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It sounds profoundly interesting

It sounds rather appalling

It sounds very alluring

It strikes me as rather pathetic

It was an unpardonable liberty

It was inevitable that you should say that

It was most stupid of me to have forgotten it

It was not unkindly meant

It was peculiarly unfortunate

It was really an extraordinary experience

It was so incredible

It was the most amazing thing I ever heard

It was very good of you to come out and join us

It will create a considerable sensation

It will divert your thoughts from a mournful subject

It will give me pleasure to do it

It will not alter my determination

It would be ill-advised

It would interest me very much

It would seem to be a wise decision

It would take too long to formulate my thought


Join us, please, when you have time

Just trust to the inspiration of the moment

Justify it if you can


Let me persuade you

Let me say how deeply indebted I feel for your kindness

Let me speak frankly

Let us grant that for the sake of the argument

Let us take a concrete instance


Many thanks--how kind and good you are!

May I ask to whom you allude?

May I be privileged to hear it?

May I speak freely?

May I venture to ask what inference you would draw from that?

Might I suggest an alternative?

Most dangerous!

My attitude would be one of disapproval

My confidence in you is absolute

My idea of it is quite the reverse

My information is rather scanty

My meaning is quite the contrary

My point of view is different, but I shall not insist upon it

My views are altered in many respects


No, I am speaking seriously

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