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Author’s Scribbles

Hello. When volume 2 came out, my editor cautiously asked me if I would end the series with volume 3. I, Kanel, somewhat understood how it felt to be offered to be made into a magical girl by Kyuubei.

To my readers, thank you for reading the lolicon volumes 1 and 2, and the big breasted childhood friend volume 3.

I finished volume 3 in 4 months. It took me longer than normal. Not that I’m complaining.

In this volume, the childhood friend character who was a loose cannon in volume 1 and sidelined in volume 2 took the front stage. In that sense, she was the same as in volume 1. I’m sorry she didn’t develop at all.

I intended for Narae to be a bit more steady in volume 3, but it wasn’t meant to be. I sprinted, hit a guard rail, and any semblance of that character development went falling into the river.

This postscript is chock full of excuses. Weird ones at that. I have nothing to say. It is time for harsh criticisms to flood the Internet and my sails to plummet. I’m writing as if this isn’t happening to me, but make no mistake. I, the author, am the one writing this postscript.

While I was writing this volume, I filled my head with a certain indignant protest: “Who are you calling a loli***?! Who?!” Because something important to me was in the spotlight. Those who have read volumes 1 and 2 likely won’t believe me, but I like older women. I like the grown women who call the beaches of Arabia(??) their home. That’s why I had a bit more oomph! in this volume. Because I’m a man.

Since long ago, I wanted to write a story with a main character that grows. Calling what happened in this volume growth seems a bit off … but I give a silent prayer to Sunghoon, who’s been through so much in less than a month. I can’t even imagine what’ll happen to him by the end of summer vacation. Though I am quite happy at how much he’s grown since volume 1. He’ll probably grow to be human trash even beyond that of his father.

Some of you likely thought that this series would end with volume 3, but, whether for better or worse, there is another volume coming out. I plan on creating a brand new story starting with the next volume.

I’m sorry. That was a lie.

In volume 1’s postscript, I said I would try and make volume 2 shorter, but it ended up longer than even the first volume. In volume 2’s postscript, I said I would make an actual light novel-looking light novel, and it ended up like this. It would be easier to just give up. I’m curious as to how the next volume will turn out.

Here’s something I said today: what’s so bad about erotic things?

This postscript is a mess just like last time. Like the ramblings of a drunkard. My dear readers, if you would look at me with eyes full of disdain and question my reason for existence, I would be grateful. Of course, I would hope that you all would say worse things than just that.

Now that the end has arrived, I will give a quick thank you to all those who have helped me. Maybe it would be better to say these things in person, but suddenly popping up, giving my thanks, and then disappearing would probably be awkward for everyone, so I decided to do this.

Thank you to the editing department at Seed Novel who tied me down onto a righteous path rather than allow me to continue wander aimlessly without a goal in life. I did a lot of stupid things this time around in particular that I need to thank you all for. Though, even after all the bad things I’ve done, I’m doing something worse right now. I am utterly incorrigible. But I believe that you all won’t drag me through the streets after I write this postscript.

Thank you to my mother and father, who showed me much mercy. If my son used his writing as an excuse to live life like an utter freak, then I would have dunked him in the Jordan river. I am grateful to have such understanding parents. And I truly believe that your understanding is not because the whole of the royalties from these books goes into my mother’s bank account. Also thank you to my older brother. Thank you for all you did for me without my even noticing. Please go ahead and do those nice things so that even someone as dense as me will notice.

Thank you once again to the amazing illustrator who worked on this book, Young-in-nim. You’ve done so much for me that I would like to get on my hands and knees and extol your great virtues, but my joints haven’t been feeling too great lately, so I’ll settle for a written statement. Also, the deadlines aren’t serious, so please don’t push yourself. I’m definitely not writing this because I want an excuse to skip my deadline as well.

Writing ‘thank you to all my friends,’ feels weird, so instead I’ll write ‘thanks to my friends.’ Though being so informal in a written thank you is also a little off. But I’ve already written this down, so it’s a little late for that. Next time, I’ll take something like this out. Well, you guys have known me for over 10 years, so I’m sure you’ll understand. Just buying you guys some booze and meat should be enough of a thank you. And to my friend who understood what mysterious liquid X is … I’m not a pervert.

Last but not least, thank you to my friend whom I love, Nami, who occasionally shows up in my dreams to wake me up.

Oh dear, I’m getting goosebumps.

Dijon here. Holy crap, I’m done. Time for volume 4!

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