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This chapter is translated by Angela :)

And sponsored by Naomi N.!

1公中: (public) in olden time where multiple branches of the family live together, there is a pool of money monitored by the main branch and the small branches would contribute to

2迎来送往: yíng lái sòng wǎng- similar to “out with the old, in with the new”

3凤子龙孙: fèng zǐ lóng sūn - descendants of phoenixes and dragons, this refers to being descendants of the royal family since phoenix is the empress and dragon is the emperor


Chapter 57: Scheming failed

Li Chang Le’s cold eyes stared at her: “I wouldn't let you off.”

Li Wei Yang remained calm and composed: “Dajie, a bit of wind and you don’t feel well, so weak and incompetent, in the future, you must cherish yourself, do not let father and mother worry for you.”

Having said that, Li Wei Yang strutted away with Bai Zhi.

The list of gifts bestowed by the emperor was very long, Da Furen’s hand, which held the list clutched tightly.

“Lao Ye, is this not too much?” On the surface, Da Furen seems surprised by the long list of gifts.

“These are the rewards Bixia bestowed on Wei Yang.” Li Xiao Ran knew why Da Furen would say so, because the gold and jewelry here, the level of values was far beyond that of her dowry when Da Furen got married.

“Lao Ye, Bixia bestowed these to the Li family.” Da Furen looked at the list, saying each word, she couldn’t just watch Li Wei Yang gain such big benefit.

“Furen, Bixia has said clearly that these rewards are for Wei Yang, if we don’t give it to her, the news that spread outside will not be good.” Li Xian Ran said slowly: “The Li family cannot afford to lose that person.”

Da Furen thought about it, replied: “Lao Ye, the household expenditure for this year is large, the second branch and third branch of the family are also using the public funds1, adding the expenses of festivities, welcomes and send off2 of New Year, in order for everyone to have face, I even used my own dowry. You have always been honest, unwilling to accept offerings from officials, if we have this money, our financial situation can be relieved. Moreover, soon Min Feng will have to get marry, there are three younger sisters after Chang Le, in the future their dowries must also be great---”

Li Xiao Ran was embarrassed, to support such a large family, it was not an easy thing. He subconsciously chose to ignore the income from the Li clan’s countless stores and country estates. Similar to his wife, in his subconscious, he was also unwilling to give this much gold and jewelry to Wei Yang, moreover he could feel the defiance from this child’s bones, this violated his authority as head of the household, he felt offended. Well, Wei Yang should get a little lesson.

Therefore, he nodded and agreed: “Very well, I will speak to Lao Furen.”

Generally speaking, Lao Furen will comply with Li Xiao Ran’s opinions, so when Da Furen hear this answer, she can’t help but smile in satisfaction.

He Xiang Yuan

The sky was still clear in the afternoon, beads of snow fell again towards evening, rustling when they hit the glazed roofing tiles, the sound of snow dense and anxious, after a few moments of effort, soon the house can be seen covered in a thin layer of white. Li Xiao Ran look at the weather, frowned and entered the house. He saw only Lao Furen wearing a lotus green embroidered satin robe, leaning against a pillow with a red “shou” of Hunan embroidery, sitting on the couch reciting scriptures.

“You’re saying that the rewards bestowed by Bixia should be used to fill the public funds?” After hearing his words, Lao Furen twisted the Buddha beads, said sneeringly: “It is written clearly on the imperial edict, that these things are given to Wei Yang, now enshrined in the ancestral hall, you don’t need me to get someone to read it for you again.”

“Of course I know this, but Furen she…” Li Xiao Ran did not expect Lao Furen’s face would suddenly change, immediately turning red in the face, speechless.

“I can be rest assured when you’re dealing with government affairs on normal days, but too indulgent towards the married woman of your house. Wei Yang is also your daughter, although born of a concubine, in my opinion, is not inferior to your eldest daughter, you should let go of this idea.”

Li Xiao Ran unconsciously frowned: “How can Wei Yang and Chang Le be compared---”

“How to compare? Coming up with ideas for Bixia to help share your burden was not Chang Le, you need to think clearly!” Lao Furen remind him.

The expression on Li Xiao Ran’s face was not good, he was obviously turning a deaf ear.

Lao Furen hmphed and said: “I know, Chang Le is your first daughter, pretty and beautiful, you and Jiang Shi have placed great hope on her. However, I never agreed, first, our Li family has always been rising in ranks as high official, there’s no need for the thought of climbing up to be descendants of phoenixes and dragons3. Second, Chang Le is too arrogant, maybe she will bring disaster. If the Crown Prince’s position is stable, then these two things may not obstruct anything, however the current situation, all of the princes are not fuel-saving lights, us involving in may not have good results. Besides, after this incident, Chang Le’s reputation in the city is a complete mess, if you still think that just this beautiful face is enough to climb up to the empress’s position, then you need to be prepared to put our Li family to roast in an oil bath.”

Lao Furen’s words, had also been spoken in the past. This was also the reason why she never liked Li Chang Le, too beautiful and arrogant, may not be the Li family’s blessing.

“What is your position now, every step, is like walking on thin ice…” Lao Furen seemed to be muttering to herself, yet also seemed to be reminding him, “You choosing among the emperor’s sons, Bixia may not be ignorant of it.”

Li Xiao Ran was surprised for a moment, filling with apprehension.

His own ideas, was it too rash?

He couldn’t help but nod: “This situation can be laid aside naturally, but Wei Yang---”

Lao Furen sighed: “Her every words and deeds in the hall today, they are recorded into the annals of history, even if you are not thinking of the honor she brought for you, you still have to think of the pen of the historian, is our Li family lacking money, why is the need to do something so low class?”

Da Furen would definitely refuse, Li Xiao Ran could feel the pain jumping on his temple. But he dared not violate Lao Furen’s wish, so he nodded and said: “Then we will comply with Lao Furen.”

An hour later, all of the precious treasures in the storeroom were delivered into the hands of Li Wei Yang.

Lao Furen pulled her to her side and instruct her: “These are what Bixia rewarded to you, you must watch over it. Do not let anyone rip you off. Although you did well on this matter, in the end you stuck out like a sore thumb, a bit of bad can bring fatal disaster, seek not to be meritorious but only to avoid blame, in the future you must act cautiously, understand?”

These are all advices from the heart, Li Wei Yang rarely received such care from her grandmother, her eyes turning red.

Lao Furen smiled, patted her hand and said: “Silly child, the upper hand on the high position, is instantly a matter of heaven and hell, today has really scared these old bones of mine, you, are too daring; you actually dare to act in a slick way in from of Bixia. However, filial piety is always right, after being titled third rank decent lady, your mother’s days would be better.”

“Thank you Lao Furen for not blaming me.” Li Wei Yang stretched out her hands around Lao Furen’s arm, tears falling drop by drop on the ground, leaving a string of watermarks.

Luo Mama quickly passed over a handkerchief, smiled and said: “San Xiaojie don’t cry, you are now the most well-off Xiaojie in the city!”

Li Wei Yang was surprised for a moment, immediately laughed.

Yes, the things reward by the emperor, aside from those that could not be moved but only be used to furnish and decorate, half of them were gold, these with respects to her future, were more useful than anything else!

Da Furen soon got a letter from Li Xiao Ran, filled with anger and rage, turned and went to Li Chang Le’s Yan Yu Ge, when reaching her yard, Tan Xiang hurriedly came out, speaking with hesitation: “Da Furen, Xiaojie….Xiaojie is not feeling well---”

Li Xiao Ran is hosting a banquet tonight to celebrate for Li Wei Yang, all high officials and noble lords would come, at this time Li Chang Le was sick?! Da Furen’s face, turned incomparably stony. This good-for-nothing!

Next: Chapter 58 

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