over to Touda.

Someone should help him, he might fall. Kouchin thought with worry as he watched.

"......Uah......ah......." the child chattered as he made his way to Touda.

"Oh... alright......" Touda sounded irritated as he extended a taloned hand to the child, steadying him as he walked. The child gripped his hand and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Ren!" The child said with a smile.

"I told you he was smart." Seimei laughed triumphantly.

Kouchin had never see quite that that flavor of stupified surprise on Touda's face. He stood rooted to the spot in a stunned silence. Kouchin noted to herself with amusement that even the ferocious Touda can look look pretty dumb at times. Touda's expression turned to one of conflict as he looked down at the child.

"What do you want?"

He hesitated for a moment before reaching down with a smile and scooping the child into his arms.

Taiin was speechless as she listened to Kouchin's words, her jaw, slack in surprise. 

Kouchin gave an amused smile, she had expected such a reaction. 

Long long ago, a cold frigid heart was bestowed with a new name. To the soul imprisoned in eternal sorrow and despair, its sound was a ray of sunlight into the darkness of winter, a patch of warmth that broke through the snow, and allowed hope to sprout like the promise of spring. 

------- Book Nine End------------------

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