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Hao Ren had a boat load of questions to ask Raven12345 when she arrived. As the ship arrived, it shocked Hao Ren into a stupor and he almost instantaneously forgot all that he wanted to ask. The only phrase that were running through his head now was : This is your ship... This is YOUR ship... He stood there motionless for a good half a minute, and only broke out of it after Raven12345 flicked his forehead.

"How's that? Cool right?" Raven12345 chirped as she tapped Hao Ren on the shoulder. A huge grin plastered on her face. "I spent half a day at the stardock to pick this for you. A most popular model for agents for both official and private us. While I'm not sure about the technomajingy of the ship, I heard recommendations that it's pretty up to snuff..."

The gigantic spacecraft was now sitting on the beach. It was silent throughout the operation and did not even as much as moved the sand when it landed. The sight was simply amazing for ship this size. The outer layer of the ship shone in bright silver, along the body was a series of lines in blue and yellow that Hao Ren could not tell the meaning. On the fore of the ship was the imperial emblem, illuminated in a faint blue light. Beneath the ship, was a network of energy conduits. While they may seem exposed, it was the strongest and most durable part of the ship, the conduit was the source of the ship's energy barrier and also its energised armour part. Nigh indestructible did not even doesn't begin to describe it.

Hao Ren admits that he does not know much about space ships, he couldn't even figure out where the entrance was. What Raven12345 had told him earlier about the ship had already been cleanly forgotten. The surprise was almost complete for him, almost too complete that he went back into a stupor and walked hypnotically towards the belly of the ship. The size of the ship had a exudes a sort of pressure that takes one's breath away. In actual fact, the ship was a size small that the No.883 cargo craft that Hao Ren took. Then again, the perception of size really says a lot about a human who had never encountered things in this scale. Hao Ren could barely tell the difference between the size of the two crafts, but he knew both of them were pretty awe-inspiring.

But most importantly: That ship is HIS! His very own SHIP!

For an Earthling who had previously only owned a rickety motorcycle to date, it would not be fair to expect him to stay composed.

Hao Ren patted the ship armor, the feeling of the cold, sturdy frame was incredible to him. He turned around towards Wuyue and Y'zaks, "Please punch me in the face, one of you... Just to make sure I'm not dreaming."

The great demon and the siren quickly clenched their fists and walked towards him. Hao Ren quickly cowered as he went, "... On second thought, may be not. You two will be the end of me."

"How's that? This Goddess here did a pretty good job don't you think?" Raven12345 laughed as she looked at Hao Ren. Hao Ren had disregarded the Goddess for a good while as he continued to be awestruck by his new ride but she didn't seem to take any offence at that. She allowed him to gawp at the ship for another short while before stepping forward and pulled him in the ears. "Alright. Enough of that. We still have work to be done."

"..Of.. of course! It was AWESOME!" Hao Ren finally calmed down and he felt that Raven12345 looked particularly beautiful today. "Say.. Is this really mine? Can I get on it?"

"Oh yes you can, and you need to go in. We'll be taking it for our ride home. I also want to see how this thing even operates."

"Huh?" Hao Ren was puzzled for a moment. "Wait... You don't know how to opera... How did the ship even get here then?"

"Oh, auto-pilot of course." Raven12345 said nonchalantly. "Had the delivery guy set the course, and I just hopped on. Even the landing was automated."

Hao Ren wanted to ask about the delivery guy, it seems like everything the Goddess has is pretty OP.

"How do I even enter?" Hao Ren scoured the entire belly of the ship for a door. He only came to realise that his ship was a totally different model from 883's, from the general design to the material of the outer armor, leaving the poor sod at a lost. Raven12345 pointed towards a part of the underbelly armor, "See that thing over there? Oh right, did you bring the key I gave you last time?"

"Yeah, it's here." Hao Ren quickly ruffled his pocket for his wallet and pulled out the precious little crystalline panel from it. Ever since he gotten the key from Raven12345, he never let it out of his sight. "Kept it close like it's my babe."

"Right. Listen up, this key just needs to be activated one. After you complete the activation process it'll be kept under lock in the mainframe of the ship. Unless there is a change in your ship, the key will be one with the ship." Raven12345 said as she lead Hao Ren to the entrance of the ship. "Use it to open the door. Point the key towards the blue marker there. I'll move aside once you've done that. Can't let the scanner have a peek of my glorious awesomeness."

As she finished her sentence, Raven12345 ushered both Wuyue and Y'zaks some distance away from the ship. Hao Ren simply just followed what Raven12345 said and lifted the crystalline key. A blue ray of light immediately shot out from the panel and scanned the key. After that, the light hovered over Hao Ren as it also took a scan of him. A few seconds later, an entry way opened up. A panel slid away from both sides and opened up an entrance that is a few meters wide. From where he stood, Hao Ren could see a brightly lit corridor.

A gentle voice suddenly spoke in his head. "First time activation successful. Mainframe engaged. Visitor mode disabled. Level C and above areas now accessible. Please proceed with follow-up operations."

"And there you have it. The ship is now fully engaged for the first time." Raven12345 popped out of nowhere as she tapped Hao Ren on his shoulder. "The Mainframe have completed the registration of your personal profile. It has now changed from Visitor-Trial mode to normal operations mode. Most of the functions has since been unlocked. After you insert the key into the mainframe, the ship's weapon systems and what not will come online. Hold on to that properly. We're going in."

Hao Ren had meant to ask what weapon systems Raven12345 was talking about. But before he had the chance to speak, he was pushed by the Goddess into the ship. Wuyue and Y'zaks followed on after that. Once all four of them had entered the ship, the door shut itself behind them almost silently, as if there wasn't a door to begin with.

In front of them was a wide corridor that was very well lit. A white and silver alloy wall extended all the way to the end. On the wall there were moving lights that guided them to where they need to be. Hao Ren, like the country bumpkin he was, moved along cautiously. After a few steps only something struck him. This was HIS ship... so why the unnecessary caution?

It seems like Hao Ren had still a lot of adjusting to do with things happening so quickly.

"Wow, this is beautiful." Wuyue's reaction was much much more natural than Hao Ren. She curiously walked about and knocked at everything, fiddling with anything that was lit up. "Such sparkles, I can't imagine the power consumption for this!"

Y'zaks also had a curious look on his face. "A beautiful ship indeed. It's almost similar to the one I came on. Must be the same model."

"This is one of the most widely used spacecraft for agents, with sixty percent of them using it. Because of it's excellent functionality, it is a popular spacecraft." The MDT explained as it floated beside Hao Ren's face. "By the way, I found the product description of the ship. Do you want to have a look?"

Hao Ren quickly nodded. "Yes! YES!"

The MDT generated a holographic image, in it contained various information of the ship that they're on now. Hao Ren decided to stop and have a good look at the description:

Model S-X6. Military/Civilian-use Special Light Patrol Frigate. There are two different variations. The first specification comes equipped with top-end military equipment and weapons, a basic scouting vessel of the Empire. The second specification comes equipped with specialised life support system and various energy cores, and is for civilian-use, a mainstay vessel for agents. This ship is the second type. The length of the ship is 565 meters long, and the widest point is 200 meters. It comes equipped with various complicated but excellent systems. The civilian model was first launched in year 9986 of the New Imperial Calender and the reception was very positive. Production was ramped up by the Pan Galaxy Commonwealth's sixteen giant military industries, and after various modifications and improvements, it quickly became one of the most loved vessels of the agents. As a vessel that is so commonly used for missions, it uses a very safe Secondary Psionic Drive as the main source of movement. It can perform warp and cross-world travels. The ship also comes with self-defence weaponry (Not suitable for combat role, no ability to perform ground bombardment) and also a self-sustaining life support system. The storage system utilises a dimensional expansion storage and is able to carry cargo many times the size of the ship. The speed and the defensive capabilities are exceptional, and is a very useful vessel for agents who runs about all the time.

That was the brief description of the ship.

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