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Next chapter will be later tonight... though not sure when. It might be in 4-6 hours or it might be in 6-12. Have to look through some of them first.

Year 7444, Month 8, Day 26

"That's right, if they serve master like that then it would be fine."

Once again today we teleported into the 6th floor being seen off by {Sun Ray}. Obviously I let them eat breakfast with us. Since we ended up teleporting into an area for the first time again like yesterday, we just continued exploring like that. We passed through several monster rooms and it was just after we finished eating lunch at around noon.

We were poking the floor as usual and just about to proceed. It was a long passage connected to a lot of other passages. Bel said, "sh" and closed her eyes while concentrating on her ears just as we were moving down a slightly wide passage like that. However, she twisted her head as if it was misunderstanding and said, "It seems it was a misunderstanding. I'm sorry." since we were ready for a monster attack we lowered the level of caution and proceeded ahead again.

After continuing for a short while, I couldn't see anything other than a curve to the left about 10 meters ahead. Just like that we followed the path along to the left and I continued using Identify vision to look ahead and I saw a silhouette about 200m ahead in the passage. Bel must have reacted their talking voices just now. I got a bit excited thinking it was a survivor from {Sun Ray}. Obviously the only one who's noticed for now is just me. However, they sure are far. I guess it would be fine to Identify after we get a bit closer. If possible I'd like to get within 50m and see their face before Identifying. It would suck if their names and faces get mixed up after all. If I look closely there were two shadows. One of them has their back against the wall in the passage and is sitting down. The other one appears to be sitting facing them taking a break.

After we proceed a bit further I'll try warning everyone.

Thinking that we continued proceeding. When we approached to about 150m Bel said "sh" in a whisper again and everyone stopped in order to not interfere with Bels concentration. "One..three.." Eh? three monsters? So she wasn't reacting to their talking voices!?

"I can't hear them anymore. They were teleported!"

The moment we all heard Bel's warning everyone stuck their backs to the walls of the passage and held their weapons. Certainly it's true it's not limited to just their conversation. The other wall of the passage Ralpha, Gwine, Zulu, and Angela have their backs to it and this time it's me, Zenom, Toris, and Bel. And several seconds later a {Cave Boar} appeared from behind on our side and just kept going for a bit like that but quickly decelerated and started to change directions. It's a chance!

"{Stone Javelin}"

"{Stone Bolt}"


Something like that doesn't particularly matter though.

"Nn..It seems everything is fine now. I heard the sound of something hit a wall far away."

Bel was surprised by the telephone pole but she remained calm as she declared it was safe so while we temporarily lightened our guard, the sound just now was no comparison with the usual sounds of combat after all. After all it's dangerous to suddenly have intruders in the middle of combat. I erased the large stone spear like a telephone pole and the {Cave Boars} corpse fell down with a thud. A~~a, if it's like this then we probably can't gather the magic stone. Isn't it embedded deep into the wall along with it's heart? Even if it's undamaged it's troublesome and I don't want to spend time digging through the smashed pieces of flesh in the hole in the wall either.

Since everyone realized that there was quite a bit of sound from the combat just now they all looked up.


【Creation Date: 26/8/7444】

【Durability: 1】

So they died yesterday..either the damage was terrible or it's after they already took out their magic stone.

"Be careful, there's something there."

Just in case I warned everyone and used 【Identify】 on the one with their weapon out.


【Condition: Bruising.Stab Wound】

【Level: 14】

【Strength: 17】

【Dexterity: 17】

【Special Skill: Earth Magic (Lv. 2)】

【Special Skill: Wind Magic (Lv. 2)】

【Experience: 371240(450000)】

Yeah, it's certainly a person from {Sun Ray}. I've heard their name. Everyone tensed up hearing my warning and they're looking all over the place while on guard. Even after waiting a few minutes, it seems there's no attack from above so we took the magic stone from the {Cave Boar} and collected a bit of meat in addition.

Now then, I guess we should move forward.

After advancing a bit Angela,

"It's true there's something there...Is it a person?"

she twitches her nose while saying. If I look further down and Gekudo is holding his sword while looking around restlessly. He must have heard the sound of combat and even if it was only a moment saw the flame from the magic. After that, he might not have seen us because we're slowly advancing while remaining careful of traps but he should know that someone is definitely nearby. Most likely, he should think it's either his allies in {Sun Ray} or us and might be cautious of an attack from us. He might just be hesitating on whether to raise his voice and ask our identity.

"Is it a person from {Sun Ray}?"

Ralpha said in a whisper.

"It would be good if that's the case."

Gwine whispered a reply. Yeah, it's a person from {Sun Ray}. This time it would be good for sure if they have some money. Since it seems he's from a sub-Baron family we can hope for more than Ginger.

"Most likely, there's a person. I can smell the scent of blood as well. They might be injured."

Angela said. They're injured as well but the guy who's blood you smell is already dead...Well that's just the right timing for a statement.

"I'll try calling out..Hey!"

I could see Gekudo flinch 100m ahead. He replied right away.

"Hey! Over here~! Hurry, please hurry and come!"


"There was one!"

It was one day soon but we decided to return today. There should still be one member of {Sun Ray} remaining but if you think about the amount of food they were holding they should already be at the limit. And we should have already sold them plenty of favors. However, couldn't we at least hit an altar room in the end?

..We didn't hit one. Obviously we never ended up running into the last remaining member. We just made clear the traps on another course through the 6th floor. No, just that is plenty though.

We explored until evening and after withdrawing our camp, I made an apologetic face while telling Zemyunel that we would be leaving. Eh? Of course I erased all of the raised dirt that we use as a bed. It's only obvious right? Let's return right away, have some alcohol, and go to sleep. After all, the night of the day after tomorrow I'm entering the dungeon again and heading towards Karl's place.

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