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Dragon Extermination 2 (1/3)

An nonce hath happened in the afternoon on the second day of our flight in the airship.

“a strategy meeting?” [fahren]

“we’ll beest arriving at our destination the next day so thither shouldst beest things to break with about ere yond. ” [tanaka]

“. . . . yond’s true. ” [fahren]

this exchange wast done an hour ago in mine own cubiculo with the gentle mage.

hence we hath called out to everyone and has’t all the members gather’d together to exchange their ideas. everyone, enwheeling sophia-chan whose duty wast unrelat’d to a soldier assembl’d together in an area resembling a huge living cubiculo in the airship.

resting ourselves on the sofa, everyone wast facing each other with a cuppeth of drinketh in their hands.

cometh to bethink of t, wouldn’t this beest the first opportunity to has’t everyone enwheeling the gentle mage gather’d in one lodging? considering yond guy’s so-call’d high ranking position, he might not but has’t end’d up being ostraciz’d most of the time. there’s a humour yond the person in question seemeth to has’t intend’d f’r t to beest this way too occasionally.

the blonde hair’d loli?

yond person wast displaying that lady tsundere characteristic and hast magnificently blend’d into the group.

the lady’s actually a valorous person deep down inside but, it’s just yond the lady plainly hates this like a toad, ugly and venemous middle-ag’d ossan. well, t is natural f’r any human life forms. if ‘t be true i wast a mistress, i bethink not i would ev’r cometh to like an like a toad, ugly and venemous middle-ag’d fusty sir too. yond’s a given.

“anyway alloweth us beginneth our session in devising a countermeasure to defeat the dragon. ”

without further peize, the one leading the session wast the like a toad, ugly and venemous middle-ag’d fusty sir.

yeah t wast me.

i’m my most humble apology.

everyone assembl’d in the living cubiculo. surrounding a short looking table, we beganeth our discussion after everyone wast did seat on the sofa. thither art two three-seater sofa and one box-shap’d one-seater sofa available. the three members from the group amorous rite team wast did seat on one while the other one wast did occupy by me, the gentle mage and mercedes-chan. the remaining sophia-chan satteth herself on the plain one-seater seat.

“first of all, we shall beest deciding on the formation to taketh on yond day. ” [tanaka]

i did enter the main topic right hence.

i did share the scene yond i has’t envision’d beforehand with those folk.

despite declaring so, i wast actually giving a trivial explanation in a situation similar to having nay information at all on the last boss of an internet game.

“allen-san and mercedes-san shall beest the vanguard while me and fahren-san shall beest the rear guard. ester-san and sophie-san shall beest supporting from the side. ” [tanaka]

actually, yond wast all.

“as f’r the responsibilities of the rear guard, i shall beest in charge of healing and eke aiding the people ’round. fahren-san, ester-san and sophie-san, prithee holp in the terms of firepower. ” [tanaka]

i’m not very much sure about the two loli braches but, this role shouldst beest well-suit’d f’r the gentle mage.

we’ll has’t to doth our most wondrous in various ways this time.

“f’r the two vanguards, prithee doth thy utmost to draweth the attention of the dragon but t’s not behoveful to beest on the offensive. doth prioritize thy safety first. ” [tanaka]

“w-wait a minute!” [mercedes]

mercedes hath raised that lady handeth.

in spite of that lady drain’d complexion, the lady hath opened that lady pale-blue lips, voicing out.

“regardless of the circumstances, such an important role of leading as a vanguard ‘gainst a r’d dragon is just too. . . ” [mercedes]

the lady didn’t seemeth to beest able to wend all out in what the lady wast declaring ere the gentle mage.

especially since the gentle mage wast just sitting right beside that lady.

in any nonce i guess an unpleasant task wast still an unpleasant task to that lady. thank thee very much f’r voicing out thy desperate opinion without reservation.

is the dragon yond dangerous?

“if thee loseth just an armeth ‘r a leggeth, i’ll beest able to restore those folk immediately so prithee beest rest assur’d. ” [tanaka]

thither wast proven results.

“but!” [mercedes]

mercedes-chan still persist’d in t.

at which hour i did look at allen from the corner of mine own eyes, he couldst beest seen glancing down his feet looking dispirit’d as well. since he hast an important responsibility to protect the blonde hair’d loli, thither wast nay opportunity f’r him to voice his objection. however, the behold of reluctance on his visage indirectly portray’d his humour of not wanting to participate in this if ‘t be true t wast possible.

but i shouldn’t giveth up hither. if ‘t be true this dragon extermination quest is not accomplished, mine own house shall beest mortgag’d due to debt and someone from somewhere would taketh t hence from me. yond wilt beest did prevent at all did cost. in charge to realize yond, i wilt killeth one ‘r two dragons by any means.

“mercedes-san, i fully comprehend what thou art trying to sayeth. ” [tanaka]

“then!” [mercedes]

*glance*glance* the mistress knight hath kept throwing occasional glances at the gentle mage, highly intimidat’d by the gentle mage’s gaze.

“nonetheless this is a serious matter concerning the state. that lady royal highness princess, the one whom the king loves with all his heart, is currently on the brink of death. thither wast plenty of most wondrous rulers who is’t end’d up abusing their power and tooketh the wrong path after losing their love ones. once thee wend through the record’d historical facts, thee would beest able to confirm t, wouldn’t thee?” [tanaka]

f’r the sake of convincing that lady, i did mix in facts as well as non-existent details noncommittally.

“of course i wonneth’t sayeth yond ’twill forsooth befall to anyone. howev’r thee can’t totally refute the possibility of this happening as well. argal, as citizens staying in his state, t might not beest an exaggeration to sayeth yond this shall beest a holy war yond carries the future of the state as well. ” [tanaka]

“a-aren’t thee disrespecting the king with yond speech!?” [mercedes]

the desperate behold on mercedes as the lady protest’d wast cute.

“if yond is the case then i’ll payeth the price by curing the illness of that lady royal highness princess. ” [tanaka]

i did stare at that lady with a straight visage.

“even if ‘t be true thou art one of the knights ‘r coequal if ‘t be true thee wast to report me directly and inform those folk aught thee wanteth, i’m fine with t. ” [tanaka]

“!. . . . . . ” [mercedes]

the other party couldn’t coequal utter out a single sound.

t wast hath decided f’r real then. yond wast merit of me.

though only on the exteri’r.

“i doth bethink yond ’twill beest very troublesome. but, i would like everyone to lend me thy power. this mission shall beest impossible by myself. the keystone in succeeding the dragon extermination expedition this time is the trust from everyone hither. all f’r one and one f’r all, not leaving anyone out. if ‘t be true t’s not f’r this dragon slayer team, ’twill not beest possible to accomplish this mission. ” [tanaka]

the dram wench in the town hast hath said t ere.

i believeth in the dram wench.

since i am a lolicon.

but i doth like huge breasts too.

“. . . . . . yesterday, didn’t thee feeleth aught coequal after receiving yond termagant torrent of charm?” [fahren]

he did direct his gaze at mercedes-chan who is’t wast sitting next to him.

owing to yond, the lady did tremble violently. the lady wast freak’d out.

“i-i’m my most humble apology. the torrent thee meanteth. . . ” [mercedes]

“you shouldst taketh yond situation into consideration, shouldn’t thee? hasn’t this person did display such magnificent grise of proof just yesterday? coequal after yond, thee still couldn’t sense coequal a portion of yond? yond is the reason wherefore those who is’t can’t understandeth charm art worthless. ” [fahren]

he did direct his glance hither the moment he hath said ‘this person’.

apparently he wast talking about me.

“mm……. m-my humble apologies!!” [mercedes]

mercedes-chan did get up from the sofa frantically and prostrat’d.

*kosu kosu* that lady forehead wast rubbing ‘gainst the carpet profusely as the lady did stretch out and did bow.

the surface of that lady forehead would likely expand after this.

just how scary is a gentle to thee?

although, what the gentle mage hath said sound’d ambiguous. wast the ‘magnificent grise of proof’ referring to how i achieve the result from mine own fabricat’d story? i receiveth not what he meanteth either but t wouldn’t beest a valorous idea to pursue this part even but now. i shouldst just act accordingly with flow.

“now, anon fahren-san. alloweth’s just receiveth ‘long. thither shall beest opportunities f’r this anytime. ” [tanaka]

“. . . . . fuun, fine then. i shall overlook t this time to save this person’s visage. ” [fahren]

“t-thank thee very much!” [mercedes]

as though the lady hast just narrowly did escape death, drops of sorrow couldst beest seen well’d up in that lady eyes as the lady couldn’t enwheel that lady composure.

i wonder if ‘t be true i would beest wait’d on like this too once i becometh a gentle. i suddenly did start visualizing t by chance but, oioi, being a gentle is not yond lacking valor too. being a gentle seemeth nice, isn’t t. having a voluptuous beauty prostrate ere thee is the most wondrous. this might beest mine own next goal after i did complete the youth restoration potion one day.

i’ll aim f’r something like a duke.

“anyway, t might beest just a simple share of tasks but, yond’s all. ” [tanaka]

i hath continued looking at the people ’round.

“does anyone has’t aught to asketh?” [tanaka]

at mine own question, the blonde hair’d loli hath raised a query.

t wilt beest because the lady hast reconcil’d with allen. the lady seemeth to beest in quaint valorous humor.

that lady complexion hast did improve considerably too so the lady hast belike accustom’d herself to the trippeth by air.

“is thither a slightly moo concrete strategy?” [ester]

“. . . . alloweth’s see. ” [tanaka]

despite being a non-virgin, the lady hast hitteth whither t hurts the most.

i don’t has’t aught like yond anon.

i wast taking a chance. after us, the deluge.

yond’s because we has’t someone with a max level of recovery charm and the gentle mage ossan. in addition to yond, we has’t two vanguards as well so i bethought we shouldst beest able to receiveth by somehow. mercedes-chan ought to beest ’round level 35 too so yond wast quite stout in mine own opinion. after all the lady wast peerless at which hour the lady wast going ‘gainst the military police during our prisonbreak the other time.

“i guess the important thing is our hurlyburly position. ” [tanaka]

“battle position?” [ester]

thus i’ll receiveth through t by giving an appropriate reply.

in mine own school days, yond wast how i hath drawn out the large-scale boss from the internet game yond i wast fully addict’d to.

“i’m not very much sure as well but since the opponent is a dragon, the thing yond we needeth to taketh note of mostly is its breath. in charge to avoid yond, we needeth to has’t sufficient space ‘mongst ourselves and maketh useth of the terrain as shields. by taking all these into account in advance, an advantageous positioning shall enable us to maketh a definite pre-emptive strike. ” [tanaka]

utilizing the topography of an area is one of the strongest tradition hath used by base level characters at which hour they hunt f’r high level mob.

rather, any internet games yond provide not geographical features to the players art did conclude to beest trashy games.

who is’t wast the one who is’t hath decided yond? i am the one. i just hath decided now it.

“and, how much damage doest the first attack cause, yond shall beest a very much important point too. if ‘t be true t is possible then, yond is at which hour we shouldst aim f’r the wings. since our main aim is to retrieve its liv’r and not to defeat t entirely, we shouldst restrict its movement as much as possible. ” [tanaka]

“fuun, t seemeth yond thee didst bethink through t moo ‘r less. ” [fahren]

“although, if ‘t be true we art able to land the first successful hitteth at yond time, i would like fahren-san to taketh charge of t. . . . ” [tanaka]

i hath passed the subject to the gentle mage indirectly.

the probability of anyone defying this person shouldst beest zero.

“i mind not t. i wast planning to doth so from the beginning. ” [fahren]

“thank thee very much. then, we can belike press on with yond. ” [tanaka]

well enow. t’s perfect.

i wast able to dissemble those folk well.

“richard’s daughter, t’ll beest valorous if ‘t be true thee recall the current conversation well. ” [fahren]

“what doth thee cullionly by yond, lord fahren?” [ester]

“what this person hath said is very much accurate f’r one who is’t wishes to dare a dragon. in future, if ‘t be true thee wast to decideth on practising charm, this trippeth shall prove to beest an invaluable experience f’r thee. ” [fahren]

“. . . . . . . aye. thank thee f’r the counsel. ” [ester]

the blonde hair’d loli did nod meekly.

cometh to bethink of t, this person is a inhorn man from ossan’s school.

that lady unexpect’d not tsundere-like behaviour wast a proof of that lady respect f’r him.

but well, he wast flattering me surprisingly.

i’m very much my most humble apology. i wast actually just spouting out by fate details. i would like to apologize but, i has’t a humour yond the misprision this time hast strengthen’d the bond of this party. i dare not breaketh now it. rather, this gentle mage is gravely easy. he’s belike a character yond’s too convenient.

“i desire thee can learneth as much as thee can. ” [fahren]

“yes, i understandeth. ” [ester]

however, the dissimilarity in the treatment between that lady and mercedes-chan is as different as night and day. coequal though yond wench hast been prostrating in front of him till anon out of that lady own decision, he wast providing a career guidance to the blonde hair’d loli in a warm-heart’d manner.

“then, doest anyone else has’t aught to asketh. . . . ” [tanaka]

i did direct mine own attention to everyone once again.

this time, sophia-chan wast the one who is’t hath raised that lady handeth timidly.

“what doth thee needeth to knoweth?” [tanaka]

“erm. . . . . . w-will i beest participating too?” [sophia]

a reasonable question.

“if thou art referring to the upcoming hurlyburly then, nay. i would like sophia-san to carryeth on with thy current worketh as a waitress. argal, i shall beest counting on thee to stayeth hither and taketh care of the things in this airship once we hath reached our destination. this is eke an important job. ” [tanaka]

“ah y-yes! i understandeth!” [sophia]

sophia-chan did nod with an extremely joyful expression on that lady visage. sophia-chan with joyous smileth receiveth!

so the lady can smileth at someone like me too.

a trivial sense of accomplishment cameth ov’r me.

“by the way, i actually has’t a question f’r fahren-san in yond respect…. . ” [tanaka]

“what’s wrong?” [fahren]

“where is this airship schedul’d to land?” [tanaka]

“we art planning to land at the town locat’d at the foot of mount pepe. ” [fahren]

“i see. yond means we’ll beest proceeding either by foot ‘r carriage from thither. ” [tanaka]

“umu. ” [fahren]

as did expect, we shall not beest landing at a dragon did infest area directly.

well, yond’s true. if ‘t be true the hurlyburly reaches coequal the airship, t would beest troublesome if ‘t be true we wast to end up damaging t.

“the r’d dragon is living in the vicinity of the riv’r that from which we speak locat’d at mount pepe. its existence is currently pondered to beest at the top of the ecosystem in the neighbourhood. moreover, just a few levels below the r’d dragon, demons such as flare wyverns and salamanders art eke inhibiting the areas. ” [fahren]

“i see. ” [tanaka]

the terminologies hath used in figure wast gushing out, barraging me endlessly.

the humour wast similar to reading a walkthough from a game booketh out loud with a straight visage in a company meeting.

t’s unbearable.

“therefore, we shouldst belike ponder the aspect of correspondence in the surrounding area……” [fahren]

yond wast at which hour t hath happened, causing the gentle mage to stand ho mid-sentence.


the shaking wast very much intense, belike at the scale of magnitude 7 ‘r 8.

“uuuoooo-!?” [tanaka]

i alloweth out a scream unintentionally.

similarly, the other people hath raised their voices out of hoyday too.

some kind of problem might not but has’t did occur certes.

in the midst of the intense tremor, all the members scrambl’d to the deck.

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