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Do all the papers of one series have some characteristics that enable you to determine from which group they come? What conclusions and inferences do you draw from the experiment?

5. Does the feeling of certainty make a thing true? See how many cases you can find in a week, of persons feeling sure a statement is true, when it is really false.

6. In the following way, try to find out something which a person is trying to conceal. Prepare a list of words, inserting now and then words which have some reference to the vital point. Read the words one by one to the person and have him speak the first word suggested by those read.

Note the time taken for the responses. A longer reaction time usually follows the incriminating words, and the subject is thrown into a visible confusion.

7. Talk to successful physicians and find out what use they make of suggestion and other psychological principles.

8. Spend several hours visiting different grades below the high school.

In how many ways could the teachers improve their work by following psychological principles?

9. Could the qualities of a good teacher--native and acquired--be measured by tests and experiments?

10. Visit factories where men do skillful work and try to learn by observation what types of mind and body are required by the different kinds of work.

11. Does the occupation which you have chosen for life demand any specific abilities? If so, do you possess them in a high degree?

12. Could parents better train their children if they made use of psychological principles?

13. In how many ways will the facts learned in this course be of economic use to you in your life? In what ways will they make life more pleasurable?

14. Make a complete outline of this chapter.

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