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Sly walks out of the train station with York and Lesha coming up behind him still possessing the two almost identical large androids, following behind them are Colorado, Roy and Ray. The moment Sly stepped out into the waiting area he took in the view he hadn't seen in over a week.

The 13th District -nameless as one of the border districts- was entirely different from the 12th. Run down buildings, thrash thrown about the street, the air full of fumes and his surroundings full of watchful eyes.

He took in the air, a nice long breath "I'm home." He murmured quietly while sizing up the ones that did the same with him from the corner of his eyes, several individuals simply stood or sat around the waiting area either outside shops or on the benches. They watched with careful eyes.

Sly smirked in amusement as his group caught more attention than he'd expected ("Shit, let's hope they don't think too much of it.") he thought while giving a quick glance behind him. His gang had been destroyed long ago but the streets of this District still had colours that ruled over it, colours that would prefer said gang to remain under it's grave.

Attentively he walked the streets with the rest following after him, annoyance built up within him as he noticed a severe increase in the attention certain individuals were giving them.

The streets of the 13th weren't as bustling as the 12th's, the people walking about took great care to where they stepped and who they looked at. The air wasn't as full with vehicles either, rarely would one -just as run down as the buildings around it- fly by.

Sly and friends took a side street to reach their destination, after a couple dozen minutes of walking through the eerie main street they took a right. Sly had a double take as he glanced around the empty side street, he noticed some peculiar things around him.

To his left was a group of four cloaked individuals sitting around what looked like a holographic projector, further up ahead was a group of six wearing colours at the very end of the side street seemingly looking to the right at something.

Sly scratched his right ear as he passed by the four sitting, giving them no attention while staring at the six up ahead. After he passed by the four, the androids passed by, then Colorado, then Roy and Ray together.

A smile creeped up Sly's lips as his guess proved to be correct, the six up ahead had turned and began to make their way towards them all the while smirking from ear to ear. This was an ambush and they were severely outnumbered.

A yelp sounded off from behind Sly as Ray spun around and kicked one of the thugs in the jewels as he rose to stand, two short screams followed as Roy's blades sunk into two others next to the stunned thug.

Caught by surprise the six up ahead moved for their weapons but Sly had long caught on, reaching for under his hoodie he quickly pulled out a black pistol with a blueish hue at the barrel's end while moving to the side.

Three quick bursts of blue thin light shot from behind Sly hitting two of the thugs up ahead, the weapons making no sound what so ever on firing yet he knew Colorado was the one already shooting. Sly quickly took aim pressing the trigger twice, two thin blue lines of light, like glowing needles the projectiles shot out of the weapon.

A thug from the group ahead shouted in agony as he reached for his left arm that was about to enter his hoodie, blood splattering from it and his gut that was behind it. A second fell back limply as a shot pierced through his head, a third tripped forward as four shots tore through his left leg and a fourth next to him spun around as two shots entered his waist.

The remaining two pulled out their weapons and took aim but were also too slow, the first fired haphazardly as a shimmering blade found itself embedded between his eyes after which he fell limply to the side. The second's weapon flashed blue in his palm as two bursts of projectiles found their way to it and his arm, he screamed in agony and fell to the ground kneeling.

Sly shot three more times killing the one holding to his gut, the one holding to his leg and the one leaning on the wall trying to take aim with one hand while holding onto his waist with the other. The last who's arm had been turned into a smoking slab looked up one last time as his head exploded outwards with a flash of green, he fell forwards just as dead as the other five.

"Well so much for a quiet reunion." Said a gruff male voice from the other side of the street, turning around the corner now fully revealing himself was a dark skinned man aging around the 30s with dyed red short hair, blue eyes and a badly shaved neck.

Sly grinned "Shelbert!" he exclaimed while lowering his right arm and pistol, glancing back quickly he saw Colorado shooing away a few people from their side while hiding his weapon very reminiscent of an SMG, Roy retrieving blades from the thugs's corpses and Ray holding a pistol to the last thug's face as York and Lesha held him pressed to the wall.

Looking back around Sly approached the man he had called Shelbert with a wide grin, Shelbert in return laughed full heartedly as he opened his arms wide while stepping towards him. Sly noticed as he approached Shelbert's right palm closing up like a camera unzooming, then accepted the big man's quick hug as Shelbert then held Sly by the shoulders and looked him up and down.

"You've grown up Kid, I remember a little shithead always trying to stay at the front of the fight…Ahh nothing's really changed huh?" Shelbert joked as he shook him by the shoulders, standing an entire foot taller than Sly.

Sly chuckled awkwardly as he felt his shoulders being slightly crushed by the man's iron grip "You've gotten an upgrade I see…" he gestured at Shelbert's hand with his pistol.

"Ohoho these babies?" exclaimed Shelbert as he took a step back and raised his palms flat ahead of himself "Well I couldn't just replace the old ones without doing so now could I?" he said as both palms opened up revealing two green crystal like surfaces looking entirely smooth but unreflective. "You're going to need an upgrade too if someone isn't careful." He said pointing at Sly's left shoulder.

Sly glanced at his shoulder seeing nothing before pocketing his pistol and pulling his hoodie back a bit to see it had been slightly singed "Oi!" he exclaimed and turned back to look at Colorado "Watch where you shoot god dammit!"

Colorado smirked "Must be getting rusty, was sure I hit you there." As he looked up from looting one of the thugs.

Sly snorted and flipped him off before turning back to Shelbert "What you doing out here anyway? Thought we agreed to meet at the shop."

Shelbert shrugged "Figured I'd keep watch outside then I saw this bunch around the corner." He gestured at the six laying on the ground around them.

Sly sighed "Speaking of which." He turned to the others and walked over to York and Lesha as they held the surviving thug, his face almost as pale as the corpses of his comrades. Ray had joined her brother in checking the corpses and as Sly stopped to stand in front of the thug she came back up holding a green sash that was wrapped around one thug's arm.

"Jesters." She quickly explained showing him the sash with a blue J smeared on it.

Sly grabbed the sash out of her hands and pressed it to the thug's face "What are you Js doing out here in Squalo territory?"

The thug was a young male, younger than even Sly, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He glanced at the sash before looking back at Sly, eyes wide he remained quiet.

Sly sighed as he lowered the sash, he glanced at York "Shatter his shoulder."

The android glanced at Sly briefly before staring back at the thug, without thinking of it a second longer he closed his massive right hand around the thug's shoulder and the sound of cracking bone resounded through the wide alleyway followed by screams of agony.

"Ahh! S-top! St-op!" the thug plead spitting all over as tears formed around his eyes.

"I won't ask again." Warned Sly as he reached back for his pistol.

The thug shuddered "Yes! Y-es! I'll tell!" he briefly glanced at the corpses of his gangmates.

"Amateurs the lot of you." Said Sly as he snorted at the thug's short resistance "So?"

The thug looked back at him, his eyes still wide and reddening "S-Squals be quickly losing territory! They made a deal with the Mils, us and the others started pushing on them!"

Sly raised a brow and glanced at Shelbert who had followed after him "Know anything of that?" he asked.

Shelbert shook his head "Honestly didn't know, we haven't been in the loop since…well since then."

Sly looked back at the thug "Huh, well it ain't our problem." he pulled out his pistol and put the end of the barrel to the thug's forehead. The thug's eyes stared at the pistol desperately, the colour completely draining from his face he went stalk still. Sly held it there for a few moments before pulling it back over his shoulder.

"Oh also." He began and the thug took a breath of relief "How's Trike doing?"

The thug's face paled several times more "T-T-Trike?.."

"Yeah I heard he joined you fucks, where can I find him?" Sly asked with a raised brow.

"Ah-Uh…Ken's warehouse?...Look for the dented garage door?..." the thug offered with a careful tone.

"Huh…" Sly slowly moved his pistol back towards the thug but quickly reared it back over his shoulder "Actually while you're still being helpful, get a message to Check for me." He pulled back the sleeve of the arm he held his pistol in and showed the thug the four claws mark.

The thug's eyes widened fully as he pulled his head as far as he could from Sly who continued to speak "Tell her…Shit she doesn't know who I am yet huh?..." he glanced at Colorado "Tell her the Fourclaws want a word."

The thug nodded as Sly looked back at him, his eyes briefly went over his dead companions which Sly this time noticed. "Oh right them…Hmm…I'm sure she can find it in her heart to forgive the insult." He offered with a smirk "Let him go." He then told the demons.

York and Lesha let the thug go, the young gangbanger stood in place for a briefly moment before taking off down the street.

"And next time, turn on the fucking projector dumb ass!" Sly shouted after the thug as he almost tripped over a leg.

"Not sure he heard you." Said Ray as she leaned onto her brother's shoulder "You know through the screaming in his head and the rushing piss in his pants." Colorado, Lesha, Shelbert and Sly chuckled after which everyone but York glanced at Lesha before shrugging it off much to Sly's relief.

"What you looking to achieve from that Kid?" asked Roy as he cleaned is blades, pocketing them right after.

"All the help we can get, J's Check has friends in the Community we could use and seriously who's better at blowing shit up other than Trike?" he explained with a chuckle.

"Well let's talk all about that inside, you still haven't told everyone what's up." Said Colorado as he gestured at Shelbert who was glanced around looking moderately confused.

"Right, lead the way Shell." Responded Sly as he smiled at him apologetically.

 "Just this way then." Said Shelbert with a chuckle as he pointed down way the thug had run off to. Leaving behind the corpses for their gang to gather as was the norm, he led them around the alleyway into another and walked down it fully till two more opened up on either side but instead of turning they stopped at the door straight in the middle.

Shelbert knocked twice on the door and a rustle, crash and shattering sound followed as hurried footsteps rushed to the door "Flying fuck that's gonna be annoying to fix!" exclaimed a female voice as the silver metallic door peaked open.

A young woman looking around her mid teens was the one to open the door, long brown hair with dyed streaks of green and blue, green eyes and a unlike everyone else who wore either thin hoodies or just shirts she wore a thick furry white jacket with light blue fluffy fur around her hood, sleeves and waist.

"Uncle Shell? Col! The twins!" she exclaimed suddenly before looking at Sly "Who the fuck are you?" she asked with a squinted glare.

Shelbert bellowed with laughter as he pushed the door open fully, Colorado, Roy and Ray also laughed as Sly chuckled awkwardly "Don't remember me huh Kelly?" he asked with a sigh.

Kelly raised a brow as she looked him up and down "Uhh…." Then her eyes suddenly opened wide and she quickly stepped forward and kicked Sly in the shin before stomping back inside "Pa the asshole's here!"

Sly reached down and held his leg "Shit! Safety shoes seriously?! That's my good leg!" he exclaimed while hopping inside on one leg.

"Oh how about you turn back around, get the fuck out and go die in a ditch somewhere?" Kelly exclaimed from somewhere inside the building.

Sly laid his back to the wooden wall and took a deep breath "Phew…she's still got a mouth on her."

"Ya'all here already?" asked an almost guttural voice as a short, almost dwarvish man stepped into the corridor they stood in from the same doorway Kelly had run off to. He had similar features to Kelly's, short brown hair, neckbeard and green eyes but his height and the burn marks that covered his hands and mildly face.

"Rick!" Exclaimed Sly as he lowered his still slightly numb leg and approached the short man, leaning down slightly he forwarded the man his hand "Thank you for this, really it means a lot."

Rick snorted and shook Sly's hand "For Six's favourite? Anything ye need Kid, we're all family here." He then turned back around and gestured at the staircase down the corridor "Come on in, the others have been…impatiently waiting."

"Who you calling impatient you stunted fuck!?" called out a young male voice from upstairs.

"Shut yer trap little shit or I'll shut it for ye!" responded Rick as he walked towards the staircase as quickly as his short legs could take him.

"Try me you sh-Oh sh-" the voice tried to respond but something seemed to have happened and an another followed.

"Cool down a bit Tell." Said a bored sounding female voice.

Sly glanced back at the others as they stepped inside, with little difficulty from the androids as they ducked down and followed in. They followed Rick up the stairs and into one of the three rooms where they found a small living room with a long couch, a monitor facing it on the wall and a rather small table loaded to the brim with bottles of beer, bowls of snacks and packets of more snacks.

Rick pulled out two chairs as everyone stepped inside, glancing over at the androids then back at the chairs he shrugged and put them back where he found them.

Sly smiled with joy and chuckled shortly as he took in the people sitting on the couch already, three of them in total. "You're gonna suffocate him Zey." He said while watching a tall middle aged woman with a body bursting with muscles, short blonde hair, blue eyes and an Asian complexion holding down a young male's head to the couch right between his own legs.

Zey snorted "Fine fine I was almost down half killing him anyway." She said then let go of him.

Tell rose up with a start taking in long deep breaths as he coughed and rushed away from her "H-Half kill me!? Half kill me!" he exclaimed while glancing between her and Sly. Tell was about the same age as Sly with dark skin, black long hair running down his left and shaved on the right, brown almost ember eyes and a pair of peculiar iron goggles on his forehead.

Sly almost burst out laughing but held it in as he slapped his shoulder twice "Good to see you too Tellik." He then nodded at Zey "You too Zey."

Zey made a quick salute whilst winking "Always ready for action."

Sly nodded again then turned to the last person on the couch, sitting at the very end was the oldest person in there. Short greying hair, a thick curly grey beard growing out a foot and a half and two almost golden eyes. The man was old, reaching his mid 50s but still looked strong and as healthy as a man half his age could be.

"Six, good to see you here too." Said Sly with a respectful tone as he reached out with his right hand for a shake.

Six who was sitting with arms crossed and an amused smile stood up and took Sly's hand into his own, silently he shook his hand and nodded. Sly briefly glanced at the man's neck where slightly visible behind his beard was a metallic half collar that aided him in breading but unfortunately rendered him mute.

Six sat back down silently as Colorado, Roy, Ray, Shelbert and Rick also sat down, taking a beer and some snacks they made themselves at home. Much to Tell's chagrin the only spot available was again right next to Zey as he also sat down.

Sly remained standing as he glanced over all eight of them, including Trike that was missing they were the last remaining members of the gang of misfits, thieves and killers he was once part of. He looked upon them solemnly wondering how they would react, Colorado, Roy and Ray had yet to give their own answer to his call to arms as well.

"So you just gonna stand there looking gloomy as fuck or you talking Kid?" said Tell as he devoured an entire packet, when Zey suddenly elbowed him in the gut making him spit it all back out.

"Yeah." said Sly as he leaned back to the wall behind him "Come in you two." He told the two androids that had remained outside the room. The two demon possessed androids quietly stepped into the room, they stopped to stand on either side of him.

 "Where the hell did you get those two?" Tell asked after just finishing up from coughing.

"Well…" Sly glanced at either android before looking back at the couch "It's a long story, it's going to sound insane, I'm going to sound insane but first…" he closed his eyes and reached deep inside looking for the mana that was stored in his soul. Finding it he garnered that it was barely enough to summon his miasma twice.

("What I'm asking of them is insane in of itself, without proof, without something to raise their spirits…No matter how close we are, the time when they would have risked their lives for me has long passed.") Sly thought as he grasped the mana and absorbed some of it into his body.

Satan had told him what would happen, he had told him not to worry as the chance of it failing was slim at worst but Sly was still worried. He had embraced the change once before and now in another body, in his real body he had to do it once again except this time there wasn't the chance of turning hellhound but only Devil or Death.

Sly's body glowed a dark violet as a purple smoke suddenly rushed to cover him entirely. Colorado suddenly stood up along with Tell and Roy, every single one of them wearing an expression of surprise and confusion as the dark purple cloud formed in front of them.

Just as suddenly as it appeared the cloud dissipated as in it's place stood a creature like nothing they had ever seen. Leathery dark purple wings with violet netting, light violet skin, long dark purple hair, pitch black eyes with violet slits and two long black horns Zeokul stood in front of them.

"This is who I really am, what I really am." said Sly as he opened his arms gesturing at the two androids "These two aren't just machines either, they have been possessed by demons from another world." He moved his miasma into the two androids and their eyes turned pitch black too as an ethereal Hellborn form seemed to glow from within them.

"Kid? Justin is that still you?" Roy asked as he stared at the Devil with wide eyes.

Sly nodded "This is my true form, I can only hold it for so long here though. Sit back down, there is a lot I still need to explain."

Cautiously they all sat back down and listened in as Sly thoroughly explained the situation. He told them of the other realms, he told them of the different races and he told them of the different types of energy that flow through each of those. He told them of magic, he told them of Gods and Devils, he told them of Dragons and other monsters.

Sly told them of the Avatar, he told them of the artefacts, of the quest and then he told them of how he came about to another world and why he came back.

Tell held his hands behind his head as he spoke with wide eyes "This is so fucked…"

Six suddenly stood up, with an expressionless face he stepped over to Sly and out of his jacket he pulled out a disc like device. He showed the device to the others before looking back at Sly.

"An EMP?" asked Sly as he glanced between the device and him.

Six nodded and pressed the device to Sly's chest where his palm suddenly pressed it's top inward, quickly he stood back and away from it as the top of the device showed a timer ticking down from 5, 4, 3, 2 and then 1.

Sly's right leg gave in as he held himself from falling to the side, he grimaced as the feeling from it entirely disappeared forcing him to stand on the left. Nothing else changed, his form remained, so did the wings, horns and eyes.

Tell laid his back to the couch as he stared at Sly with disbelief "This…this is so fucked…"

Rick leaned forward as he gazed at Sly's leg "Why are you telling us this? What is it that you want from us?"

Sly reached to his chest and removed the device, slowly the feeling to his leg returned as he replied to Rick "I'm telling you because I can, because I want you to know. What I need is your help, no matter how powerful this form is I still do not stand a chance alone. You all, including me as survivors. We know what they are capable of, what technology they have prepared."

Sly glanced at each person in the room, taking in their surprise, disbelief and caution "We aren't many, we're only a few but a few with specific skills and capabilities. We are all Fourclaws, disbanded or not we are and Leader chose us for those skills and capabilities we had and I hope still do."

He glanced down at his leg as the feeling fully returned, stretching it back and forth he continued to speak "You can forget you ever saw this, you can ignore me and continue on with your simple and quiet lives. Continue on with your safe livelihood…well as safe as these streets can get." He chuckled awkwardly then raised his gaze to look at them again.

"Or help me stop them from destroying another world, help me free yours by crushing the Military." As Sly said so he raised his left hand forward whilst holding the EMP device, a violet aura formed around his clawed hand as he crushed the metallic device.

Six stared at Sly straight in the eye, wearing an expression of caution he studied the Devil that stood in front of him. A smirk grew on him as he laid his right hand on Sly's shoulder, he nodded.

Roy and Ray glanced at each other briefly, they both stood up as Roy opened his jacket and Ray raised her left sleeve both showing the four claw marks on their body "We're in." said Ray.

Zey bellowed in laughter as she remained sitting on the couch, draining half a bottle in a single go she slammed the bottle down onto the table and stared at Sly's changed eyes "Sounds like fun." she said with a grin. She pulled down her shirt from the collar revealing four claw marks over her left breast "I like fun."

Tell now leaning forward with his face inside his palms rubbing it he groaned before looking back up at Sly "Yeap…not dreaming…Fuck…" he sighed and pulled back the hair on the left side of his face revealing four claw marks tattooed in red one under and one over his ear while two going straight on it "This is insane, you're insane, you all are insane…" he chuckled and held his face again "But then again so am I. Count me in."

Colorado remained sitting as he stared down at his open palms "You already know my answer. If you hadn't come back here, if you hadn't gathered us all here today and now I would have done so at some point myself." He reached back with his right hand and clenched the back of his shirt "I'm in."

Shelbert stood up, his eyes fierce alongside a wide grin as his palms opened up and glowed a dangerous green half as dangerous as his own expression "Fuck yeah I'm in!" he then proceeded to taking off his hoodie and tearing his black shirt off to show the four claw marks on his chest. Glancing around with a maniacal expression he chuckled.

Tell glanced at him briefly with both brows raised before covering his face with his right palm "What have I gotten myself into…"

Sly nodded at each as he looked them over, ending his gaze on Rick who sat with his back to the couch and face up to the ceiling with eyes closed in deep thought. "I.." he began but before he could continue the sound of smashing glass and metal vibrating resounded from the door way as everyone turned to the disturbance.

Kelly stood at the doorway with both arms raised ahead of herself, a pistol in her hands aimed directly at Sly. Her eyes were bloodshot, tears long had started falling from them as her cheeks lay reflecting some light from them "No…You're not…taking him too!" she exclaimed her hands shaking as she held the weapon.

Rick's eyes opened wide as he moved to stand and shout but was stopped as Sly raised his right hand towards him, a silent understanding went between them as they gazed at each other. Sly turned to Kelly.

"Don't!" she held the pistol higher towards his face as Sly stopped his movement and stood still. He stared her in the eyes briefly, then continued to walk forwards.

Kelly took a single step back as he stopped mere inches away from the gun's barrel staring straight down at her "I'm not taking him anywhere." He told her.

Kelly snorted "Oh just how you didn't take my brother anywhere!? Just how you and him locked me up in my room and ran straight to your deaths!? To his death!?" her hands began to shake more as she spoke those words.

Sly opened his mouth to speak but no words came out as he stared down at this young girl, unlike Kyle who could feel emotions through his power Sly could not unless they had released their aura. Yet in this case he didn't need to, he knew full well how much she hated him.

Kelly steadied her grip "You think that leg of yours was a loss…He lost his life on that day! If only…if only you never showed up…he would have never known…he would have never left…" but her hands only shook more as she spoke through sobs "If only you had died in his place…"

Rick no longer able to stand her words stood up fully from the couch and shouted "Kelly! Shut it girl you have no cl-"

Kelly turned to glare at her father, her eyes and cheeks red "No clue!? Your son! My brother would still be alive if it wasn't for this…this…monster!" she exclaimed then closed her eyes. Kelly pulled the trigger.

Opening her eyes again, slowly she peaked at her doing and her legs caved in. Kelly fell to her knees as she looked up at Sly holding the barrel's end with his right hand, seemingly no damage visible what so ever. Her eyes shook as she stared up at the Devil, fear and anger merged together in her expression.

Sly let go of the pistol letting it fall to the ground, he glanced down at his palm as it bled "You are right, I am a monster. If I hadn't come to your home, if I hadn't thought to get your brother's help on that day. He would be alive and I would be the one dead, if only I was the one to push him aside instead…" he dissipated his Devilish form as it moved off him like smoke disappearing into the air.

He lowered his hand and stared down at her "If I could go back... I would give my life to get him back to you, with all means he was a better man than I ever will be. He should have lived and I should have died."

Rick sighed and walked over, standing next to Sly he tapped his back twice then moved over to his daughter. He stared down at her before pulling her up by the arm "Come on ye, we need to talk it seems." She nodded quietly and they stepped out of the room walking down the corridor.

Sly stared out the doorway as the blood from his palm made it's way down his fingers and dripped onto the floor.

Somewhere empty


Kyle felt like his mind was going to explode as he focused entirely on reforming his body, the slime that was currently him had managed to form from his waist up. He rose up from the puddle forming himself, slowly he returned from slime.

Pain clear on his expression he fought against gravity, he fought against his very own body as all it wanted was to return to being a furious puddle on the floor. As his feet formed out of the last bit of slime Kyle opened his eyes, completely blue he still had no actual sight.

It took everything he had to hold his shape, he couldn't think of anything else or lose concentration entirely as a constant drumming sound reverberated through his mind.

Celica stared at him from her chair, arms crossed she watched as he held his form. She stood up and walked around him, looking his form up and down looking for any mistake, anything out of place. She stopped to stare directly into his face, looking like it was perfectly moulded out of play-doh.

"Congratulations, you pass." She said and Kyle's colours suddenly returned. He took a deep sudden breath as his senses returned, taking a step back as he was overwhelmed. "You have mastered the Lord of Slime class." she told him with a proud grin.

Kyle held his forehead as his headache slowly subsided "About time…Now what?" he asked.

Celica chuckled "Now we go back, to Kori." She snapped her fingers and the world around them blacked out.

Spirit Realm of Chaoz

Crystal Kingdom of Kori

Kyle opened his eyes only to be immediately assaulted by notifications.

Classification trial complete

You have gained the [SpellBlade] sub-class

Some core skills may be locked from you due to it not being a main class gain

Class [SpellBlade] Passive skill [Imbue Body] unlocked

Class [SpellBlade] Active skill [Imbue Blade] unlocked

You have gained a sub-class!

With every level you've earned and will earn from level 45 onward till level 90 you will gain (10) attribute points to be distributed

Master your class to gain more.

You have mastered the mainclass [{Lord of Slime}]!

Mastery Skill [{True Slime}] unlocked!

[Health] acting as [Hit points] has been removed

[Slime Mass] acting as [Hit points] has been unlocked!

You have mastered your main class!

From level 90 to level 135 you will gain (10) attribute points for each level

Master your sub-class to gain more

Warning once a sub-class is mastered you may not change it out for another

Immediately Kyle focused on the SpellBlade skills having two windows open up with their descriptions and read them through.

[Imbue Body] ((EXP 0%) Level 1 - Tier 1); Your body is attuned to the element your soul is connected to;

Attuned Elements:

Warning: Dual elements only gain 50% of the original's power, exact numbers shown below.


[Flame Flesh]: Your body is as fleeting as a flame; Physical attacks deal only 50% of their original damage.

[Frost Skin]: Your body is empowered by magical cold; Magical attacks of the (Water and Fire) types deal 50% less damage while magical attacks of the (Wind and Light) types deal 30% less damage.

"Ahem…" A female voice coughed trying to gain his attention as he read through the first skill.

"Just a moment…" said Kyle as he moved onto the second.

[Imbue Blade] ((EXP 0%) Level 1 - Tier 1); Imbue your blade through the elements attuned to your very soul;

Attuned Elements:


[Singe]: Your blade burns all that stands in it's path; Physical attacks deal 5(x INT) Fire damage.

[Cool]: Your melee attacks cause your enemies to slow down; Each attack deals the [Cold] debuff that decreases AGI by 5% per stack up to 4 stacks.


0.5% of mana per second

"Done yet?" the voice asked.

"Yeah, what do-" Kyle closed the windows and turned around to the speaker, his eyes then widened in surprise "The hell you…doing here…".

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