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suddenness and vehemence

suffering and desperation

suffused and transfigured

suggestions and stimulations

sullen and fierce

summarize and epitomize

sumptuous and aromatic

sunshine and smiles

superb and showy

supercilious and obstinate [supercilious = haughty disdain]

superficial and obvious

superfluous and impertinent

suppressed and restrained

surmises and suggestions

surprise and wonder

susceptibility and vulnerability

suspense and excitement

suspicion and innuendo [innuendo = indirect derogatory implication]

sustained and measured

sweet and wholesome

swelled and bloated

swift and stealthy

swoop and range

symbolism and imagery

sympathetic and consoling


taciturn and laconic [taciturn = untalkative] [laconic = terse]

tactful and conciliatory

talkative and effusive

tame and insipid

tangible and sufficient

tangled and shapeless

tardy and belated

tartness and contradiction

taste and elegance

tattle and babble

taunt and reproach

tawdry and penurious [tawdry = gaudy, cheap] [penurious = stingy]

tears and lamentations

tedious and trivial

temperament and taste

temperately and judiciously

tempest and violence

temporal and evanescent [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]

tenacity and coherence

tender and emotional

tense and straining

tentative and experimental

terrible and satanical

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