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It went without saying that the alchemy spectacle was no big deal to Lin Xiao.

Though he hadn't put alchemy into practice during his six-year stay in the Forsaken Cemetery, his command of the Fire Control Mudras were incredibly commendable. Moreover, it also called for the mudras to break through the Grand tactical formation of the heaven and the earth.

Lin Xiao had long polished the Fire Control Mudras to a horrifying amount in the Forsaken Cemetery.

After he left the cemetery, the stay with Chiyan the Great Master who was a alchemical maniac helped Lin Xiao's alchemic techniques scale new heights.

In addition, he had done the production of the Most Refined Royal Pellets times without number. It was out of the question that he would screw it up.

In the Furnace Hall, after getting hold of the number of the Most Refined Royal Pellets, Lin Xiao started to count the Last Breath Pellets.

They were only allowed to rest for 2 to 4 hours on a daily basis, during which Wu Gui and Wang Di would hand in the Last Breath Pellets they produced to Lin Xiao.

As a matter of fact, there was no need for Lin Xiao to count the Last Breath Pellets, as neither of them messed anything up during their pellet production.

It was not because that their alchemical techniques were as refined as Lin Xiao. The Fire Control Mudras were too much for the production of the Last Breath Pellets.

Granted there was a tiny error, they could make everything right again by virtue of the Fire Control Mudras learnt from Lin Xiao.

Compounded with less time spent on the Last Breath Pellets than the Most Refined Royal Pellets. The lump sum of the Last Breath Pellets reached 3,600, way beyond the figure of the Most Refined Royal Pellets.

That was a terrific number.

No one would have fallen for it once they had known it.

Wu Gui and Wang Di were merely apprentices. However, they managed to have produced 3,600 Last Breath Pellets within only ten days, poorly equipped with regular furnaces and the fire crystal stones.

The most spectacular wonder was that the two assistants had never screwed up anything during their apprenticeship. That was unbelievable.

Nevertheless, as far as Lin Xiao was concerned, there remained plenty of room for their improvements.

If it had been Lin Xiao, there would have been an out put of millions of pellets.

However, Lin Xiao was still satisfied with their outcome, given that it was their very first attempt.

Having working hard for ten days, Wu Gui and Wang Di deemed it a necessity to be informed about their achievement. After the lunchtime, Lin Xiao briefed them, "This session of pellet production is well rounded. Over the past ten days, you had produced 3,600 Last Breath Pellets."

On hearing that, Wu Gui and Wang Di went struck dumb. They couldn't come to the terms with the fact that they had done it with flying colors.

Not to mention Wang Di, Wu Gui went slack-jawed right at the moment when Lin Xiao told them the news. Wu Gui, who had a bit of experience of alchemy, had never expected that their pellet production could have come into fruition.

Regular fire crystal stones and furnaces ushered in a full-on success of pellet production in ten days. Was it real or not?

It was worth noting that pellet production was not a guaranteed success. Even Shan Chengfeng couldn't for the life of himself recall the exact number of failures he had had during the production of the Martial Law Gestation Elixirs.

However, Wu Gui had never failed.

On thinking of this, Wu Gui felt overwhelmed by himself.

At an instant, a sparkle flashed across Wu Gui's mind.

He noticed that there existed quite a few mistakes in his pellet production, which, oddly enough, didn't inflict any impact on his output at all. That could only be attributed to the Fire Control Mudras.

Wu Gui finally figured out the explanation for his success.

Right then, he came back to his senses all of a sudden. Then he kneeled to Lin Xiao and  kowtowed in the form of paying homage in spite of himself.

At the very moment, Lin Xiao ascended to become an immortal in his mind. He wished if only he could present his soul to Lin Xiao as well.

Wang Di, utterly bewildered, stared at Wu Gui, blank-faced.

So was Lin Xiao. Nevertheless, he was out of time.

He noticed that the annual martial contest was closing in and there remained loads of things undone.

With no time to spend with Wu Gui, Lin Xiao hastened to go, bidding Wang Di to stand Wu Gui up.

As Wang Di acted as Lin Xiao said, the latter was long gone.

"Martial Brother, why was that?" Wang Di asked in a baffled tone.

Then, Wu Gui made a detailed explanation in a haste.

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