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7. ---- being young, they tried to deceive him.

8. It was either ---- or his brother that called.

9. What were you and ---- talking about?

10. I can run as fast as ----.

11. ---- who had always protected her, she now saw dead at her feet.

12. ---- and his father are in business together.

13. She is as good as ----.

14. I should never have imagined it to be ----.

15. Boys like you and ---- are expected to do what is right without being told.

16. Yes, I told them what you said, ---- among the rest.

17. I did as well as ----.

18. It was Joseph, ---- whom Pharaoh made prime-minister.

19. Let ---- who made thee answer that.

20. Whom can I trust, if not ----?



1. Before leaving Mary we saw ---- and her baggage safe on the train.

2. ---- and her two cousins have been visiting us.

3. I would not go to town alone, if I were ----.

4. It was not ---- but her sister that you met yesterday.

5. You are as old as ----.

6. ---- and I are not in the same class.

7. Was it ---- that did it?

8. I cannot let you and ---- sit together.

9. You play the violin better than ----.

10. Such girls as ---- are not good companions.

11. I am certain that it was ----.

12. Girls like ---- are not good company.

13. If any one is embarrassed, it will not be ----.

14. If any one is late it will be sure to be ----.



1. ---- and their children have left town.

2. We shall soon be as poor as ----.

3. Yes, it was ----.

4. I do not know whether the Macdonalds are Scotch or Irish but I thought the Scotch family alluded to might be ----.

5. The mischievous boys you speak of could not have been ---- for ---- were at home.



1. ---- are you going to give that to?

2. ---- do men say that I am?

3. ---- do men think me to be?

4. ---- am I supposed to be?

5. ---- do you think will be elected?

6. ---- do you think they will select?

7. I do not know ---- to compare him to.

8. Tell me in sadness ---- is she you love?

9. ---- are you going to call on next?

10. How can we tell ---- to trust?

11. ---- is that for?

12. Elect ---- you like.

13. ---- did you see at the village?

14. ---- did you say went with you?

15. Do you know ---- you can get to take my trunk?

16. ---- were you talking to just now?

17. I do not know ---- you mean.

18. Do you remember ---- he married?

19. We will refer the question to ---- you may select as arbitrator.

20. ---- can this letter be from?

21. He is a man ---- I know is honest.[51]

22. He is a man ---- I know to be honest.[51]

23. ---- do you take me to be?

24. ---- did you expect to see?

25. Can't you remember ---- you gave it to?

26. I saw a man ---- I have no hesitation in saying was Julian H.

27. We like to be with those ---- we love and ---- we know love us, let them be ---- they may.

28. ---- do you think it was that called?

29. He confided his plan to those ---- he thought were his friends.

30. He confided his plan to those ---- he thought he could trust.

31. We recommend only those ---- we think can pass the examinations, and ---- we know will do their best.

32. ---- do you think she looks like?

33. One letter was from an applicant ---- I afterwards learned had been out of a position for two years.

34. ---- did you suppose it was?

35. Opposite him was a handsome man--John knew must be Kathleen's uncle.

36. A witness ---- the counsel for the defence expected would be present was kept away by illness.

37. A witness ---- the counsel expected to be present was kept away.

38. Give it to ---- seems to need it most.

39. ---- does he think it could have been?

40. They have found the child ---- they thought was stolen.

41. Mr. Morton, ----, it is announced, the President has appointed minister to France, has a house at Saratoga.

42. Miss C. married an old gentleman ---- they say is very wealthy.

43. The king offered to give his daughter in marriage to ---- would kill the terrible monster.

44. ---- do you think I saw in Paris?

45. ---- are you going to vote for?

46. They left me ignorant as to ---- it was.

47. We were betrayed by those ---- we thought would die for us.

48. I don't know ---- to ask for.

49. I know ---- it is I serve.

50. The President has appointed Mr. L., ---- he thinks will show himself well fitted for the position.

51. One member of the committee was absent ----, it was asserted by the minority, would have voted in the negative.

52. The officer addressed the woman, ---- he plainly saw to be very much out of place there.

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