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"There's a whole thing in here about vampires being discouraged from getting cosmetic surgery," she said to Kaige. "What's up with that? It's not like vamps need to get Botox."

Kaige smiled as he slid the spatula under one of the pancakes and flipped it over. "Just because vampires don't need Botox, that doesn't mean all of them like the way they look. If they wanted their nose smaller or their breasts bigger when they were human, it wouldn't change simply because they'd become vampires."

Savanna considered that for a moment then decided that made sense. While a vampire's body changed on the inside, their physical appearance stayed the same as the day they were turned. "Okay, but I still don't understand why vamps can't get cosmetic surgery if they want to. I mean, I know why a human doctor couldn't do it, but why couldn't a vamp doctor do it? "

He gave her a frown as he transferred the pancakes to a plate. "You weren't thinking about getting anything done, were you?"

"No," she said. "I was just curious."

"Good," he said, his gaze caressing her slender figure. "Because you're perfect the way you are."

Savanna blushed, pleased he thought so. She hopped off the counter as he carried the stack of pancakes over to the table. "So, why can't vamp doctors do a nose job or a boob job?" she asked as she sat down.

Kaige pulled out the chair opposite hers. "First off, it's not completely prohibited, just discouraged. Some procedures work better than others. For example, breast implants are a big problem. Our immune system attacks any foreign object in our bodies, including implants. Though I've never actually talked to anyone who tried it, Jensen's told me that the procedure can be very messy. You see, as the body rejects the implant, it's pushed-"

She looked up from the pancake she was placing on her plate to make a face at him. "Ewww. I don't need a visual, thank you."

He looked genuinely confused in the way that guys always did when they were saying something gross. "Oh," he said. "Sorry."

"No problem," she said. "What about the nose job?"

"Again, it's discouraged," he said. "It can be done, and it will work just fine, but it's been discovered that since vampires heal so quickly, they tend to fall in love with having procedures done over and over again. It can become rather addictive. So, most vampire doctors don't like to do it unless there's a really good reason. It's sort of a vampire mental health thing."

She thought a moment. "Okay, well the handbook also stated that cosmetic dentistry isn't allowed, either," she said as she handed him the serving dish. "Why would a vamp even need cosmetic dentistry?"

Kaige looked up as he placed several pancakes on his plate. "Remember that thing I told you about some vampires not having fangs?"

She nodded.

"Well, some of them get a severe case of fang envy and end up going to a dentist to try and have the problem corrected," he explained. "A couple of years ago, there was a mini-craze where vampires started having bigger and bigger fangs implanted. The Counsel had to step in and write the rule before we had a bunch of saber-tooth tigers walking around."

Savanna laughed. While she'd always gone to the dentist regularly, she'd absolutely hated every minute of it. Now that she was a vampire, though, she wouldn't need to do that anymore. Or would she?

"Do I still need to go to the dentist?" she asked.

He nodded. "A vampire dentist. Our immune system doesn't have anything to do with cavities. You won't get them as quickly, but you can still get cavities."

She made a face at that. One more vampire benefit shot to hell. As she bit into a perfectly cooked piece of bacon a moment later, however, she frowned. She'd been making a lot of assumptions about the benefits of being a vampire. She had naturally assumed that as a vamp, she wouldn't have to worry about gaining weight. What if she was wrong about that, too? When she mentioned it to Kaige, he laughed.

"Of course vampires can gain weight," he said. "What made you think they couldn't?"

She thought a moment. "I don't know. I guess I just assumed that since vampire DNA keeps our bodies in peek condition, we wouldn't be able to gain weight."

He gestured with his fork. "Extra calories are extra calories. Your body stores them just like it did before you became a vampire."

Savanna shook her head. "That's just so wrong," she muttered.

She gazed longingly at the second piece of bacon she'd taken, and then let out a sigh as she put it back on the serving plate uneaten. After a moment, she scraped off the huge pat of butter she'd put on her pancakes and settled for just using syrup instead. Across from her, Kaige obviously had no such concerns about gaining weight because the huge stack of pancakes on his plate was practically swimming in butter.

"I assume cholesterol isn't a problem, though," she said, gesturing to his plate.

He smiled as he dug into his food. "Nope. Anything above normal levels in the blood gets consumed by the white blood cells, including excess cholesterol."

As they finished eating a little while later, Kaige announced he had a class to teach that afternoon.

"I'll be back in plenty of time to pick you up and we can head over to your parents house for dinner," he told her.

She looked at him over the rim of her coffee mug. "Would it be okay if I sat in on your class instead?"

Kaige shrugged. "Sure," he said, grinning. "Though I warn you, it might be kind of boring."

But Savanna wasn't bored at all. In fact, she was captivated. Kaige had a great teaching style. As he discussed what it was like to live in a small English town in the 1800's, she felt like she was really there. As did most of his students, she was sure.

She was a little shocked to discover that the class was almost ninety percent female, though. Not that she should really be surprised, she supposed. Kaige was gorgeous, after all. It pleased her to see that he didn't seem to take any special notice of the girls. Not even the ones who deliberately wore low-cut tops or extra short skirts to try and get his attention.

Kaige's gaze did stray to the back of the room quite a few times to where Savanna sat, however. Though he didn't do more than make eye contact with her, the warmth in his gaze made her heart practically melt.

After class, they stopped by his office just long enough for him to drop off his book then went back to his place for a quick change of clothes before heading over to her parents' house.

"My dad's really easy going. As long as you have a job and don't have a rap sheet, he'll like you," she explained as they pulled into the driveway half an hour later. "My mom is a different story, though. I haven't brought a lot of guys home, but she hasn't thought much of the ones I have, and if she doesn't like you, she doesn't make a secret of it."

Kaige reached across the console to give her hand a squeeze. "Stop worrying," he said, leaning over to give her a kiss.

If her mother were watching from the window, which she probably was, then Kaige had already scored big points by coming around to open her door, Savanna thought as they walked up the sidewalk and onto the front porch.

Her mother opened the door before they could even ring the bell. Tall and slender with dark hair and blue eyes, the other woman was an older version of Savanna. Behind her, Savanna's father was tall with graying hair and wire-rimmed glasses. Both of her parents greeted them with warm smiles.

"Savanna, dear, come in," her mom said, embracing her in a hug before pulling away to look at her. "Look at you! I haven't seen you with this much color since you were twelve. Is that actually a tan I see? And that dress you're wearing looks beautiful on you. It's not even black!"

Savanna opened her mouth to reply, but her mother had already turned her attention to Kaige. Savanna held her breath.

"And this must be your new boyfriend," she said, giving Kaige a warm smile as she held out her hand.

Though Savanna gave Kaige what she hoped was an apologetic look as she made the introductions, she couldn't help but smile herself. So far, so good.

"It's nice to meet you," her mother said to Kaige. "Though, I have to admit, you're not exactly what I expected."

"Mom..." Savanna began.

But the words trailed off as Kaige slipped a reassuring arm around her waist. "I hope you're not disappointed," he said, giving her mother a smile.

Her mother laughed. "Good heavens, no! I'm pleasantly surprised, actually. You should see some of the boys my daughter has brought home."

Savanna colored to the roots of her hair. "Mom, please!"

Her mother waved her hand. "Now, you know I'm only being honest, dear."

Savanna cringed, sure her mother was going to elaborate, but to her relief, her father came to her rescue.

"Honey, why don't I help you get dinner on the table while Savanna gives Kaige a tour of the house?" he said to her mother.

Giving Savanna a wink, he nudged her mother in the direction of the kitchen before the other woman could reply.

Savanna gave Kaige an embarrassed look. "Sorry about that," she said. "My mom can come on a little strong."

He brushed her hair back from her face. "That's okay. It's obvious she just cares about you." He smiled. "And she's right. You do look beautiful in that dress."

Savanna blushed. Sleeveless and floral print, the dress was one of the few pieces of clothing in her closet, other than jeans, that wasn't black. She was glad she'd worn it.

Still blushing, Savanna took Kaige's hand and led him into the living room. Built in the 1800's, the house had a lot of history to it, which fascinated Kaige. As they came to her old bedroom, however, Savanna once again found herself blushing with embarrassment. Her mom hadn't changed it since Savanna had been a teenager, and she was mortified by the posters of The Lost Boys, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and several Goth bands that covered the walls. It didn't help that Kaige teased her about them.

Eager to get him out of there before he could kid her any more, Savanna led him up to the third floor. The main space was reserved for a large, turreted room that had tall windows and bookcases lining the walls. The view of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge was almost as amazing as the one from Kaige's bedroom.

Kaige wrapped his arms around her waist and Savanna leaned back against him with a sigh. "This room was my favorite place in the whole house when I was a kid," she said softly. "I used to spend hours up here reading."

Behind her, Kaige murmured something she couldn't hear as he pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Savanna tilted her head to the side with a sigh, only to let out a startled little gasp when she felt the tips of his fangs lightly caress her skin.

Kaige lifted his head with a chuckle. "Sorry," he said. "Being near you brings them out."

Savanna waited for him to do it again, and when he didn't she turned in his arms to see that his fangs were already back in. "You didn't have to stop," she said, looping her arms around his neck. "I liked it."

Chuckling, he dipped his head back down and grazed her neck with his fangs again. It made goose bumps come up all over her body as shivers ran down her back. When he lifted his head to gaze at her with a heated look a few moments later, she frowned.

"Hey, I just realized something," she said. "You can make your fangs slip in and out any time you want. Why can't I?"

He chuckled again. "Because you've only been a vampire for a week. Be patient. You'll pick it up soon enough."

"Good," she said, "Because as soon as I do, I'm going to see if I can make you get those goose bumps!"

Kaige bent to kiss her. "I'm looking forward to it."

Chapter 7.

Having dinner with her parents turned out to be a lot more fun than Savanna had thought it would be, even if she did spend most of it blushing from embarrassment at the things her mom said. If the other woman wasn't relating some horrifying childhood experience of Savanna's, then she was describing some "peculiar" boyfriend Savanna had brought home.

Of course, Savanna's mother was especially thrilled when she learned that Kaige was a college professor.

"Finally," her mother said, giving Savanna a pointed look. "Someone with a real job." Her gaze went to Kaige. "And you two met at a Goth club?"

He smiled. "We bumped into each other outside, actually."

That seemed to make more sense to her mom for she quickly launched into another embarrassing story from Savanna's youth.

Kaige didn't seem to mind her mother's stories at all. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Did Savanna tell you that she wanted to be a vampire when she was younger?" her mother asked as they were having dessert.

Savanna almost choked on her cake.

Beside her, Kaige's mouth twitched. "You know, I don't think she did," he said, his dark eyes teasing as he gaveher hand a squeeze under the table.

Her mother nodded. "Oh, yes! She was fascinated with the whole idea. She even tried to convince me to have the dentist put caps on her teeth so it would look like she had fangs. Of course, I wouldn't do it. Thank goodness."

Though Savanna gave Kaige an embarrassed look, she couldn't help but laugh along with him. Savanna could just imagine what her mom would think if she discovered her daughter really had become a vampire, fangs and all. On second thought, maybe it would be best to keep that to herself. Her mom would be dragging her down to the dentist to try and have her fangs "fixed."

As they were getting ready to leave a little while later, her mother pulled her off to the side while Kaige was talking to her father.

"That boyfriend of yours is a real catch, dear," her mother said in what she probably thought was a low voice. "Your father and I definitely wouldn't mind having him for a son-in-law, I can tell you."

Savanna's eyes went wide. "Mom, we just met!" she protested.

Her mother waved her hand. "Nonsense! I saw the way you two looked at each other. Kaige is already head over heels for you."

Savanna shot Kaige a look, sure he must have heard. But if he had, he gave no indication of it. She turned back to her mother. "Mom, please!"

But the other woman continued as if Savanna hadn't spoken. "Now, I'm not saying you have to rush into marriage or anything, but there's no harm in talking about it," she said. "I saw the most beautiful gown on the cover of one of the bridal magazines when I was at the grocery store the other day. Why don't you come over during the week and I'll show it to you?"

Savanna sighed. She knew her mother meant well, but this was not the time to be having this conversation. "Good night, Mom," she said.

Giving her mother a hug, Savanna hurried over to where Kaige was standing with her father. "Ready to go?" she asked, slipping her hand in his.

Even though he was, it was another ten minutes before they finally left. Much to Savanna's chagrin, her mother reminded her about their earlier conversation as she and Kaige stepped out onto the porch.

"Think about what I said, dear," the other woman said in a conspiratorial whisper. "If you don't grab him, someone else will," she added, giving them a smile and a wave as they walked down the steps.

"Ignore my mother," Savanna said to Kaige as they walked to the SUV.

Kaige chuckled, slipping his arm around her waist. "I don't know about that. She said I'm a real catch, so I have to assume she knows what she's talking about."

She shot him a look. "You heard that?"

"It was impossible not to," he said. "I would have been able to hear what she'd said even if I weren't a vampire. But don't worry about it. I think she's great. Your father, too."

Savanna gave him a smile. "I think they really like you a lot, too."

Despite how embarrassed she was by her mother sometimes, Savanna was secretly pleased that her parents liked Kaige. And while she told herself it was definitely way too early in their relationship to be thinking about marriage, she couldn't ignore the fluttering in her pulse. He was definitely the kind of man she could imagine spending her life with.

When they got back to Kaige's condo a little while later, he didn't close the garage door right away, saying that there was a delivery at the front of the house. Rather than wait in the garage, Savanna walked outside with him. As he grabbed the box off the front step, she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Her brow furrowing, she turned to look across the street just in time to see a shadowy figure disappearing around the corner. She kept watching, but the figure never reappeared. It was probably just a neighbor. But if that were the case, why did she suddenly feel so creeped out? She wrapped her arms around her middle, but it didn't keeping her from shivering.


She jumped at the sound of Kaige's voice. Dragging her gaze away from the houses across the street, she turned to see him regarding her in concern.

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