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(Part 2)

“I don’t like to hold office! I don’t like to sit behind the desk until my back is bent! I don’t like to have excessive fancy lives in the building house while the common people are hungry and cold!”

“Good, so what do you want?” snapped Ciok-taijin who had become so angry.

“I’m going to wander for a few months, or even a year or two!”

“Well, then, go and don’t come back here again! I don’t want to confess you as my son-in-law anymore!” snapped the nobleman.

Surprisingly Ong Han Cu heard this and the sobs of his wife. Quietly Ong Han Cu then approached his wife and, while holding his wife’s shoulders affectionately, he said, “Bwee Kim, my wife. Come you and our children to me. We’re out of this building house and I’ll show you that the life outside this big building is more fun!”

But his wife looked at him with tears in her eyes. Bwee Kim is a noble princess who since her childhood lived in the big building. How could she follow her husband out of there for no purpose? How could she not be horrified and afraid to be persuaded to wander in this evil world? If she remembered her experience when get robbed at that day, she still shivered in fear. Especially now that she already had a child. How would the future of her daughter?

“Bwe Kim!” Ciok-taijin said aloud, “You may choose. If you want to go with your husband, don’t come back to this house. Conversely if you choose to live here, it means that you must divorce your husband!”

“Dad …..!” Bwe Kim could only complain with pale face and hesitant thoughts.

“My wife, is it difficult to choose such a simple thing? You are my wife, my beloved wife, and mother of Lian Hong, our little daughter. Of course you should come with me! What are the meaning of the big building and a high position if you must divorce from your husband? And I will suffer if I have to part from you!”

For a long time Bwe Kim was in hesitation and could only cry so that the hard-habitual Ong Han Cu became lost his patience.

“Bwe Kim, act a bit dashing and take a decision!” he scolded, “Choose whichever is heavier, become a filial daughter or a faithful wife!”

Finally Bwe Kim could also answer, “My husband …… why don’t you obey to my dad’s words? Why do you let me be in a state of confusion? How should I choose, my husband? Of course I want to be a filial child as great as my desire to be a faithful and loving wife. However, these two things for me now still don’t match to the magnitude of my desire to see our daughter live with proper and happy. I don’t care about my situation anymore, but what about Lian Hong, our child? I can’t see her living abandoned, homeless, uneducated, far away and out of position and good name. Ah, how should I choose …..?”

“Well, Han Cu, you see what your wife said well?” said Ciok-taijin who now had not call ‘‘ to him anymore, “If you still have prestige and not act selfless, you will also like to sacrifice for your child. What kind of father are you to drag your wife and child into the abyss of poverty and misery?”

Ong Han Cu bit his lip. He understood that it was useless to argue. These rich people, these nobles can’t understand how poor people could live happily. For people like this happiness was measured only by the size of the treasure and considered by the class of positions. He was known that if he still insisted on staying there they would still end up clashing so that his household would be more destroyed. So he took a fixed decision and said, “All right, Bwe Kim. Then let me go and you and Lian Hong stay with your rich parents. Please like to take care and educate Lian Hong well!”

“Hm, you are very stubborn, Han Cu!” said Ciok-taijin, “If you still insist, then I’ll insist too and you can’t come back to be my son-in-law! Remember this well!”

“It’s okay, if that’s the case. Being your son-in-law is no difference from being a slave. I’m not willing to be a son-in-law with such ties that I can’t move a bit!”

His wife could only cry and hugged Lian Hong who was still a baby. After Ong Han Cu leaved, Ciok-taijin then announced his daughter’s divorce with his son-in-law to keep so that Ong Han Cu’s actions in the outdoors would not pollute and affect his name and position. Ciok Bwe Kim could only cry inside her room. What was the power of a young woman like her?

Five years pass quickly but many changes occurred within five years. If the earlier nobles considered martial art only as a game of rough and wild people, now martial art was a fashion that began to seep in the nobility.

This happened because of the many robberies occurred to the nobles at that time, then they just felt aware of the importance of martial art. They began to call the martial art masters to give to train their sons, and some even secretly had their daughters nurtured after the appearances of some mighty female warriors in kang-ouw world.

It turns out that Liang Hong inherited a character like his father who liked martial arts. Hearing that some of her friends also learned martial art, he whined to her mother to let her learn martial art as well.

At that time, Ciok-taijin had received a marriage proposal from a rich man for Bwe Kim, the young widow whose beauty was not lost by other beautiful girls. Bwe Kim refused that so hard, but he was forced to obey his father as well. This lady was very sorry, especially she felt sorry for Lian Hong. But her future husband declared liking to accept Lian Hong as his own child, so that the widow’s heart becomed relieved as well.

However, after the marriage took place and Bwe Kim became the mistress of the rich man, it turns out that her husband was an old playboy who had eyed-seduced. Just a few months after the marriage, her husband’s attitude became cold, and even he dared to show a brash and impolite attitude to the nearly seven-year-old Lian Hong.


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