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INACCE'SSIBLE, _a._ not to be reached or approached

INA'CTIVE, _a._ sluggish; slothful; not quick

INCA'LCULABLE, _a._ that which cannot be counted

INCAPA'CITATE, _v.a._ disable; weaken; disqualify

INCARNA'TION, _s._ the act of assuming body

INCE'NTIVE, _s._ that which kindles; that which provokes; that which encourages; spur

INCE'SSANT, _a._ unceasing; continual

I'NCIDENT, _s._ something happening beside the main design; casualty

INCLO'SURE, _s._ a place surrounded or fenced in

INCLU'DE, _v.a._ comprise; shut

INCONCE'IVABLE, _a._ incomprehensible

INCONSI'DERABLE, _a._ unworthy of notice; unimportant

INCONSI'STENT, _a._ contrary; absurd; incompatible

INCRE'DIBLE, _a._ surpassing belief; not to be credited

INCU'LCATE, _v.a._ impress by frequent admonitions

INCU'RSION, _s._ an expedition

INDENTA'TION, _s._ an indenture; having a wavy figure

I'NDICATE, _v.a._ show; point out

INDI'CTMENT, _s._ an accusation presented in a court of justice

INDIGNA'TION, _s._ wrath; anger

INDISCRI'MINATE, _a._ without choice; impartially

INDISPE'NSABLE, _a._ not to be spared; necessary

INDIVI'DUAL, _a._ single; numerically one; undivided; separate from others of the same species

INDU'CE, _v.a._ persuade; enforce; bring into view

INDU'LGENCE, _s._ fond kindness; tenderness; favour granted

INDU'STRIOUS, _a._ diligent; laborious

I'NDUSTRY, _s._ diligence; cheerful labour

INEQUA'LITY, _s._ difference of comparative quantity

INE'VITABLE, _a._ unavoidable

INEXHA'USTIBLE, _a._ not to be spent or consumed; incapable of being spent

INEXPRE'SSIBLE, _a._ not to be told; unutterable

I'NFANTRTY, _s._ a body of foot soldiers; foot soldiery

INFA'TUATE, _v.a._ to strike with folly; to deprive of understanding

INFE'RIOR, _a._ lower in place, station, or value

I'NFIDEL, _s._ an unbeliever; a Pagan; one who rejects Christianity

I'NFINITE, _a._ unbounded; unlimited; immense

INFINITE'SSIMAL, _a._ infinitely divided

INFI'NITY, _s._ immensity; endless number

INFI'RMITY, _s._ weakness of age or temper; weakness; malady

INFLA'TE, _v.a._ to swell; to make larger

INFLE'XIBLE, _a._ not to be bent; immoveable; not to be changed

INFLI'CT, _v.a._ to impose as a punishment

I'NFLUENCE, _s._ power of directing or modifying

INFLUE'NTIAL, _a._ exerting influence or power

INGE'NIOUS, _a._ witty; inventive

INGENU'ITY, _s._ wit; invention; genius; subtlety

INGLO'RIOUS, _a._ void of honour; mean; without glory

INGRA'TITUDE, _s._ unthankfulness

INHA'BITANT, _s._ dweller; one that lives in a place

INHE'RENT, _a._ existing in something else, so as to be inseparable from it; innate

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