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Chapter 4 -

Part 1

Gazing onto the building, Shiro muttered out:

"Wow, never expected it to be this huge........but I don't think humans are that

Sora complained while holding onto his neck. Without any hint of interest,

"Of course, this is the result of constantly remodeling after the Eastern Union

"Hmm...." Sora replied.


something else."

"Could you enlighten me on why are we here?"

looked towards Sora, reaffirming Steph's question.

Sora vaguely answered her question before swaggering forwards, but was

"Oi, wait a minute, although we are in Elchea, this is still an embassy!!"

"Guuuuu, so, so——————thi, this is violation of the territorialrights!"

advance oh."

Steph was about to retort, but got abruptly cut off by him.

Towards those words that Sora spouted.

"————Welcome, your highness the King and the Queen of Elchea."

pants—— a Therianthrope, the elder walked down from the staircase and

"Nice to meet you, I'm in charge of foreign affairs here in Elchea for the

With a respectful and polite attitude, the elder——— Hatsuse Ino said.

Although Sora didn't know why Steph was surprised, he replied nonetheless:


and gramps agreed. So, I said I've made an appointment."

"Wa, wait a moment, isn't this place 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) away from the

"Yes, I was quite shocked to learn that Therianthropes' eyesight are that

——Something is wrong.

It's understandable that Therianthropes could do that, but the problem is——

However, Ino paid no heed to that point and calmly made a deal with Sora.

[Hatsuse Izuna] right."

Ino slightly closed his eyes.

Steph instantly gasped.

It was as if those eyes could peek directly into someone's mind——

But facing against those eyes, Sora withstood his stare unfalteringly.

"——This way."

Part 2

the elevator.

lift steadily climbed upwards.

Ignoring the astonished Steph, Ino said:

What he implied was not to use that kind of method again.

"How improper, the Eastern Union didn't even respond to formal procedures

Hearing Steph mouthed offsuch ironic words, or maybe accidental, Ino

"——What? You guys really sent out letters...."

Steph couldn't help but cringed with those eyes that could read hearts, but she

"Of, of course! Starting from my grandfather's generation, no matter how

never replied once, don't you dare say you weren't informed of this!"


"As you know, after that incident, a lot of people held hostility to

that there were letters....."

"I'm afraid someone else might've disposed it. This action is unacceptable, I'll

strict punishment, so please forgive me."


——It seems like he really didn't know.

Forget it, in the end you are still Therianthropes."

with sharp eyes.

The letter wasn't received, so you thought that they didn't reply, Sora asked.

Steph sighed bitterly.

prestige of the country, so Elchea built a new castle."

"Towards our fortification, the Eastern Union was provoking us, large-scale

Union, so, that, in short, many things had happened."

Sora started whining, while Jibril was deliberately trying to pick at his words.

were at 16th, things became much more complicated—— There should be a

Recalling from the contents of the book, Jibril couldn't help but laughed out,

"It was called———[the pot calls the kettle black; one who retreats fifty

Ino sniggered after hearing that:


"Floating in the air, burying yourselves in a pile of antique books, it should've

"Hehe, you may be old, but you are pretty honest."

"Therianthropes' species, perfomance, knowledge, wisdom.....all are inferior

someone, you have to despise something first right?"

monkeys, such unexpected words."

definitely be an eye-opener."


"....I can probably figure out what you want to say, but go on."


hatred to linger...."

".....Regarding both of their strengths, they are one of the uppermost races in

As for the second question—— Steph shook her head, this was a question

"Hehehe, immediately being so arrogant after getting restricted, how lively

"Hahaha, because we have no other ability except killing, we are different

Sora and Shiro thought of the same thing.

Part 3

An exhausted Steph unhesitatingly sat down on a chair in a hall that seemed to

"Ho, how tiring."


Bowing graciously, Ino strolled out of the room. After watching him leave the

"But......Having said that, this is very luxurious, the civilization gap could really

The room was made entirely out of marble, a scarce resource in this world.

However, this wasn't what Sora was looking for.

"......Jibril, haven't you noticed that no one had mentioned this yet?"

Therianthropes, I always feel concerned."

To Jibril, seeing the [Unknown] in front of her.

".....You see."


application, a photo was taken at the maximum zoom length.

——Which was to say, this was the case.

It was a coincidence that the camera direction was facing to the figure that

Sora attempted sign language with the figure.

Hmmmm, this is really interesting......Jibrilsaid so.

(Since they are the mind-reading Therianthropes, wouldn't this bluff be

Even Master was clueless as to why the letters weren't sent——

".......Nii, that."

New questions arose.

What Jibril was pointing to was———a television.

Although the appearance was somewhat different than the TV that Sora

"——un, the clear evidence has been found...."

Hearing that question, Sora smirked.

are probably listening already——Am I right? Old man."

*Kacha*, Ino opened the door and came in.

After the introduction, what walked into the door was——

coupled with a big ribbon tied around the waist of a kimono—— no matter

"How cu——"

chance to finish.

big brother isn't suspicious at alll~."

——When did they move?


Facing against those two, the Therianthropes girl——Izuna responded in a

"You bastards are touching me, des."


"Cuteness.....minus fifty points..."

"You bastards don't stop now, des."

"You bastards better continue doing that, des."


didn't say I hate it, des."

immediately understood.

"....!? Is that so, des!?"

In other words, the approval to caress her has already been given by Izuna.

ago, and isn't fluent with the human language—— moreover...."

"Oi! You bastard bald monkeys, don't think you bastards can take advantage

granddaughter with your filthy hands, be carefulfor I'll accidentally kill you al

———He then smiled again to correct his etiquette.

actions again."

"————Old man, that isn't any human language, it's completely your

"Un? I don't get what you said."

"....I hate this grandpa.....minus 1000 points."

"....But moeee 100 points."

and quietly said:

"It's okay, this is comfortable, continue, des."

*Stroke stroke stroke*

continue, des."

closed. Sora then asked:

"Why, des?"

sister Shiro, pleased to meet you."

"Understood, des. Pleased to meet you, Shiro, Sora."

"——Izuna, you prohibit grandpa from touching, yet the bald monkeys can

"Grandpa's......technique is bad, the claws hurt, des."

merely laughed aside and said:

this sort ofstroking technique is simply too easy, don't you

"....Means..we haven't.....caress real animals yet."

Part 4



"Since you can read minds, it ain't necessary right."

are exchanged, are you monkeys too stupid to understand that?"

granddaughter prefers our treatment."

"Master, the Therianthropes have below aggregate scores for mentality, just

heart okay? Otherwise it's just too pathetic."

Just when he was considering whether or not to break allrestraints and kick

——Instantly, Ino felt a chillrun down his back.

What was there was an arrogant, rude, deceptive, yet doing numerous

"My request is very simple——Hatsuse Ino."



Steph who suddenly became the topic of question and Ino shouted out.

"Eh? You are unhappy with Steph's? Is Jibril's one better?"

At the same time, Jibrilstarted stripping off her panties.


"Nuu, Shiro's is a no-no, you are pretty sick if you wanted an 11-year-old

that......Even the tolerant me may be hesitant....."

"I say old man, can't it do? I'm allowing you to use Izuna's panties oh?"

better get——"

——Sora revealed an exceptionally mocking smile, as if he was a gambler

"——Old man, sorry, but I've already seen through your fake ability to read

Ino's body startled, it was a response that was extremely difficult to

"Not going to talk about true, although it looked like you

agreed to a game with the panties as the bet. Because compared with the

"I've already understood the Eastern Union's game, it's because you aren't

Sora grinned while exposing a meaningfulsmile.

Ino was expressionless.

When Sora said those words, his pupil, heartbeat, even the sound of his

in full belief.

true reason why we came here."

"As the sixteenth sequenced race, the fully representative of the human race

Holding onto Shiro's hand, the oath was recited while raised.

[Eastern Union], and for congratulating the country for accepting us on our

[Country gamble], my request for your country is——"

"——[Everything in your continent]."

of Sora and Shiro.

Because that request—— went past the limit.

"Wh, what!?"

Everything in the Eastern Union's continent—— is betted with Steph's

Even Jibril used a suspecting gaze to check if her master was talking right.

Upholding his unwavering confidence, he said a sentence.

No one understood the meaning behind that phrase.

"Ma,master, can I ask what do you mean by that?"


"As expected of Shiro, you understand right? Yes——this way the [Eastern

However, nobody comprehended the meaning behind that sentence except

Sora could only lazily reply:


technical aspect......but rapid development has it's difficulties."

"The television in this room as well as the elevator from before, sofa, all these

Meaning, the mainland's resources are the lifeblood to your modern

obvious need to obtain resources from the mainland—— However, [Before

"What a pain——[Aside from luring the enemy to attack us, we had no other

would come again to challenge a game whose details are unknown. But then

Raising a finger while smiling, Sora said:

eliminate the memory of the game?"

"......Because if didn't eliminate.......can't win again."

enemy] if there are contradictory demands?


exposed—— thus losing the advantage to win.

Eliminating the memories about the game.

so it seems.

game would always be revealed."

expressionless face was Ino.

".....Because......Using the lost......try to crack the game......?"

[Probing] while being conscious of the losses they had, was an easy task.

no use of magic], because when it comes to the reason why the Elves would

Putting up his finger, Sora continued onwards.

of the game, but they speculated that it was a game that possibly made magic

magic externally, but even so they still lost; by the third time, they used some

Really, for the government to use magic, it really makes one envy, Sora

"With that, they went all out and challenged for the fourth time—— but still

".......You really do have a great imagination."

But thinking that one could bluff Sora—— was the biggest mistake.

two fingers.

more importantly—— why weren't they on the offensive again?"

But why did they stop challenging.

just ignore this.

was made to make them lose."

"Or—— they knew what that game was, but still didn't understand why they

Laughing, Sora wore a confident smile and said:

game. Which means, the [latter] is the correct answer."

her spine.

This was an extremely superb-like reasoning ability——

they lost the game."

continued his explanation:

just now, old man."

Watching the Therianthropes that claimed to read minds, Sora said:

"....Because they can't read it...."

"What the lie represented, it would be very distressing if known right?"

isn't winnable?"

"——come, I'll give everyone a hint!"

"The Heavenly Winged, Elves, Mankind, to win against all these races with

memory elimination, doesn't require mind reading, a game belonging to a race

Stealing a peak at the television, Shiro answered:

Jibril and Steph didn't seem to understand this.

the Eastern Union.

Because of this, the game couldn't be won.

Even if outside help was present, anything could be done, and even so the

——Was zero.

technologically advanced country, amazing right?"

"The reason why you boasted out that you could read minds, was to give the

Not letting the defeated an avenue to pursue. Actually, you can only see

Indeed—— it was exactly similar to Sora's pride in his skills.

While they used their superior senses to detect heartbeat and bloodflow.


The speculation wasn't wrong, Ino was speechless.

Initially Sora—— before he was aware that Ino couldn't read minds.

remarks about Izuna's panties.

This implied that from the start he excluded the risk of being mind-read.


was bluffing."

At that time when Ino was thinking about it, Sora continued with a tinge of

"Yes, that fact that you can't read minds—— I already knew from the start.

Okay, time for the last question—— Sora said.

The answer to this question was already known to Shiro, Steph and Jibril,

"This question—— old man, I'll hand it to you, you should know right."

———— unless the late king he?

partaking in the Eastern Union's game, they had won territory from the

But, we agreed that the condition was that he does not inform anyone. Why

——No, not right.

Still in the midst of thinking, Sora interrupted with a proud smile on his face:

proves that you couldn't see through the late king's intent—— you couldn't

The late king's intent was——

lifetime]—— doesn't include death."

It explained how this man got the details of the game.

"Well, you should understand the situation right, old man."

"What a headache. Whatever you do requires you to remove my memory,

game with such a bet, then you must admit I was right."

Just when Ino was about to make a decision, at the same time——

but [escaping]."

grimly said:

"We bet on Humanity's everything——[The chess]."

A faint glow of light appeared in front of Sora's eyes—— a piece.

In order to challenge god—— the sixteen chess pieces must be collected,

Humanity's piece———was a [king].

Even Jibril who lived for 6000 years, this was the first time she saw a [piece].

Because gambling a game with a [piece], was unheard of after the [Ten

——Not even once was it seen.

In the case of losing, it means surrendering forever.

"——You, are you serious— guuu!?"

She was about to yell: Are you serious, but was immediately pinned down by

——The way it has become, it was a bet for everything, all territory in the

"So now if you escape, it's basically announcing to the world that I was

Saying with a smile, without any fear, Sora watched the self-proclaimed mind

"Okay, it's check, this would be [Checkmate]."

"——Did you read past this move? Old man."

——How did this happen?

about to lose everything.

so far.

—— how did it happen.

He tried to keep his facade—— no, he faked out a calm appearance to reply:

are not being negligent of one thing?"


circumstances still lost]?"

However, if it was what Sora had speculated.

And like the past, add another record to the win—— However.

"Old man, how did I communicate with you when I was at the library——if

everything, but frankly be surprised."


——In the [World of the past].

were even known as urban legends.



However, whatever Sora did, was not shown to have a lie.


his mind.

Either way—— Ino couldn't answer.

"When I came here, you thought I was as stupid as the late king right?"

"....Sorry to disappoint you, but this time you're about to get eaten——

Listening to the heartbeat of this Human King, aside from the [truth], any


"Just like that, but this requires the entire territory as a bet, I don't think it is

and notify me the date of the bet."

"I don't need to say, but for the game of betting the [piece], the whole of

equipment oh. And also we are fighting as four, you have no rights to refuse,

After Sora said these comfortably, he waved at Izuna who was sitting across

"Bye, Izuna, we should play games the next time okay——?"

However, her familiarity like before was gone.

Hidden in her eyes were burdened with some responsibility as she looked at

Charged with the responsibility of being a guardian ofsomething—— those

"Fight? No such thing, only a game."

"Then you are enemy, des."

"....I won't lose to you, des."

"Sorry, but Izuna will lose, there is no doubt about that. 『 』 accept no

"....Baibai.....Izuna-chan, see you later...."

resisting and chased after them.

They unhesitatingly operated the elevator buttons, and with that the door

Hatsuse Ino and Hatsuse Izuna could only watch them leave.

"Lo, lo, look what you've just doneee

Once they had returned to the city, Steph started shouting, causing Sora to

"Wh, wh, why didn't you inform us that that would happen!!!"

Sitting on the throne, Sora said so while playing a link battle on the DSP with

"Of, of course! You, do you know what you've just done!?"

Widening his eyes, it seemed to imply—— what's the problem then?

squeeze out some words.

But—— Sora replied with:

This time Steph was really speechless.

He however didn't seem to be interested in what Steph was saying.

No—— a pleasant smile emerged out.

would increase, the Eastern Union and their kemonomimi will become ours

*nods nods*

and smiled.

———————— Mad.

[aberration] shouldn't be used.

"Wha, what are you guys treating human lives as."

wanted to run, but she stood her ground and started complaining:

humanity. I was wrong for thinking that——!"

But this time, there was a clear difference as her eyes held genuine contempt

—— Sora still nonchalantly answered:
"Calm down, Steph.....this is only a game oh?"

——Just this sentence, all doubts to Steph turned into belief.

This man, no, this pair ofsiblings were only playing.


(——Handing over grandfather's greatest achievement to these kind of

Despair, disappointment, fear—— countless of emotions flooded Steph's

However Jibril only held admiration for Shiro and Sora.

——For victory, even the lives of the civilians could be placed on the tables.

Steph feared the [Unknown].


"Then Dora-chan, let me ask you."

"You said how were they going to be responsible if they lose. But conversely,

property, denied of their rights, even die. You want master to be in charge of

"——Th, that...."

However, even so—— Sora's action was too irresponsible.

Jibril continued speaking.

still die."

Conversely, there is only that.

was still possible."

This was how the humans have been treated up to now.

"No, no....Not like that——! But!"

That kind of thing, is too strange—— Steph said so, but——

Jibril herself was one of the authoritarian figures.

"Whether in reality or in game, eventually it would still be [Mutual killing]——

——Facing those words that was spoken out by someone who experienced

But, unexpectedly—— [Sora] let out an uncertain voice.



Those words didn't seem right.

Suddenly, as if having an understanding, Sora said out:

Always feeling that something was wrong, Sora finally found the reason.

was still a sense of tension. It appears that you all—— have the same ideals


"I see, no wonder nobody has appeared to solve the game of this [World]

Perhaps he had figured out the problem and solved it.

"Rest assured, we willfollow our declaration and conquer this world, conquer

Then, Sora suddenly thought ofsomething.


The pleasant smile from before was gone.

"——We won't lose, didn't we say it was [Checkmate]?"

"The game with Eastern Union is already over, they can't win against us."

believe him.

soon enough."

Finishing with those words, Sora resumed the game.

Countless tips were left behind.

Jibril and Steph could only—— look at each other

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