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Rushing for a quick success was the taboo of martial practice. Any master hearing Lu Tong's complaint would reproach him. But Qin Dong did not. It took dozens of years for cultivators to make achievements. Someone died before reaching their goals.

It was acknowledged that there were no short cuts for martial practice, however, he objected.

The final stage of the law of heavens was simplification, seeking the easiest and most direct method. In such a case, short cuts exist in martial practice. If not, that was because the cultivator could not find them due to his low cultivation base.

Likewise, Qin Dong boasted that he could help Li Yexue advance her martial arts skills and defeat Li Yebing in one year.

Qin Dong smiled at the longing looks of Lu Tong and the boys, "Don't worry. If you guys can lay a solid foundation in a month, I promise to boost your cultivation bases to the levels of Shi Xiaoyue and Ma Pei, and even higher than theirs!"

"Brother Dong, you…you mean it? Both Shi Xiaoyue and Ma Pei reach the peak of the primary core stage. You can make us defeat them in half a year?" Bi Xiu was an old hand of martial arts among the boys and knew the difficulty of the process.

Qin Dong laughed, "Of course! You call me brother, and I can't lie to you. But the key is your hard working!"

He held confidence in the boys, especially Bi Xiu. One Tianyuan core could advance his cultivation base to the summit of the primary core stage.

This stage was also the fundamental level of martial arts and the gaps between its elementary level, mid level and peak were not tremendous. One core sufficed to help Bi Xiu step over the gaps.

But the situation of Lu Tong and the other boys were complicated. As Laymen, they had not sensed their inner energy and must practice from the basic. Only when they enter the primary core stage, could the core play an effect on them. Taking it now only removed their body rubbish and prolonged their lives.

Full of confidence, Lu Tong and the other three boys began to practice with Qin Dong's promise.

Qin Dong looked at Bi Xiu, who cheered, "How about me?"

"You reach primary core stage at this age. I suppose you either come from a cultivation clan or have miraculous experiences. Am I right? "

Bi Xiu nodded, "My family is not that famous as Clan Qin or Clan Gu, but also a cultivation clan. I have learned martial arts from my father since childhood. But I'm lazy and poor-talented and become a dabbler."

Looking him up and down, Qin Dong murmured, "Your inner energy is strong and blazing, and belong to the element fire. The cultivation method of your family must be relevant with fire?"

Bi Xiu was astounded, "Marvelous! Your guess is right. The Sanyang fire of our clan is one of the most powerful fires all over the world. It equals the purple flame energy of Clan Gu."

Qin Dong knew it without Bi Xiu's explanation. But one point puzzled him. Although the Sangyang fire was the match of the purple flame energy, Clan Bi fell far behind Clan Gu.

"Bi Xiu, show the Sanyang fire to me."

He linked hands at once, mumbled some words and ran the skill inside his body.

The circulation of each trace of inner energy exposed before Qin Dong's sharp eyes.

After one circulation, Qin Dong realized why the Sanyang fire was not the purple flame energy's counterpart.

"Bi Xiu, the Sanyang fire must go through the Tiangang acupoints all over your body during its application?"

Bi Xiu nodded, "Yes! The method says so and my dad practices according to it."

Qin Dong frowned, "Part of its energy is absorbed when the fire passes each acupoint. More than two thirds of its power is reduced after circling around body. The renowned fire can't even grill a mouse after releasing. Besides, the strongest fire will harm the cultivator's body while frequenting the acupoints. I guess the masters in your clan are in intense pain especially in summer?"

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