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I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Reincarnators everywhere!?

The six of us spent the afternoon at the dining hall again.

Maybe friendship bloomed while they were around Michelle? Well, there’s a reverse harem ongoing, so maybe the men’s relationships are not so bad?

Then again, it could be that there is an amazing conflict beneath the surface.

Also their attitudes varied greatly here.

First, Hughie, was talking with Brad, the bespectacled bastard, that he was looking this way at all.
Is it just me who’s imagining that Hughie’s cheeks were blushing in joy?

Hughie…… you…… your rear end, is it alright…?

As for Henry, it still showed that glance as if to say ‘I’m planning something!’

That unnatural act reeked of a small fry’s smell, it’s almost painful to watch.

About the bespectacled bastard……
I. did. not. see. anything.

What’s up with that gaze! What will you do if a women gets pregnant!
No, even men might be included! It’s just that kind of dangerous sight!?

Ah… my butt has hallucinatory pains……

Next to me Louis too was aghast, cringing.

Plus he’s a bespectacled bastard. Not someone whose thoughts are really proper……

Daniel was still diligently pouring tea, but it’s not enough. It’s as if the tea instantly cools.
Really…… the fearful ‘bespectacled bastard’s cooler’! Indeed.

Finally, Jackie……

I actually felt disturbed at that scene.

In the game, he was a very self-assertive character, but I can’t even guess what his personality is here.

That’s why it felt strange to me.

For some reason, he also felt like a reincarnator.
If I and Michelle exist as reincarnators here, it should be prudent to assume that there may be other reincarnators nearby.

When I learnt that Michelle is a reincarnator, the first thing that popped into my head was ‘how many more reincarnators are hiding?’

Of those people, how many died, and how many reincarnated here? And out of them, how many know the game?

I did not have knowledge on the additional contents. Michelle too only heard second-hand about the juicy parts.

If her head is normal, then it’s fine, but if she too is unpredictable like a martian it would be troublesom


It would be nice if that person saw this world as the ‘reality’, but if she was thinking that this is ‘an extension of the game,’ there’s no telling what she might do.

Maybe it’s best to use my authority to eliminate potential dangers……

Am I to take responsibility?
The more I think, the more cornered I feel……

That evening, I barely ate. My stomach was not normal.

As it was meaningless to stay in the dining hall, I silently apologised to the farmers and left the hall.

To us who returned feeling very disappointed, Daniel gave us some sweet-flavoured royal milk tea.

“Sugar is good for the brain, sir.”

Words overflowing with benevolence and a smile……
Today we saw an awesome man’s smile!!

“Hey, Louis, were you able to organise your thoughts?”
“Not very well… shall I say? How about you?”

After enjoying the sweetness that seeped down to our soul, we started revising the facts.

“There are many things I am not sure of, but…… first, there is the possibility that we are targets of Brad’s mad sexual desires, and there is the possibility that there are more so-called ‘reincarnators’.”

Pretending to not have understood everything, I carefully chose my words to the level that Louis can understand.
This was probably the limit he could process.

“Right…… and also that Michelle wanted cooperation because she felt endangered. We can make some countermeasures, at leat.”

“……How much of that do you think will work? We are not even sure who are the strange ones……”

Louis was against the use of my authority to eliminate people. I felt greatly relieved that he was against it.

There are too many consequences, and it is too easy to make mistakes.

“Even if we do it, we have to observe more and purge them all at one…… If there is one suspicious person, it would mean that there are actually about thirty people, so we have to be thorough, won’t we?”

……No, it wasn’t that he was against it, he’s just merciless.
He said so with contempt as if he were crushing some cockroaches, while smiling darkly.

Still, as he said, it’s inefficient to eliminate people one by one, and even if there are other reincarnators I can’t hastily conclude that they are all weird.

Then, for now we should prioritise discerning who the enemy is, sounding out potential enemies.

A part of me wants to just leave her be. However, since she was now providing valuable information, I should assist her however I can.

“What do you think about Michelle?”
“Hm…… I don’t think it’s good to suddenly separate her from those guys. If Henry’s personality is indeed like what she described, his volatile personality may just become very dangerous.”

That is true.
That guy is so possessive, to the point of being morbidly obsessed. In the game, too, one wrong move sent you straight to his bad ending.

“Then, should we ask her to continue acting the fool and report to us of the suspicious people who approach her?”

“Ah. Then even if there are misunderstandings over her visits, we will have an excuse, and it will be a bit easier to deal with those guys…… though I really don’t to be involved with them in any way.”

So we have to satisfy Henry’s possessive desires and quell his jealousy, while building a relationship with Michelle……
It sounds easy, but it will be very hard to do……

TN: One more before I sleep.

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