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** Acceptable donations of various articles were made by the firms of Ludowici, Sydney; Allen Taylor, Sydney; Sames and Company, Birmingham; Gamage, London; Gramophone Company, London; the Acetylene Corporation, London; Steel Trucks Ltd., &c.

**Through the offices of Mr. C. A. Bang we are indebted to "De Forenede Dampskibsselskab," of Copenhagen, for the transport of the dogs from Greenland.

Apart from the acquisition of the instruments, there were long preparations to be made in the arrangement of the scientific programme and in the training of the observers. In this department the Expedition was assisted by many friends.

Thus Professor W. A. Haswell (Biology), Professor T. W. Edgeworth David (Geology), and Mr. H. A. Hunt (Meteorology), each drew up instructions relating to his respective sphere. Training in astronomical work at the Melbourne Observatory was supervised by Mr. P. Baracchi, Director, and in magnetic work by the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institute (Director, Dr. L. A.

Bauer). Further, in the subject of magnetics, we have to thank especially Mr. E. Kidston of the Carnegie Institute for field tuition, and Mr. Baldwin of the Melbourne Observatory for demonstrations in the working of the Eschenhagen magnetographs.

Professor J. A. Pollock gave us valuable advice on wireless and other physical subjects. At the Australian Museum, Sydney, Mr.

Hedley rendered assistance in the zoological preparations. In the conduct of affairs we were assisted on many occasions by Messrs. W.

S. Dun (Sydney), J. H. Maiden (Sydney), Robert Hall (Hobart), G.

H. Knibbs (Melbourne),and to the presidents and members of the councils of the several Geographical Societies in Australia--as well, of course, as to those of the Royal Geographical Society, London.

In conclusion, the proffered, disinterested help, of all the above and many other friends contrived to make our scientific equipment well-nigh complete and eminently up-to-date.

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