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don't you let me do this, while you deal with the steaks?"

"You cook?"

"Yes." Laughing, she began to tear the lettuce leaves. "Do you?"

"No." She smelled like wildflowers, fresh and delicate. He had to fight

back an urge to press his lips to her throat. When he smoothed her hair

behind her back, she lifted her head, eyes wary. "I never imagined you


"I like to."

He was standing close, but not so close that she felt afraid. As she

scrubbed a green pepper she realized she wasn't afraid around him.

Uneasy perhaps, but not afraid.

"You're good at this."

"I took top honors in vegetable chopping five years running." She

brushed him away. "Go start the grill."

Later, she carried the salad out to a round wooden table beside a

pathetic bed of petunias. A critical glance told her he was handling

the steaks well enough, so she went back in. Emma wasn't sure what to

make of the giant package of paper plates in the cupboard. A further

search unearthed a trio of empty beer bottles, a drawer full of ketchup

and mustard packets, and a mother lode of Chef Boyardee pasta meals in a

can. She checked the dishwasher, discovered that was where he stored

his laundry, and wondered if he had a clothes hamper somewhere full of

dishes and flatware.

She found them in the microwave-two pretty china plates with baby roses

painted around the edges, matching bowls, and a pair of steak knives and


By the time he'd grilled the steaks, she had the table set as best she


"I couldn't find any salad dressing," she told him.

"Salad dressing. Right." He set the steaks down. Now that she was

here, looking so right, so simply right smiling at him with one hand

resting on the dog's head, he thought it was foolish to try to pretend

he knew what he was doing with the meal.

If they were to get to know each other, really get to know each

other this time around, she might as well see what she was getting into

from the first.

"Make sure Conroy doesn't get any idea about these," he said then walked

to the chain-link fence and swung over. He was back in a few moments

with a bottle of Wishbone and a fat blue candle. "Mrs. Petrowski says


With a laugh, Emma glanced over and saw a woman leaning out of the back

door of the house next door. Because it seemed natural, she waved

before she turned back to Michael.

"Her dishes?"


"They're very nice."

"I wanted to do better than a burger on the beach this time around."

Cautious, she passed him the salad. "I'm glad you asked me to come. We

didn't have much of a chance to talk when you came to New York. I'm

sorry I didn't have a chance to show you around."

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