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At that moment, he thought Fate was the most beautiful woman he'd ever

known. Grace was in his bedroom, and what could be more perfect? It

would be much easier to lure her into a daytime bed without jolting her

sensibilities if she was already close by one.

He started up the stairs, delighted when he heard her humming.

Then his system suffered a sizzling lightning bolt of lust when he saw

she wasn't just close by his bed, she was all but in it. She leaned

over, smoothing and tucking fresh sheets, her long legs showcased in

ragged cutoffs.

His blood raced, a roar of speed that left him breathless, that turned

the low ache he'd learned to live with into a sharp and gnawing pain. He

could see himself springing forward, dragging her onto the bed, pulling

and tearing at her clothes until he could hammer himself inside her.

And because he could, because he wanted to, he made himself stand where

he was until he was certain his control was firmly in place.


She straightened, whirled, pressed a hand to her heart. "Oh. Ia oh."

She couldn't speak, could barely think coherently. What would he think,

she wondered giddily, if he knew she'd been fantasizing about rolling

naked and sweaty over those crisp clean sheets with him?

Her cheeks had gone pink, charming him. "Didn't mean to sneak up on


"That's all right." She let out a long breath, but it did nothing to

calm her racing heart. "I didn't expect anyone toa what are you doing

home so early in the day?" Quickly she clasped her hands together

because they wanted to grab at him. "Are you sick?"


"It's not even three o'clock."

"I know." He stepped into the room, saw her press her lips together,

moisten them. Take it slow, he reminded himself, don't spook her.

"Aubrey's not with you?"

"No, Julie's minding her. Julie got a new kitten and Aubrey wanted to

stay, soa" He smelled of the water, salt, and sun. It made her


"Then we've got some time." He came a little closer. "I wanted to see

you alone."

"You did?"

"I've been wanting to see you alone since we made love that night." He

lifted his hand, gently encircled the nape of her neck. "I've been

wanting you," he said quietly and lowered his mouth to hers.

So soft, so tender, her heart seemed to turn one long, loose somersault

in her chest. Her knees went weak. They trembled even as she threw her

arms around him, as she answered that tentative kiss with a flash of

heat. His fingers dug into her skin, his mouth bruised hers. For one

wild and wicked moment, she thought he would take her where they stood,

fast and frantic and free.

Then his hands gentled, smoothed over her. His lips softened, cruising

over hers now. "Come to bed with me," he murmured. "Come to bed with

me," even as he lowered her, covered her.

She arched against him, wanting and willing, impatient with the clothes

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