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"Now,how are you going to find your teammate?Easy."

Saying so,the principal took out a machine,

"A roulette machine!"

Pointing at Kazuo,

Kazuo walk in front of the machine and pressed the button.

"Number 20!Looks like the brother are going to be in the same team!"

Wow,what a coincidence,right author


Nothing,go back to writing.

I walk onto the stage and stand next to Kazuo,

Kazuo pressed the button again,

"Number 6,Alice Silva!"

Kazuo blink twice before he open his mouth,

"Could you say it again?"

"Alice Silva,your next member."

With a worried look,Kazuo turned around,

"Nii-san,i need to go to the toilet."

As he started moving,

he suddenly stop.

I look down and saw ice forming on his legs,

And a girl with silver coloured hair in a long twin tail style walk towards him,

"Kazeyama Kazuo!"

Hearing that,Kazuo freak out,trying to run away,

But since his legs was frozen,he couldn't escape.

"Ni-Ni-Ni-Ni-Ni,Nii-san,help me!"

"Oh hey,Alice-chan,how are you."

"Nii-san!Don't ignore me!"

"I'm doing great."

Alice replied to me with a smile,

But after she turned to Kazuo,her expression changed

"So,Kazuo,how long has it been since we met?"

"3 years?"

"Correct,and how long did you not contact me?"

"Tw-two years?"

"Actually,it's 3 years,i help him contact you for the first year."

"Nii-san,please stop helping this demon!"

"What did you call me!?"

The ice that froze Kazuo's leg,

Slowly climb up to his upper body.

"What kind of person will call their girlfriend a demon!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Soutsan,go press the button while i bring your brother to the toilet."

Saying with a scary smile,she brought Kazuo down the stage.


Rest in peace,Kazuo.

Now,let's go press the button,

I went to the machine and press the button,

"Number 19,Misora Megumi!"

A girl,with straight,short bob cut hair,

Wearing a pink summer one piece dress came onto stage.

The only other word to describe her is cute,

She's really,really cute.

"H-Hi,i'm Mi-Misora Me-Megumi.Ni-Nice to meet you."

"Hi,I'm Kazeyama Souta."

While talking i just keep thinking how cute she is,



Crap,i said it outloud!

I look at her and she's blushing and not showing her face to me.

What should i do?

"So-Soutsan,le-let's be friends."

"What kind of question is that,we already are friends."

"What do you mean?"

"Since we are in the same team,this makes the both of us friends.?"

"S-so,we are friends now?"


We smiled at each other,

But a few seconds later,i went and hide my face with embarrassment,

I mean,i am saying such a cool line in the lamest way,

"Looks like you made a friend,Soutsan."

I raise my head and saw Alice carrying a injured Kazuo.

"H-Hi,I'm Mi-Misora Me-Megumi."

"I'm Alice Silva,nice to meet you."

"And the guy being carried is my twin brother,Kazeyama Kazuo."

"Souta,this time Alice hold back a lot on me."

"Oh,Alice-chan i thought you would hit him a lot harder."

"I-i-i-i-i-it's not that i want too!It's just that i'm a bit rusty."

Saying so she froze Kazuo up.

Yep,she's a real tsundere all right.

"Alright kids,since you all have finished with your team bonding time,i was thinking about have a match between 2 students."

A match,please don't choose me,

i hate fighting since my stats is useless for fighting.

"I'm thinking a boy with white hair wearing a scarf."

Crap!That's me!

"And i am thinking about a boy wearing a yellow jacket and an eyepatch."

"Ah!That's me!"

A boy which fits in the description step out,

He is a really cheerful person.

He walk in front of me and raise his hand,

"I'm Luck Denki,let's have a good match,Soutsan."

I shake his hands and replied,

"You too."

Looks like the first fight in the series is going to start.



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連載中 79話 2018年5月20日更新

連載中 37話 2018年5月20日更新

連載中 20話 2018年5月19日更新

連載中 16話 2018年5月19日更新

連載中 58話 2018年5月18日更新

連載中 15話 2018年5月18日更新

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