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Both of us step into the ring,

"Hey,Soutsan,aren't you going to use a weapon?"

"I'm not the type to fight since my stats not that that good."

"Then this is going to be a one-sided fight."

"Are the two of you ready?"

We both turn our head,

and saw the principal,

Ciel devilmon,holding a popcorn bucket.

"Now,i want you two to give me an entertaining fight."



Narrator,commentate this fight.

Souta was just getting ready,

But just as he was about to move,

He heard Luck's voice behind him.

"Slow,too slow,Soutsan."

'So fast!'

"My 'Thunder magic:Light speed' increases my speed stats by 10 times."

A flurry of punches came towards Souta,

And all those punches landed a hit on him.

"Er,Principal,I think we should stop the fight,Nii-san looks like he's going to die."

"Nonsense!Taking those hit will make him stronger."


"Be quiet,the good part is going to happen."

'Souta,let me take over.'

'You again.'

'Yeah,it's me your old pal'

'I don't remember you being a friend.'

'Just let me use your body'

'You,last time i check you said you will stop using my body.'

'Yeah,but your in danger.'

Sure enough,

Souta have taken every single punch thrown at him,

"Hey,Souta!You're weak,really weak!Weaker than i expected!"

Luck then increases his amount of punches,

"If you don't do something you wouldn't have a future anymore!"

He gave a menacing smile,

With a murderous feel to it.

"Principal!You need stop the fight!Luck-kun is going to kill Nii-san!

"There's no need for that,look.."

'If i can survive,then take my body!'

'No worries,you will survive.'


Feeling something strange,Luck stopped his punches and stepped back.

"Wh-what happened?Why did Luck-kun retreat?"

"When you feel that something is going to happen,of course you'll be moving back."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Alice-chan,take a look at your little friend a bit longer."

Souta suddenly moved,but instead of attacking,

He instead write something in the air.

"'I've found a way to beat you!"

He signalled Luck to come at him.

'What should i do,should i attack him like just now or should i not?'

"Come on,are you afraid?come attack me."

"Fine then!"

Luck charge towards Souta,

But Souta dodges his attack and gave him a punch,

And fell to the ground.

"How?How did Nii-san hit that hard?"

"Look closely,Kazuo.He didn't punch but hit his pressure point."

Luck,slowly push his body up,

"So,you were hiding your real power."

"Sort of,i guess?"

'No,i'm not.'

"I see,so i guess i can go full power then."

Luck placed his hands on the the floor,

just like a lion.

"Thunder magic:Thunder Lion's Feast!"

Luck,move really quickly around the field,

Scratching Souta little by little.

'Hey,who's in danger now?'


With a grin,Souta tear part of the space around him,

"Cause i've found the way to win!"

Putting his hand inside the hole,

and took out a metal rod.

"A lighting rod!"

"How smart.To use a lighting rod to absorb the lighting into the ground to slow down his opponent."

"Since when did Nii-san became so smart?"

"Soutsan has always been smarter than the both of us."

"Now,let the experiment begin."

Is that a K*m*n Ri*d*r B**ld reference!

'Yes it is.'

Sticking the lighting rod onto the ground,

The lighting that came from Luck's magic,

Slowly being absorbed into the ground,

Slowing him down.


Taking this chance,

Souta run towards him,

And push him down.

"Now,how am i going to deal with you."

'Souta,should i paralyse his upper body or lower body?'

'How about we let him go.'

"So the choice is death then?"

Beginning to strike Luck's pressure point,


Souta's body suddenly stop.

His hand begin to move and he hit himself.

"So you finally got some energy to take control of your body again."

"Yeah,now let me take control of it completely."

"Can i not use it a little longer?"

"No,if you do,you'll going to make me a murderer again!"

"Kazuo,his talking to himself,just like 6 years ago."

"I know,i'm going to stop Nii-san."

While Kazuo is getting ready to go help Souta,

He was stop by Ciel,

"Stop,this is the best part."

He then tied a chain onto Kazuo,

Making him unable to move.

"Stop with the 'Interesting part' and stop the fight."

"Not that i want to admit it,but his right."

"Calm down and watch."

Souta,still hitting and talking to himself,

Suddenly stop.


'Your lucky since i'm tired right now.'

"Could you just shut up ke…"

Before he could finish his sentence,

Souta ,feeling weak and tired,




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応援すると応援コメントも書けます カクヨムを、もっと楽しもう




こちらもおすすめ /

完結済 28話 2016年3月19日更新

連載中 39話 2018年5月26日更新

連載中 203話 2018年5月26日更新

連載中 25話 2018年5月26日更新

連載中 27話 2018年5月26日更新

連載中 18話 2018年5月26日更新

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