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I decided to stop and think as I took a sip from the Healing Fountain.

The second Instructor that I had faced was the last trial of the 4th Floor before the Boss Room.

Their physique, skill and experience were at a different level.

Of course, an average goblin in Hell difficulty was from a different species compared to one in Normal difficulty.

Hm... What to do now?

It was an obvious plan, since I was aiming to clear the Tutorial quickly.

But, would rushing through really lead to a faster clear?

Although, I would have a much easier time if I fought him a second time.


Grow as much as possible in this floor, just like I always had in the others.


In fact, it was very fast.

There were those who left the 4th Floor and were challenging the 5th and 6th, but they were all in Normal or below difficulties.


Let's not be too impatient and do what I've always done.

I admit, I have gotten quite anxious ever since the shocking news.

There were so many skills I had yet to improve.


No matter how much I hurried, there was nothing I could do when I was only at the Floor 4.


Back to the Waiting Room.


Whether it was because I had finally cleared my thoughts or because I had managed to escape from my anxiousness, I didn't know.


[Round 3, Day 14. 20:30]

"Good. Very good."

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

In one or two more days, and it would be so faint you wouldn't even be able to notice it unless you were actually trying to look for it.

But, the magic circle began to shine again as soon once I had used the Blink skill once, until I've used all 5 charges.

Well, nothing I can do about that.

As long as it didn't shine every time, it was fine.

I was just happy I didn't have to live like a power ranger with that magic circle on my face.

I put the mirror away and took out a cup instead.


[Lee Ho Jae (Human)]


Strength: 20

Vitality: 23




My growth had been extraordinary.

The increase in Wind Spirit's Blessing from my previous Level Up was also motivating.

The God Skills too.

Flying had also become much easier.

Now, it was really time to challenge the Boss Room.

But clearing the floor twice a day, everyday had made it too easy and was become inefficient as there was no tension or danger.

I could defeat the final Instructor without a problem now.


It was time to increase the difficulty again.

Past the thick fogs, I reached the familiar stone doors.

I had never completed them easily.

The stone doors opened, as I was moved to a mountain.

Where the hell was this.

I stopped thinking and just stared at the sight of the pitch black sky and the concert of the stars.

Actually, I had never seen such a beautiful night sky in my entire life.





Goblin King? Where was it?


I was currently in the middle of the mountain.


The reason was simple.

In Hell difficulty, the answer was always the harder option.

Soon enough, I found out that my decision was correct.


My name is Lee Ho Jae and I am the Hell Specialist.

In order to scout the fort, I hid in the trees and took out binoculars from my inventory.

Since I used my Sneak Skill, which acted as a passive skill, noticing me from atop those walls would be difficult.

The fort's walls were 5m tall.


I didn't see another path from here.

The fort was quite big.

I wouldn't have a clue as to how many were in the fort.

How was someone without Blink and Talaria's Wings supposed to beat this?

Um... I didn't know.


I could kill those 20 goblins quickly, and take care of the others while I had the high ground on the wall.

If things went wrong I can just jump down the walls.


Maybe the Goblin King wasn't in that fort.




At this position, they didn't have the angle to see me from the wall.

I snuck my way to the wall with the fewest guards and then used blink again.


Oh, it felt like I was in a stealth game. It made me excited.

I slowly crept to the back of the closest goblin guard.



But the goblin continued to shake around and moan even as he got stabbed, which made every other guard notice and look at my direction.


One of them shouted with a loud voice.


Let's just think I started with 1 kill in the bag.

Time for battle now.

The goblins began to charge at me with a variety of weapons.




It was a sight which you had to be impressed with.

How the dark world had begun to colors to orange as the sun began to expose itself slowly.


Was this really an illusionary world?

But was it possible to replicate such an awe inspiring scene with just an illusion?


Maybe it won't be so bad living here and building a small log house as a shelter.



I think I can go through today feeling more happy and ambitious.

In fact,



Let's finish my plan.

Last night, I had managed to take over this fort completely.

They were your average Hell goblins.


And, as I had feared, the Goblin King had not been in this Fort.

But, I think I've found where he would be - in the inner castle whose tower was at the centre of the giant city with the 4 mountains at its north, south, east and west.

That was where it would be.

It was a city.

With polished roads, and stone buildings - a developed city.

... Weren't the goblins’ civilization too developed?





I guess you could call it the eastern fort.



There were more than tens of thousands of residents living in that city.

If all of the residents were goblins, then that city had soldiers numbering tens of thousands.


I might be able to make an escape, but there was no need to fight them while facing such dangers.

If I excluded the plains then there were still 3 remaining battlefields.


And on the plains, I could see 20 to 30 horsemen riding at an incredible speed.

Let's delay fighting in the city for now.

The gates were shut, and without siege equipments these goblins would have a hard time scaling the walls.

Lets burn the signal fires myself and whittle down their numbers as they tried to retake the fort.




And in the confusion I could go for the king within the inner castle.

Step by step.

Alright, it was the perfect plan.

The horsemen had already crossed the plains and began to climb halfway up the mountain.

I chucked a few more wood to make sure the fire burned and stood up.

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