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Kouchin's eyes snapped wide as the searing blades of flame around Touda's form stilled, dying to a whisper around him. Water rushed into the space as they retreated, no longer seared into steam by the flames that burned brightly even under water. Freezing sea water poured forth, to clash and mingle against the boiling water. Kouchin found herself carried away on the turblant water that rushed through the place they had stood merely seconds ago. She looked around the wildly churning water. Touda was nowhere to be seen, but she could feel his aura, as it seemed to drift further and further away, carried by the waves.

Kouchin took a moment to focus before gathering her strength and pressing her forth, spreading her aura outward so that momentarily the water calmed.

She couldn't hold it for long, but it was enough, as she reached forth and caught his hand in her own.


He loved the colors of the twilight.  It always had the power to draw and hold tight to his gaze, and he couldn't help but stare at the sky in wonder and awe.

"Grampa, why does the sky turn red at twilight? "

During the day, the sky seem a boundless cerulean, but as night approached, the hues of blue retreated, to be overtaken by splashes of crimson, orange and magenta.

Grampa looked amused for a moment before he solemnly nodded.

"Ah..... I see.... "

He looked up from his place on Grampa's knee before the old man continued.

"The boy,... is the most compassionate of deities. It lingers, keeping watch over humanity for as long as it can. "

"eh? "

Masahiro squinted into the light. He had not expected the vision of the white mononoke, much less for it to be speaking to him.

"eh?... Mokkun... are you speaking to me? "

"Of course, who else would I be talking to ?! "

Despite the annoyance in his voice, the crimson eyes belied relief, as though a heavy burden was suddenly lifted from his shoulders.

Masahiro couldn't help but smile, "you haven't changed at all," he said fondly. "If only this vision could last forever."


Masahiro lay on the shore. His lips and face were a pallid blue, and his soaked muddy clothing clung to his unmoving, seemingly lifeless form.

"WHAT DO WE DO?!?" "Is there a doctor in the village?! " Taiin's voice had become broken and panicked as she screamed, but no one offered an answer to her questions.

"Masahiro? Masahiro? You shouldn't worry us like this......" Narachika repeated patiently as he gently shook his brother's shoulder.

Touda would be fine, but the intensity of the flames worried Genbu. Though Kouchin was a shinshou, there were no guarantees that she would remain unharmed. What if she.....what if..... ? Genbu stopped himself from continuing the thought and turned his attention to scanning the water's surface. Taiin joined him, her face pale with fear, as she too carefully scanned the surface.

So absorbed were they in looking for slight ripples that they were caught unawares when the water suddenly welled up from the surface, cutting a wide swath in the golden sheen of light on the water. Kouchin's form rose through the water's surface. Her face and arms were covered in scrapes and cuts, but if she felt them, she gave no sign, for her eyes were as warm and compassionate as ever. Touda stood at her side, his unsteady form supported by Kouchin.


"I almost gave up hope this time." Kouchin sighed. Rikugou helped pull Touda from the water before extending a hand to Kouchin. Touda looked unfocused and shell shocked, he immediately fell to his knees, barely supporting himself with his hands as breath came in ragged gasps. The seal on his forehead was nowhere to be found, and his eyes roved continuously, gaze darting around the scene as though searching. His gaze passed over the silent Genbu, Taiin cowering in fear and Narachika to settle on the motionless form of the child between them.

Touda's eyes grew wide as his gaze stilled on the child. The tenseness in his form seemed to race through him until he knelt rooted to the spot, eyes wide in horror. Silence reigned for what seemed like minutes as all eyes were on him. Gathering his strength, he pushed past his fear, and with effort, forced the sound from his lips..... " ro."

Touda struggled to his feet, and staggered to the still form of the child, falling to his knees beside him. His golden eyes seemed to blur for a moment as his voice caught in his throat.



The small white creature beside him pricked up his ears.

"eh? Hey, there's someone calling for you."


Masahiro tilted his head quizzically, but heard nothing.

"Calling for me? Who is it? "

The white mononoke looked amused, as he gave a wink.

"No, seriously, who is it? " Masahiro pressed.

"You know, they sound pretty desperate.... you should probably go..." 

"But if I leave, I wont get to see Mokkun any more. "

The white mononoke twitched is tail.

"Ah, dont worry about that.... you never know."

The creature smiled and stood up, raising one paw to point off into the distance.

"You see where the sky turns red? If you go in that direction, they'll be waiting..... "

He pointed again for emphasis before bounding off in the opposite direction.

Surprised, Masahiro called out to him, but no matter how much he called his name, Mokkun didn't look back, disappearing off into the distance. 

"I wonder who it is...."


Some one was calling his name...

Masahiro's vision blurred. That's strange, his eyes felt warm. He blinked his eyes, but they blurred even more.

This had to be a dream. That voice, it was impossible for it to be calling for him.

With effort, Masahiro raised his hand, laying it on the hand of the other.

His hand ended in long talons, and Masahiro had often wondered if he ever injured himself with such sharp talons.

Masahiro took the hand in his own, smiling as he let it's warmth wash through him.

His eyes welled up with tears.......

He was so warm.

Masahiro closed his eyes, sighing contentedly.

This was such a nice dream.


The frigid that clasped his own gradually lost it's strength, losing it's grip and dropping to to ground beside him.


But no matter how much Touda screamed, Masahiro never moved again.

"no....NO!!! ......Impossible!... Masahiro!!! .....NO!!!"

Touda screamed desperately as he clawed at the ground, the air around him heating up with the promise of flames.

Without warning, Kouchin slipped in front of him, her hand making a resounding smack against his face. Shocked by the outburst, Genbu and Taiin both stumbled back in fear.

But their fears were misplaced, Touda's hand shot up to his face as pain burned through him, he look up a Kouchin for a moment, before realization seemed to crystallize in his eyes. He looked up at her to see the wounds on her face, and the cuts on her armor and clothing before slowly shifting his gaze to the unconscious Masahiro before him. 

A small smile remained on the child's face, boring a hole into his heart.

"I..... What did I........" Touda trailed off as the disjointed images flashed through his mind. His hand crept up to touch his face.

"What have I........." He trailed off into silence.

All was silent for a moment before Kouchin spoke up, her voice laced with anger.

"You are an irredeemable idiot......Do not make me repeat this again."

She had spoken the same words to Touda fifty years ago.

Touda didn't look up, refusing to meet her eyes, and Kouchin reached out and patted his shoulder. To the other shinshou, who where accustomed to his aggression and arrogance, the sight of him withdrawn and fragile was difficult to believe.

He seemed so so small.

"We need to get help for Masahiro, we have to get him out of here."

Rikugou lifted Masahiro and placed him on Narachika's back, then he stepped back and hid his aura, as Genbu and Taiin followed him into invisibility.

Narachika started toward the village with Masahiro on his back.

Kouchin looked down at Touda, still rooted to the spot.

"If you're done thinking about this, we should go. You should be there when he wakes up."

Touda's shoulders trembled at the words, but he didn't look up.

Kouchin looked at him. Then in a flash, she suppressed her aura and disappeared as well.

The scarlet sky slowly bled into darkness.

He looked over when his name was called, as the infant reached out and tightly gripped on to his finger. Most people were frightened by the shinshou, but the child gave an innocent smile.


In the darkness, Touda covered his face with his hands, his form wracked with choking sobs.

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