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Scorched with the lightning of momentary indignation

Scorning such paltry devices

Scotched but not slain

Scrupulous morality of conduct

Seem to swim in a sort of blurred mist before the eyes

Seething with suppressed wrath

Seize on greedily

Sensuous enjoyment of the outward show of life

Serenity beamed from his look

Serenity of paralysis and death

Seriousness lurked in the depths of her eyes

Served to recruit his own jaded ideas

Set anew in some fresh and appealing form

Setting all the sane traditions at defiance

Shadowy vistas of sylvan beauty

She affected disdain

She assented in precisely the right terms

She bandies adjectives with the best

She challenged his dissent

She cherished no petty resentments

She curled her fastidious lip

She curled her lip with defiant scorn

She did her best to mask her agitation

She disarmed anger and softened asperity [asperity = harshness]

She disclaimed fatigue

She fell into a dreamy silence

She fell into abstracted reverie

She felt herself carried off her feet by the rush of incoherent impressions

She flushed an agitated pink

She forced a faint quivering smile

She frowned incomprehension

She had an air of restrained fury

She had an undercurrent of acidity

She hugged the thought of her own unknown and unapplauded integrity

She lingered a few leisurely seconds

She nodded mutely

She nourished a dream of ambition

She permitted herself a delicate little smile

She poured out on him the full opulence of a proud recognition

She questioned inimically [inimically = unfriendly; hostile]

She recaptured herself with difficulty

She regarded him stonily out of flint-blue eyes

She sat eyeing him with frosty calm

She seemed the embodiment of dauntless resolution

She seemed wrapped in a veil of lassitude

She shook hands grudgingly

She softened her frown to a quivering smile

She spoke with hurried eagerness

She spoke with sweet severity

She stilled and trampled on the inward protest

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