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DECENNOVAL, de-sen'[=o]-val, _adj._ pertaining to the number 15.

DECENT, d[=e]'sent, _adj._ becoming: seemly: proper: modest: moderate: tolerable.--_n._ D[=E]'CENCY, becomingness: modesty.--_adv._ D[=E]'CENTLY.

[L. _decens_, _decentis_, pr.p. of _dec[=e]re_, to be becoming.]

DECENTRALISE, de-sen'tral-[=i]z, _v.t._ to withdraw from the centre: to transfer functions from the central government to local centres.--_n._ DECENTRALIS[=A]'TION. [L. _de_, neg., and _centralise_.]

DECEPTION, de-sep'shun, _n._ act of deceiving: the means by which it is sought to deceive.--_n._ DECEPTIBIL'ITY.--_adjs._ DECEPT'IBLE, capable of being deceived; DECEP'TIOUS (_Shak._), deceitful; DECEP'TIVE, tending to deceive: misleading.--_adv._ DECEP'TIVELY.--_n._ DECEP'TIVENESS.--_adj._ DECEP'TORY, tending to deceive. [O. Fr.,--Low L. _deceptio_, _-nis_--_decip[)e]re_, to deceive.]

DECERN, de-s[.e]rn', _v.t._ and _v.i._ (_Scots law_) to judge: to decree: to pass judgment. [O. Fr. _decerner_--L. _decern[)e]re_--_de_, and _cern[)e]re_, to distinguish.]

DECESSION, de-sesh'un, _n._ departure. [See DECEASE.]

DECHARM, d[=e]-charm', _v.t._ to disenchant.

DECHRISTIANISE, de-krist'yan-[=i]z, _v.t._ to turn from Christianity: to destroy Christian elements.

DECIARE, de'si-ar, _n._ the tenth part of an are. [Fr.,--L. _deci-_ (in _decimus_), and _are_.]

DECIDE, de-s[=i]d', _v.t._ to determine: to end: to settle: to resolve.--_adjs._ DECID'ABLE, capable of being decided; DECID'ED, determined: clear, unmistakable: resolute.--_adv._ DECID'EDLY. [O. Fr.

_decider_--L. _decid[=e]re_--_de_, away, _caed[)e]re_, to cut.]

DECIDUOUS, de-sid'[=u]-us, _adj._ that fall in autumn, as leaves: not permanent.--_n._ DECID'UA, a membrane of the uterus discharged after parturition.--_adj._ DECID'U[=A]TE.--_n._ DECID'UOUSNESS.--DECIDUOUS TREES, those which annually lose and renew their leaves. [L.

_deciduus_--_decid[)e]re_, _de_, from, _cad[)e]re_, to fall.]

DECIGRAMME, de'si-gram, _n._ the tenth part of a gramme. [See GRAMME (3).]

DECILITRE, des'i-l[=e]-t[.e]r, _n._ a measure of capacity equal to 1/10 litre.

DECILLION, de-sil'yun, _n._ a million raised to the tenth power: in the French and American notation, a thousand raised to the eleventh power.

DECIMAL, des'i-mal, _adj._ numbered or proceeding by tens.--_n._ a fraction having ten or some power of ten for its denominator.--_v.t._ DEC'IMALISE, to reduce to the decimal system.--_ns._ DEC'IMALISM; DEC'IMALIST.--_adv._ DEC'IMALLY.--DECIMAL NOTATION, a system of writing numbers based on ten and powers of ten, like our ordinary system; DECIMAL SYSTEM, a system whose units are tens and powers of tens, esp. in the French _metric system_ of weights and measures. [Fr.,--Low L. _decimalis_--_decem_, ten.]

DECIMATE, des'i-m[=a]t, _v.t._ to take the tenth part of: to put to death every tenth man.--_ns._ DECIM[=A]'TION, a military punishment, by which every tenth man was selected by lot and put to death or otherwise punished; DEC'IMATOR. [L. _decim[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_decimus_, tenth.]

DECIME, de-s[=e]m', _n._ a French coin equal to 1/10 franc.

DECIMETRE, des'i-m[=e]-t[.e]r, _n._ a measure of length equal to 1/10 metre.

DECIPHER, de-s[=i]'f[.e]r, _v.t._ to uncipher or read secret writing: to make out what is unintelligible or obscure: to reveal.--_adj._ DECI'PHERABLE.--_n._ DECI'PHERMENT. [L. _de_, neg. and _cipher_.]

DECISION, de-sizh'un, _n._ the act of deciding: settlement: judgment: the quality of being decided in character.--_adj._ DEC[=I]'SIVE, having the power of deciding: showing decision: final: positive.--_adv._ DEC[=I]'SIVELY.--_n._ DEC[=I]'SIVENESS.--_adj._ DEC[=I]'SORY, decisive.


DECISTeRE, des-i-st[=a]r, _n._ a cubic measure equal to 1/10 stere.

DECITIZENISE, d[=e]-sit'i-zen-[=i]z, _v.t._ to deprive of citizenship.

DECIVILISE, d[=e]-siv'i-l[=i]z, _v.t._ to reduce from a civilised to a more savage state.

DECK, dek, _v.t._ to cover: to clothe: to adorn: to furnish with a deck, as a vessel.--_n._ a covering: a horizontal platform extending from one side of a vessel to the other, thereby joining them together, and forming both a floor and a covering: the part of a pack of cards that remains after the deal, or the part of a pack necessary for playing such games as bezique, &c.--_ns._ DECK'-CAR'GO, cargo stowed on the deck of a vessel; DECK'-CHAIR, a light chair of spars and canvas, to be used on board ship; DECK'ER, the person or thing that decks: a vessel which has a deck or decks, used only in composition, as _a three-decker_, a ship with three decks; DECK'-HAND, a person employed on deck; DECK'-HOUSE, a house or box on deck; DECK'ING, adornment; DECK'-LOAD, a deck-cargo; DECK'-PASS'AGE, a passage securing only the right of being on deck, without cabin accommodation; DECK'-PASS'ENGER; FLUSH'-DECK, a deck continuous from stem to stern at the same level (see QUARTER-DECK); GUN'-DECK, a deck on which guns are carried; HUR'RICANE-DECK, a light partial deck over the saloon of some steamers; MAIN'-DECK, the deck below the spar-deck; SPAR'-DECK, the upper deck of a ship. [Dut. _dekken_, to cover; Ger. _decken_; akin to L. _teg[)e]re_.]

DECKLE, dek'l, _n._ the gauge on a paper-making machine.--_n._ DECK'LE-EDGE, the raw or ragged edge of handmade paper.--_adj._ DECK'LE-EDGED, having a rough uncut edge. [Ger.]

DECLAIM, de-kl[=a]m', _v.i._ to make a set or rhetorical speech: to harangue: to recite in public.--_ns._ DECLAIM'ANT, DECLAIM'ER.--_p.adj._ DECLAIM'ING.--_ns._ DECLAM[=A]'TION, act of declaiming: a set speech in public: display in speaking.--_adj._ DECLAM'ATORY, of the nature of declamation: appealing to the passions: noisy and rhetorical merely. [L.

_declam[=a]re_--_de_, inten., _clam[=a]re_, to cry out.]

DECLARE, de-kl[=a]r', _v.t._ to make known: to announce: to assert: to make a full statement of, as of goods at a custom-house.--_v.i._ to make a statement: to show cards in order to score.--_adj._ DECL[=A]R'ABLE, capable of being declared, exhibited, or proved.--_ns._ DECLAR'ANT, one who makes a declaration; DECLAR[=A]'TION, act of declaring: that which is declared: a written affirmation: in the criminal law of Scotland, the statement made by the prisoner before the magistrate: in common law, the pleading in which the plaintiff in an action at law sets forth his case against the defendant.--_adjs._ DECLAR'ATIVE, DECLAR'ATORY, explanatory.--_advs._ DECLAR'ATIVELY, DECLAR'ATORILY.--_n._ DECLAR'ATOR, a form of action in the Court of Session in Scotland, with the view of having a fact judicially ascertained and declared.--_adj._ DECLARED', avowed.--_adv._ DECLA'REDLY, avowedly.--DECLARATORY ACT, an act intended to explain an old law which had become obscure or a subject of controversy. [Fr. _declarer_, from L.

_declar[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_de_, wholly, _clarus_, clear.]

DECLENSION, de-klen'shun, _n._ a falling off: decay: descent: (_gram._) change of termination for the oblique cases. [See DECLINE.]

DECLINE, de-kl[=i]n', _v.i._ to bend or turn away from (a straight line); to deviate: to refuse: to bend down: to fail or decay: to stoop or condescend: to draw to an end.--_v.t._ to bend down: to turn away from: to refuse: to avoid: (_gram._) to give the changes of a word in the oblique cases.--_n._ a falling off: deviation: decay: a gradual sinking of the bodily faculties, consumption.--_adjs._ DECLIN'ABLE, having inflection for the oblique cases; DECL[=I]'NAL, bending downward; DEC'LINANT (_her._), having the tail hanging down--also DEC'LIVANT.--_ns._ DECLIN[=A]'TION, act of declining: a sloping or bending downward: deviation: (_astron._) distance from the celestial equator; DEC'LIN[=A]TOR, an instrument determining declination.--_adj._ DECLIN'ATORY, containing a declination or refusal--_ns._ DECLIN'ATURE, act of declining or refusing: (_law_) a plea declining the jurisdiction of a judge; DECLINOM'ETER, an instrument for measuring the DECLINATION OF THE COMPASS--i.e. the deviation of the magnetic needle from the true north. [Fr. _decliner_--L. _de_, down, away from, _clin[=a]re_, to bend. See LEAN.]

DECLIVITY, de-kliv'i-ti, _n._ a place that declines, or slopes downward, opposite of _acclivity_: inclination downward: a gradual descent.--_adjs._ DECLIV'ITOUS, DECL[=I]'VOUS. [Fr.,--L. _declivitas_--_de_, downward, _clivus_, sloping, akin to _clin[=a]re_.]

DECOCT, de-kokt', _v.t._ to prepare by boiling: to extract the substance of by boiling: to boil: to devise.--_adjs._ DECOC'TIBLE, DECOC'TIVE.--_ns._ DECOC'TION, an extract of anything got by boiling; DECOC'TURE, a substance prepared by decoction. [L. _decoqu[)e]re_, _decoctum_--_de_, down, _coqu[)e]re_, to cook.]

DECODE, de-k[=o]d', _v.t._ to translate the symbols in a code telegram into ordinary language.

DECOLLATE, de-kol'[=a]t, _v.t._ to behead.--_p.adj._ DECOLL'ATED, rounded off, as the apex of a shell.--_n._ DECOLL[=A]'TION, the act of beheading: a picture of a decapitation, esp. of the head of St John the Baptist on a charger: the festival of the Baptist, Aug. 29. [L. _decoll[=a]re_--_de_, from, _collum_, the neck.]

DECOLLETe, d[=a]-kol-e-t[=a]', _adj._ with neck uncovered: of dress, low cut. [Fr. _decolleter_, to bare the neck and shoulders. Cf. DECOLLATE.]

DECOLOUR, de-kul'ur, _v.t._ to deprive of colour--also DECOL'OURISE.--_n._ DECOL'ORANT, a substance that bleaches or removes colour.--_v.t._ DECOL'ORATE, to deprive of colour.--_ns._ DECOLOR[=A]'TION, removal or absence of colour; DECOLORIS[=A]'TION. [Fr. _decolorer_--L.

_decolor[=a]re_--_de_, from, _color_, colour.]

DECOMPLEX, d[=e]'kom-pleks, _adj._ repeatedly compound.

DECOMPOSE, de-kom-poz', _v.t._ to separate the parts composing anything: to resolve into original elements.--_v.i._ to decay, rot.--_adj._ DECOMPOS'ABLE.--_n._ DECOMPOSI'TION, act of decomposing: decay or dissolution: also the compounding of things already compound. [L. _de_, neg., and _compose_.]

DECOMPOSITE, d[=e]-kom-poz'it, or de-kom'-, _adj._ compound a second time or more than once. [L. _de_, and _composite_.]

DECOMPOUND, de-kom-pownd', _v.t._ to compound again: to compound things already compounded; also, to divide a thing into its constituent parts.--_adj._ compounded a second time.--_adj._ DECOMPOUND'ABLE. [L. _de_, and _compound_.]

DECONCENTRATE, de-kon-sen'tr[=a]t, or de-kon'sen-tr[=a]t, _v.t._ to scatter.--_n._ DECONCENTR[=A]'TION. [_De_, and _concentrate_.]

DECONSECRATE, de-kon'se-kr[=a]t, _v.t._ to deprive of the character given by consecration: to secularise.--_n._ DECONSECR[=A]'TION.

DECORATE, dek'o-r[=a]t, _v.t._ to ornament, to beautify: to honour with a badge or medal.--_adj._ DEC'ORATED.--_n._ DECOR[=A]'TION, ornament: badge of an order.--_adj._ DEC'OR[=A]TIVE, ornamental.--_ns._ DEC'OR[=A]TIVENESS; DEC'OR[=A]TOR.--DECORATED STYLE (_archit._), a style of Gothic architecture, elaborated and richly decorated, which prevailed till near the end of the 14th century.--DECORATION DAY, May 30th, when the memory of the soldiers who fell in the American Civil War of 1861-65 is honoured by the decoration of their graves, speeches, processions, &c. [L.

_decor[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_decus_, what is becoming--_dec[=e]re_, to be becoming.]

DECOROUS, de-k[=o]'rus, or dek'o-rus, _adj._ becoming: suitable: proper: decent.--_adv._ DEC[=O]'ROUSLY.--_ns._ DEC[=O]'ROUSNESS; DEC[=O]'RUM, that which is becoming in outward appearance: propriety of conduct: decency. [L.

_decorus_, becoming.]

DECORTICATE, de-kor'ti-k[=a]t, _v.t._ to deprive of the bark, husk, or peel.--_n._ DECORTIC[=A]'TION. [L. _decortic[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_de_, from, and _cortex_, bark.]

DECOY, de-koy', _v.t._ to allure: to entrap: to lure into a trap.--_n._ anything intended to allure into a snare: an apparatus of hoops and network for trapping wild-ducks--sometimes _duck-coy_.--_n._ DECOY'-DUCK, a wild-duck tamed and trained to entice others into a trap: (_fig._) one employed to allure others into a snare. [L. _de_, down, and O. Fr. _coi_, quiet; the earlier verb _to coy_ was confused with the Dut. _kooi_--L.

_cavea_, a cage. See COY.]

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