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I run because I've never been much of a car guy. I run because if I didn't, I'd be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch. I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary.

I run to honor my sister and unite my family. I run because it keeps me humble. I run for the finish line and to savor the trip along the way. I run to help those who can't. I run because walking takes too long, and I'd like to get a few things done in this lifetime.

I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go.


During my tour for the hardcover edition of this book, I was asked a ton of questions about diet and training-questions that weren't fully addressed in the original edition. So in this new paperback edition, I've answered these questions in detail (not too much, I hope). And if there's anything I haven't covered, or if you want even greater detail (diet and training are passions of mine, so I could ramble on for days), I'll post some stuff on my send me an e-mail and I'll answer you directly.

Okay, now I know this goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: everybody's body is different, so what works for me is not guaranteed to work for you. The general principles are universal-good diet, more exercise equal better health-but the finer details may require some personalization, some experimentation and trial and error. I should also say that I'm pretty hard-core about this stuff. My diet is relatively strict, and my workout schedule can be fairly intense. That said, if you follow the commonsensical aspects of what I'm saying-eat more veggies and almonds and fish, drink more water, cut out refined sugar and hydrogenated fat as much as possible (entirely if you want to be hard-core), and exercise every day-I think you'll go through life a lot happier. Heck, you might even find you want to cancel the cable and rock the roads. I hope we'll meet out on the path!


Now, I'm no M.D. I did, though, study food science and nutrition in grad school, so I have some formal training in the area of diet and nutrition. And beyond the classroom, I've experimented with just about every dietary regime imaginable, from carbo-loading to Paleolithic, so there's some practical experience to draw from as well. The one thing I've noticed when explaining my diet to others is that a basic understanding of human nutrition is useful. I'm not going to launch into some dissertation, but I thought a practical review-a Nutrition 101 of sorts-would be helpful before answering the specific questions I've been asked. So here we go.

Essentially there are three macronutrients that deliver energy-in the form of calories-to your body: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. (Alcohol also contributes calories-seven per gram-but for the sake of discussion we'll exclude alcohol as a source of meaningful nutrition beyond providing empty calories, and some giggles.) Each macronutrient plays a fairly specific role in meeting your body's nutritional needs.

CARBOHYDRATES: Carbohydrates are composed of sugars, starches, and fibers. Each of these is absorbed and metabolized differently, so not all carbs are created equal. There are also different types of sugars, different types of starches, and different types of fibers. Most foods contain some combination of all of the above. Carbs can alter everything from mood to weight to performance.

Carbohydrates deliver four calories of energy per gram. However, as in the case of simple sugars-such as sucrose, or table sugar-those calories are absorbed relatively quickly, which can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. As a general rule, starches tend to be digested and absorbed more slowly, and fiber typically has the least dramatic impact on blood sugar levels, as it is digested the slowest.

Why does this matter? If a carb enters the bloodstream quickly in high amounts, your body responds by releasing insulin (which serves to regulate blood sugar levels). The general mechanism is that the higher the blood sugar level, the higher the probability of an overcompensation and subsequent drop in blood sugar levels below the initial starting point (i.e., the sugar high followed by the crash). More on this later.

PROTEIN: In simple terms, carbohydrates fuel the body, and proteins are the essential building blocks. A protein is composed of individual amino acids that your body utilizes to manufacture, repair, and maintain muscle tissue. There are many sources of protein, most of which come from animals, although some sources are plant derived. Like carbs, proteins contain four calories per gram.

Of the twenty-odd individual amino acids that make up various proteins, eight (or nine, depending on your source) are considered essential because the body cannot synthesize these from other food sources. Thus the essential amino acids must be consumed in adequate amounts from foodstuff, while the nonessential amino acids can be produced from other precursors.

FATS: Dietary fat is probably the most misunderstood macronutrient. Although we've heard a lot about the need to reduce dietary fat intake, the body does need fat to survive and thrive. Fats are essential to life, and with nine calories per gram they are the most concentrated source of energy (more than twice that of protein or carbohydrates). So why the bad rap?

Probably because we eat too much fat, and we eat the wrong kinds of fats. There are three broad classifications of fats: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated (there is another classification that is a product of science, hydrogenated fat, which I will get to shortly). Saturated fats come principally from animal products and some of the so-called tropical oils (e.g., coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, among others). Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, and when consumed the body must convert these solid fats into something that can be transported in a liquid medium (i.e., your blood). The result is elevated low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), or "bad cholesterol" circulating in your bloodstream. Not good.

Monounsaturated fats come from olive oil, canola, peanut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and cold water fish. Monounsaturated fats are a good source of the so-called essential fatty acids, two of which have recently received considerable attention: Omega-3's and Omega-6's. The Western diet has evolved into something that is particularly devoid of Omega-3's, and I think this is a big problem. Cold water fish-salmon, sardines, trout, herring-are good sources of Omega-3's. It has also been noted that we Westerners eat almost exclusively Omega-6's (that is, when we even eat essential fatty acids, because most of the time we're eating so many saturated fats) and that this imbalance in the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio could be deleterious to our health.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in greatest abundance in corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils. These fats are entirely liquid at room temperature. Once viewed as the solution to our "fat problem," polyunsaturated fats have recently been recognized as capable of reducing LDL levels (bad cholesterol), but, when consumed in excess, also are guilty of reducing HDL levels (good cholesterol). The newest guidelines state that an individual's consumption of polyunsaturated fats should not exceed 10 percent of total caloric intake.

With this baseline understanding of nutrition, let's jump into the questions I'm most frequently asked.

Q. What do you eat to stay in such good shape?

A. Broadly, my diet consists of 40 percent of my daily calories coming from carbohydrates (primarily complex carbs), 30 percent coming from protein, and 30 percent coming from fats (5 percent saturated, 5 percent polyunsaturated, and the balance monounsaturated fat). I've essentially eliminated the three "whites" from my diet-that is to say, no white sugar (the simple sugars I eat come from raw fruits), no white flour (I choose whole grains instead), and no white shortening (which is loaded with hydrogenated fat). I've found that just by following this simple dietary pattern, my body composition has changed to a lower percent body fat and a higher percent lean muscle tissue.

Q. What foods do you absolutely avoid?

A. Refined sugar, and hydrogenated and trans fats. Even on my kids' birthdays, I don't eat cake. I scrutinize the ingredient statements on any packaged foods I eat to make sure there is no refined sugar. It's been surprising to learn that some of the foods I originally thought were healthy are actually loaded with simple sugar ("organic cane sugar" is still sugar, and "high fructose corn syrup"-HFCS-is probably the most ubiquitous offender).

Curbing the cravings for sugar was challenging at first. But once my body adapted, I began to feel so much better that I didn't miss it. My energy levels became more consistent throughout the day, versus the peaks and troughs-the sugar roller coaster, if you will-that I experienced with a sugary diet. Now when I have something that's even remotely sweetened with sugar, it tastes so over-the-top sweet that it's not very appetizing.

I'm just as diligent (or fanatical-your call) in scrutinizing the ingredient lists on food packages for hydrogenated fats, and always check the Nutrition Facts box for trans fats. I've been amazed at how widely these fats are used in our food supply, and at how many packaged foods contain them (e.g., everything from crackers to cookies, and most fried foods, such as french fries and doughnuts). The good news is that food manufacturers will now be required to list trans fats on the nutrition label, so they're easier to spot. I avoid foods containing hydrogenated fats and trans fats entirely.

Q. Well, then, what do you eat?

A. I eat salmon four to five days a week (wild salmon, as opposed to farm raised). People have asked whether I'm concerned about the potentially high levels of mercury, as well as PCBs and dioxin in salmon. Yes, I am. Farmed salmon and salmon harvested in the North Atlantic Ocean seem to be the biggest offenders. I avoid these sources. If this is a concern of yours, an alternative would be to take a fish oil supplement that has gone through a molecular distillation process to remove any form of contamination. Either way, consuming more Omega-3's seems like a sensible idea.

I eat lots of organic salads, and get most of my carbohydrates through unprocessed whole grains (such as natural, unsweetened granola), vegetables, and fruits (although I'm mindful of eating too much fruit, which contains a fair amount of sugar-albeit "natural" sugar, but still sugar nonetheless). Whole grains and vegetables are considered "complex carbohydrates," and they have a more sustained, consistent release of energy over time. I call this a "slow carb" diet because the carbohydrates I consume are digested more gradually, releasing energy slowly and evenly.

My fat of choice is olive oil, which is a good source of monounsaturated fat. Besides, I'm Greek and was raised on the stuff. So it's olive oil and vinegar on my salads. I also like almonds as a source of fat.

Q. How often do you deviate from this?

A. Not very often. This diet keeps my energy levels high-both physical and mental-and when I diverge, I don't feel as good. Do I have cravings? Sure, but I now find myself craving savory foods (like grilled vegetables or a piece of juicy grilled chicken) as opposed to sweet foods.

Q. What about coffee and booze, do you partake?

A. Yes, to both. Okay, I have my vices and can't pretend that I don't. I'm not a big drinker-I'm actually quite a lightweight when it comes to alcohol-but I'll have a couple of beers now and then, and once in a while a glass of wine or a shot of tequila. I drink coffee every morning and would say that I am as addicted as the next coffee drinker. Coffee does lower your blood sugar, and is a diuretic and can lead to dehydration. If I were a complete purist, I would quit drinking coffee. I have on a couple of occasions (just to prove to myself that I could and wasn't totally addicted). But life didn't seem as vibrant without coffee, so I went back to my morning ritual (okay, maybe I am totally addicted after all).

Q. Any ideas on how to recover more quickly post-workout? A. There is some recent evidence which suggests that consuming modest amounts of protein during prolonged intense activity may lessen muscle damage and improve recovery. In my own experience, this seems to be the case. When I consume a source of protein during endurance endeavors beyond an hour or so, my recovery seems to be quicker, I seem to be less sore the next morning. I can't say this unequivocally because there's a host of other factors that come into play: electrolyte balance, workout intensity, air temperatures, stress levels, among other things. All can influence how quickly you recover. Some of my buddies don't like consuming protein when exercising because it gives them indigestion and bloating. Even though the jury is still out, it seems to work for me. So on longer workouts, I include a source of protein in the foods I'm eating. Probably the easiest way to do this is by eating a protein bar (but not one chock-full of sugar).

Q. What about liquid? How do you stay hydrated during intense exercise?

A. The importance of proper hydration cannot be understated. Without adequate fluid intake during exercise, the body's ability to perform at its peak is significantly diminished. During intense, prolonged physical exertion, water alone is not sufficient to meet the electrolyte depletion that occurs through sweat loss. The sodium, potassium, and chloride that are lost must also be replaced, and, to a lesser extent, the calcium and magnesium. Oral intake of a rehydration beverage accomplishes this. Most of the ones I use are formulated with a source of sugar (typically some combination of fructose, glucose, and sucrose), which provides fuel and aids in the absorption of electrolytes, so long as the concentration of sugar isn't too high. In choosing an electrolyte replacement, I look for those that have fewer than 14 grams of sugar per 8-oz serving (by comparison, Coke has 26 grams of sugar per 8-oz serving), and at least 200 mg of sodium per same serving size. Total consumption depends on the outside air temperature and humidity as well as the duration and intensity of the activity I'm engaged in. I drink often. What I've found is that if I start to feel thirsty, I've waited too long.

Q. What do you order in restaurants?

A. Grilled salmon or other grilled or baked fish, grilled chicken (less frequently), or lean cuts of red meat (the least frequently). I prefer these in a salad, with olive oil and vinegar on the side. I typically request that any sauce that comes with the fish, chicken, or meat be placed on the side (you can ruin a perfectly good piece of salmon by dropping a big slab of lemon butter on top of it). Most restaurants are happy to abide by this request to put the sauce on the side. Another favorite is grilled vegetables. Even if it's not on the menu, many restaurants will prepare grilled veggies for a minimal charge with the vegetables they have on hand. I always tip well, hoping to spread the healthy eating karma.

Q. Where do you find the foods you eat?

A. An easy way to navigate through the somewhat bewildering nutritional battlefield is to shop at the right markets. Many natural/health food stores regulate the products they carry and have quality and ingredients standards that their suppliers must abide by in order to stock their products. Whole Foods Market is one example. They publish a list of acceptable and unacceptable ingredients that they either do or do not permit in the foods they sell. That way you're assured when shopping at Whole Foods that the items you purchase are consistent with the company's published standards. It's a convenient way to ensure some baseline level of quality in the foods you are purchasing.

Q. Isn't it expensive to eat the way you do?

A. If you compare just the cost of the actual foods themselves, then, yes, it's more expensive. But if you consider the cost related to the many ailments caused by awful eating habits, then eating healthily might be less expensive in the long run. Now that I'm on my soapbox, let me add that the cost of treating obesity in my home state of California alone is more than $20 billion a year. And that's just the direct medical costs, not the quality-of-life expenses. Like many of you, I find that my health and the health of my family are something I value above all else. If that means spending a few extra dollars of my disposable income on healthy foods, I'm willing to make sacrifices elsewhere. I don't want to sound like I'm preaching-those are just my values. And from what I've heard from many of you, you share those same sentiments.


When it comes to exercise and training, my philosophy is that you've got to love what you're doing. If you don't, it will feel like drudgery and you probably won't keep at it for very long.

My thing is running. Well, that and windsurfing, mountain-biking, surfing, snowboarding, triathlons, adventure racing, and mountain climbing. (All right, I dig the outdoors. Hey, I'm from California-what would you expect?) What is it you love to do? Is it hiking or walking? Swimming or yoga? Is there a sense of adventure in what you do? Do you look forward to it every day? Could it be a priority in your life as important as any other? Those are the types of questions I would encourage you to ask yourself when choosing an exercise and training program. It's got to be something you look forward to and feel passionate about.

If you like to run, what would it take for you to love to run? As I've heard from some of you, it's the challenge of trying to better your time at a given distance, such as a 5K, 10K, or marathon. For me, it's a sense of adventure that keeps me running. I love nothing more than to put a credit card in my pocket, tuck the kids in for the night, and head out the door for an all-night run. If I want a latte, I stop by Starbucks and grab one. If I see something interesting, I stop and check it out. I spot wildlife, watch the moon rise, feel temperatures cool and the air grow damp. I talk to people along the way. Most are friendly, intrigued by my strange custom. Some wave as they pass, others honk and gesticulate single digits as they whiz by. It's all very exciting to me, like a journey on the wild side. It's never tedious when I'm immersed in the adventure. Being fit is a natural outcome of doing what I love.

Q. How often do you train?

A. As often as I can. But just like many of you, I've got a day job, a family to support, aging parents to worry about, kids to get to school, field trips to chaperone, soccer games to attend-basically, a life to live-so running remains a passion that gets attention when time permits. I take my shoes with me everywhere I go and run seven days a week if I can. Realistically, it usually averages out to about four or five days a week. When I'm ramping up for an ultra event, I'll try to log at least 70 to 100 miles per week. My routine consists of rising at 4:00 a.m. and running for three hours before I take the kids to school and head off to the office. If possible, I'll try to get a quick 45-minute to an hour run after work as well (I rarely break for lunch unless I have a lunch meeting scheduled or something). On weekends, I'll try to log a 30- to 40-miler on Saturday morning (again, heading out about 4:00 a.m. so I'm back early to spend the weekend with the family). It's pretty full-on but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Q. Any tips for running an ultra?

A. Depending on the distance you select (i.e., 50K, 50-mile, 100K, or 100-mile), you'll likely be on your feet for much longer than you've experienced in the past. For a 50K or 50-miler, I suggest doing at least one eight-hour training run. Just being upright for that long without a break can be challenging. Try to focus on total hours of running time versus total mileage covered. If you're training for a 100-miler, I would recommend doing an all-night run to acclimate yourself to the sleep deprivation you'll encounter during the event. Take your lighting systems with you and try to simulate race conditions as closely as possible. Run for ten to twelve hours if you can. Come race day, as nervous as you might be, try to relax and enjoy the experience. Yes, it's going to hurt, but most things worthwhile in life usually come with a measure of pain. Remain flexible-things might not go as anticipated. There will be unforeseen circumstances encountered along the way, seemingly insurmountable challenges will plague you, demons will enter your mind and tell you to quit. Don't listen. Keep going. Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must-just never give up.

Q. Do you cross-train?

A. I cross-train by windsurfing, mountain-biking, and surfing regularly. All of these are great muscle-building activities-not to mention great fun! I've never suffered a running-related injury, and I think part of the reason is that I've conditioned my entire body by doing more than just running. Having a bit of muscle bulk is not necessarily a good thing if you are trying to be the fastest runner out there. If you look at the build of the elite contenders in most running events, there's typically not a lot of upper body muscle. Having bulk generally slows you down; it's more weight to carry around. But to me, having the extra muscle mass is worth it. It's essential for the other sports that I love, and, at least anecdotally, I believe it helps with injury prevention. So, for me, the trade-off 's worth it.

Q. How often do you train on the road versus the trail?

A. About half and half. I prefer the trails, as I like the scenery and serenity, and trial running is less jarring on the body. But running on the trails is not always a viable option, so I spend plenty of time on the road. Regardless of the terrain you choose, let me encourage you to invest in a good pair of running shoes. My suggestion is to go to a reputable running specialty store and have a knowledgeable salesperson help you find the shoe that's right for you. That typically means trying on a number of different shoes, by a number of different manufacturers, and taking them for a test run around the block. Having a shoe that fits well and is comfortable will carry you a long way, be it on the trail or on the road.

Q. What's the longest you've gone without running?

A. The longest I've gone without running in the past ten years has been three days. It wasn't pretty. By day two, I was grumpy and depressed. On the third day, all I wanted to do was lie in bed all morning. This may sound peaceful to some, but relaxing to me is really stressful. By day four, I couldn't take it any longer and went for a run, even though I had the flu and a 103-degree fever.

Q. After I run a marathon, I can barely move for days. Is there anything that can help?

A. There are a couple of "tricks" I believe help speed recovery. One is that I always force myself to go running the next day (though it's more like hobbling than running). Even if it's just a short two or three miles run very slowly, I make myself do it. It seems to help flush out the byproducts of the race and get the blood flowing again. I also drink a ton of water post-event. For the next several days following a big run, I carry a water bottle with me wherever I go and drink constantly throughout the day. Again, this appears to help "flush out" the system of cellular debris and metabolic byproducts. Just be sure you're near a bathroom because you'll be making plenty of pit stops throughout the day.

Q. How often do you lift weights?

A. Though I love outdoor sports, the gym has its place. I find myself in the gym a few times per week, especially when I'm traveling on business. My routine principally consists of eight to ten reps with dumbbells, focusing on lower chest, upper chest, biceps, and shoulders. I typically do three sets of each, "super-setting" between them (i.e., changing from one lift to the next after each set). Super-setting helps to keep your heart rate elevated throughout the duration of the workout and allows the recruitment of several muscle sets concurrently. I also do pull-ups (six sets of twelve), dips (three sets of thirty), and crunches (four sets of ninety). On days when I can't get to a gym, I'll do four sets of fifty push-ups, and four sets of ninety sit-ups-once in the morning and once in the evening. That seems to do the trick.

Q. How do you stay motivated?

A. I work at it. For me, motivation requires self-discipline and a personal commitment. It doesn't come easy. There are certainly days when I don't feel like getting off the couch. But I make myself. Having an activity you love certainly goes a long way toward making it easier to be motivated. Something else that can help is having a goal to shoot for, like an upcoming race. Then you'll have a reason to get moving. If it helps, get a friend to sign up, too. Then you'll have a training partner to confide in on the off days, the days you're dragging. You can share the burden, weathering the lows together, and celebrating the highs. Then go light it up on race day, knowing you paid your dues.

Q. What do you think about when you run?

A. Sometimes a lot of things, sometimes nothing. It really depends on the length of the run and my mood. If it's an hour run, I might just decompress and let my mind wander. Other times I use running to accomplish specific tasks. For instance, I wrote much of this book "on the run." I carried a digital recorder with me and would go out on these all-night runs and dictate into it (hence the subtitle of the book, Confessions of an All-Night Runner). I found that I did some of my clearest thinking while running. Then when flying around the country on business trips, I would type up my notes. It was the only way I could figure out how to write a book with my schedule.

Q. Do you ever listen to music when you run?

A. I've got a 1GB iPod Shuffle, and love it. The thing weighs less than an ounce and holds something like 250 songs. My daughter and I share a playlist and I've got a core mix of about 100 songs of my own-'80s punk stuff from college, some reggae, some classic rock, and some modern tunes. I don't listen to music on every run but enjoy it periodically.

Q. How long will you keep this up?

A. As long as my heart's still in it, I'll keep going. If the passion's there, why stop? What I'm finding as I get older is that my endurance is actually improving. Granted, I'm getting slower. But my ability to run longer distances is getting better. There'll likely be a point of diminishing returns, a point where my strength will begin to wane. Until then, I'll just keep plodding onward, putting one foot in front of the other to the best of my ability. Smiling the entire time.


Food Log from The Relay.


I'd like to thank all of you who believed in me, even when I sometimes found it difficult to believe in myself. The list is long, way too long to include here everyone who's provided inspiration and encouragement along the way-the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run has some 1,200 volunteers, to each of whom I offer my gratitude.

Thank you to Carole Bidnick, my agent, who has been by my side through many marathons, even though she hasn't run a mile in the past ten years. Your insight and wisdom guided me, and your tenacity and fire got me across the finish line.

Thank you to Ken Siman, my editor, for constantly pushing me to do better, dig deeper, go farther. Though it was a different sort of ultramarathon, writing this book was a daunting challenge. You've been a great coach, mentor, confidant, and friend.

Thanks to my wife, Julie, and our children, Alexandria and Nicholas. Julie, you've been a source of inspiration for most of my life, and I continue to learn from you every day. Thank you to our extended family member, Valia Naumova. In caring for Alexandria and Nicholas, you've brought so much love, compassion, and laughter to our household that you're one of us.

To my brother, Kraig, and his lovely wife, Carolyn, you are the best. Thanks for putting up with my antics all these years. Some things never change. At least I'm consistent. I remain forever grateful for all the support you've given me.

There are many friendships I've enjoyed over the miles, but I am especially appreciative of those shared with Kim and Topher Gaylord, Jim Vernon, Tom Servais, Christopher Bergland, and Tim Twietmeyer. It's been a blast, and it just keeps getting better.

A special note of appreciation to Lessley Anderson, at San Francisco Weekly, for coming up with the moniker "Ultramarathon Man."

Finally, thank you, Mom and Dad, for always being by my side.

About the Author.

An international bestseller, Dean Karnazes' Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner has inspired both hard-core athletes and former couch potatoes across the globe. In 2004, Karnazes won the Badwater Ultramarathon in Death Valley, California-"The World's Toughest Footrace," covering 135 miles in 120-degree Fahrenheit temperatures, in 27 hours and 22 minutes of nonstop running-and was also named one of GQ's "Best Bodies of the Year." A columnist for Men's Health and the president of Good Health Natural Foods, Dean lives with his wife and their two children in San Francisco. Visit


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