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Published at 3rd of January 2020 03:35:08 AM
Chapter 1370

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The quiet Wandering soon lost some guild points . He didn't seem to think that he would be named, or perhaps he thought he was tanky enough . However, he didn't run to the designated area, which resulted in a few players getting killed and he also died in the process .

Although Baron Geddon was known as a Baron, he wasn't a gentleman at all .

He was a typical villain that would cast skills without indication and had attacks that ignored defence . He was simply horrible .

"We don't have much time left . Let's save some of our energy to fight the first Stronghold, but don't think that my threat to deduct your points was an empty one . Hachi Chan was the first so she didn't count, but the next two people who exploded lost 5 points each . 5 points is one Dark Gold item and if you lose another 5 points, you would have lost an Epic item…"

Lu Li hadn't spoken just to scare them; he really did follow through with deducting their points .

This was quite a tricky technique to employ, but it could be handled well if care was taken . The deduction of points often woke people up, especially after Lu Li illustrated what kind of equipment they would have lost . This made the loss feel even more real for those who lost points and jolted the others awake .

"As long as we handle the human bombs, we still have a chance of beating the Boss today," Lu Li said after calming down .

"Let's fight again . This time, if someone makes a mistake, they don't lose points, but they have to wash the toilets for a weak," Azure Sea Breeze suggested slyl . , "If you like washing the toilets then make as many mistakes as you want . This way, we can allocate someone to wash the toilets for the whole year…"

Most of them were elites and lived in the Ruling Sword headquarters . There were so many toilets in the apartment building that even thinking about that was terrible…

It seemed that this threat worked . The two players who were later chosen didn't have any problems . They didn't die, nor did they cause anyone else to die . They were making progress towards a successful finish . This gave Lu Li a new understanding, because he didn't really understand the horror of washing the toilets at first . When he was young, washing the public toilets was the most risk-free and rewarding job .

"Dammit, I got picked!" Azure Sea Breeze cursed .

"Breezy, don't move . Everyone else, run!" Lu Li cried out almost instantly when he heard Azure Sea Breeze speak . Lu Li was a melee player and had been paying attention to Azure Sea Breeze . He knew that the Boss could name the Main Tank .

If it did, the procedure would be different .

The Main Tank couldn't run away, because no one else could tank the Boss . The other Main Tanks didn't have enough time to draw its aggro . As such, if the Main Tank was chosen, the other players had to run away .

In fact, most of the players and Main Tanks were far away, except for the melee players .

"Breezy, pay attention to your HP," Lu Li said as he took the lead to run away and succeeded in escaping . The others also fled .

Most of the melee players managed to escape . Almost all of them had some escaping skill, and Lu Li had shouted the order just in time . Other than Wandering, no one else was bombed .

When Azure Sea Breeze fell from the sky, he would be dead if no other measures were taken .

Fortunately, he chugged all kinds of potions in the air – anything that could give him HP . After he landed, he didn't have much HP left, but he survived . The person in charge of healing immediately rushed over to regenerate his HP .

As for Wandering, taking 3000 damage was enough to kill him . When Azure Sea Breeze fell, he didn't run but simply used his Invulnerability .

It was a fortunate thing that he was a Paladin .

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In that critical moment, they actually suffered no casualties .

"Fight with all you've got; I want to clear this Boss . This time, it's not just a penalty for making a mistake, but you will be replaced . There are many players out there waiting to join us," Lu Li said, suddenly regaining his confidence as he moved back into position . He commanded everyone to reposition and even sacrificed some of his damage to pay attention to the others .


Darkness had a good awareness, so she didn't need Lu Li to say anything . She immediately started running .

"Dreamy, run!"

"Water Fairy… oh, you're already running . Your reaction time is pretty good…"

"Hachi Chan, innervate March Rain . March Rain, watch your mana . Machine Bro, watch everyone's HP!"

"Alright, the Boss doesn't have much HP left . Watch out for his Berserk . Breezy, pay attention to your own HP . Foggy Grass, you're dying . Wandering, pull the monsters . World's Best Friend, you're taking some aggro, so stand a little further from Breezy," Lu Li instructed . He did not dare to relax at all .

Baron Geddon was not a very strong Boss . As long as you knew how the mechanics worked, even a second-rate team could defeat it if no one made any mistakes .

"This is the last time Baron Geddon will serve the Firelord,"Baron Geddon sighed softly as he ran out of HP .

In that moment, he seemed quite graceful – this last sentence sounded quite touching . He was loyal to his master even to the last moment of the battle, but…


Gale Steps!

Lu Li shouted a warning while casting Gale Steps .

It was a mess . There were dead bodies everywhere . Most players died, but there were some who were fast enough . Water Fairy also cast Gale Steps and the two Paladins cast Invulnerability . There were some that managed to run far enough to be safe .

"Paladins, go and resurrect everyone . This is a pretty major loss," Lu Li sighed .

Even so, he couldn't do anything . Before then, no one could have known that Baron Geddon's final stand would be a self-destruct . This was one of the more annoying skills in the Molten Core .

The players who died didn't receive any EXP, but that didn't affect their chance to gain Skill Points . Two players managed to gain a Skill Point reward .  

"Hahaha, I didn't die, I didn't die and now I'm level 60!"

Azure Sea Breeze was dumbfounded at first, but he was now overjoyed . Unlike every other similar situation they had faced before, he didn't die . Lu Li had told him to hide and this order saved his life .

Too add to this, he was also one of the players to acquire a skill point .

"I won't be distributing the gold coins this time . Everyone, just take what is yours, repair your equipment and get ready for the Stronghold," Lu Li said .

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Remnant Dream nodded and looted the gold coins first . If he was distributing them, then it would just be split among everyone .

There were three gems . One of them was for Fire Resistance, which was the most exquisite of them all . This kind of item couldn't be auctioned, and was directly assigned to Darkness . Her Fire Resistance was a bit lower than normal, and as the Main Tank's healer, she needed to have higher Fire Resistance .

The other two were a physical attack increase and a fire damage increase .

The fire damage one was for Fire Mages, and Lu Li intended to leave it for Fat Monkey . That hard-working master wasn't allowed to enter the Instance Dungeon because most of the Bosses were fire Bosses . This meant that they had high fire resistance, so he would be on the bottom of the damage output rankings .

There were also some skill books and rare materials that needed to be distributed .

When the equipment started dropping, the Dark Gold items were casually divided among them . There wasn't much demand for them; those that were wanted were bought at a low price .

The first Epic that was dropped was the Mana Igniting Cord, which was a very good item, especially for players lacking in Critical Hit . This was simply an exquisite item, as very few equipment provided so much Critical Hit . In addition to the critical bonus, this could be said to be one of the best belts for a level 60 Mage .

Just because two items held the same name didn't meant they had the same attributes .

The same Mana Igniting Cord could be found as a Dark gold or Gold item .

Deadly Green Orange actually had this item .

Several of Drizzle Court players had joined the team and received quite a few points . They acquired some of those points by contributing gold coins and potions .

The second Epic item was a T1 set Shoulderpad, which was exclusive to Shamans .

Sakura Memories took it away at a low price, because no one else wanted it . Sometimes, it wasn't so bad to play a profession that was slightly less popular .

  嘉顿男爵虽然号称男爵,可是一点都不绅士 .

  他是个典型的卑鄙小人,出手无声无息,而且无视一般的防御,阴毒的令人发指 .

  "我们的时间不多了,等下大家还要留点心情去打咱们的第一座要塞,你们觉得扣分是说着玩的吗,检查一下自己的分数吧,第一次八酱那个不算,后面谁炸到超过两个人,就扣五分,五分就是一件暗金,扣两次你们就丢掉一件传奇 . . . "

  这绝对不是危言耸听,陆离确实扣分了 .

  扎弹人这个技能非常难,但是只要处理好了就没什么,大部分的情况其实都属于失误,扣分才能够让人警醒,陆离又把DKP和装备连在一起说,这下子被扣了分的人就更心疼了,那些没被扣分的也打起了精神 .

  "只要扎弹人处理好了,咱们今天还是有机会的,"陆离稍微平息了一下情绪 .

  "开怪吧,这次谁再犯错就不止是扣分了,必须要罚他刷一周的马桶,"蔚蓝海风恶狠狠的说道:"要是喜欢刷马桶的话,那就尽情的犯错吧,一人一周,最好是把今年刷马桶的工作都分配下去 . . . "

  这里大部分都是精英团的人,大部分都住在裁决之剑总部,公寓楼那么多马桶,想想都觉得恐怖 . . .

  似乎这种威胁起到了作用,一连两个被点名成扎弹人的玩家居然都没出什么问题,他们不仅自己没有挂掉,还没波及到其他人,一切都向着美好的结局发展 . 这让陆离想不明白,他实在不明白刷马桶有什么恐怖的,在他小的时候,公共厕所刷马桶的活算是最没风险又报酬丰厚的工作 .

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  "我艹,我被点名了,"蔚蓝海风惊叫道 .

  "风少别动,其他人跑!"几乎是和蔚蓝海风同时开口,而且声音很大,直接盖住了蔚蓝海风的惊呼,陆离作为近战,他一直在关注蔚蓝海风,因为他知道BOSS并不是没可能点名MT .

  点名MT的话,处理方式就不一样了 .

  MT不能跑,跑了的话BOSS谁来拉,其他MT在这么短的时间里根本来不及建立足够的仇恨 . 所以MT被点名的话,应该是其他人远离MT才对 .

  事实上,大部分的人和MT都处于远离状态,除了近战职业 .

  "风少注意保命,"陆离带头跑,一个逃脱便成功远离了蔚蓝海风,其他人也纷纷逃离 .

  近战职业大部分都比较考验走位,几乎任何人都有点逃命的手段,陆离又喊得比较及时,除了飘零被炸,其他人居然一点事都没有 .

  蔚蓝海风从天上掉下来,如果没有其他措施的话,他也会没命 .

  幸好他在半空中就各种药剂,各种加血特效拼命的开,落地之后虽然血量不多,可终究还是活了下来,负责治疗他的人立刻冲过来把他的血量抬满 .

  至于飘零,被炸掉三千血并不足以秒杀他,蔚蓝海风掉下来的时候他也没跑,而是直接开了无敌 .

  谁让人家是圣骑士呢 .

  所以,最危急的这一刻竟然是零伤亡的结果 .

  "都打起精神啊,争取这次过了,犯错的不仅仅扣分,直接换替补进来,外面那么多人等着呢,"陆离顿时信心大增,指挥着人重新站位,他甚至牺牲了自己输出的部分时间去关注全场 .


  夜色意识非常不错,根本不需要陆离多说什么,她直接就跑过去了 .


  "水精灵,哦,已经跑了啊,反应倒是挺快的,不错不错 . . . "


  "好,BOSS血量不多了,注意BOSS狂暴,风少注意你自己的血量,雾草,你快死了,飘零拉怪,友行天下也抢仇恨吧,风少你滚远点,"陆离一点都不敢放松,就差一点点了 .

  迦顿男爵其实不算是太厉害的BOSS,只要知道副本机制,即便是二流的队伍只要没人犯错也能打过去 .

  "这是迦顿男爵最后一次为火焰之王服务了,"血量见底,迦顿男爵轻轻的叹了口气 .

  这一刻,他确实是很有风度的,这句话听起来也确实感人,为主人尽忠,战斗到最后一刻,然而 . . .



  陆离高声喊道,一边喊一边使用了疾风步 .

  一片狼藉,满地都是尸体,大部分的玩家都挂掉了,剩下的都是见机比较快的,比较水精灵也开了疾风步,还有两个圣骑士开了无敌,其他的就只有站的非常远的几个了 .

  "圣骑士把大家拉起来吧,唉,这下子亏大了,"陆离叹息道 .

  但是他也没办法,没有打之前谁也不可能知道迦顿男爵的最后一招是自爆,这货堪称熔火之心第一阴险毒辣之辈,满满的都是套路 .

  挂掉的人全都没有经验值,不过并不影响技能点的获取,有两个玩家得到了技能点的奖励 .

  "哈哈,我居然没死,我没死啊,我已经六十级了!"蔚蓝海风有些傻眼,但是他很快就高兴起来,因为每一次出现类似情况几乎都必挂的他居然没死,之前陆离喊他躲一边,这个命令救了他一命 .

  而且他还是两个获得技能点玩家中的一个,别提多得瑟了 .

  "这次金币不用退团摸了,大家拿了钱去多准备点补给,等下打要塞,"陆离说道 .

  残梦点点头上去先把金币给摸了,不退团摸的话就是平分到每个人身上 .

  然后是三块合成石,其中一个加火抗,属于极品中的极品,这种东西不可能拿出来拍,陆离直接分给了夜色,她的火抗稍微有点低,作为MT的专属治疗必须要要把火抗提高上来 .

  另外两块一个加普通物理攻击,另外一个加火系伤害 .

  火系伤害是火法的,陆离打算留给肥猴子——苦逼的大师兄根本就没资格进副本,因为这里大部分都是火系BOSS,火抗特别的高,说免疫火系伤害有点夸张,但是大师兄进本的话,输出排行绝对垫底 .

  技能书,稀有材料,该怎么分怎么分 .

  然后才轮到分装备,黄金暗金随便分分,没太多人需求,即便需求也是最低分直接拿走 .

  第一个传奇是燃魔腰带,算是非常不错的东西了,尤其是对缺暴击的玩家来说,这简直就是极品中的极品,很少有一件装备能够加暴击加这么多,而且特效也是和暴击相关的,这件装备可以说是六十级法师最好的腰带之一 .

  曙光里的东西,并不是说固定的名字对应固定的属性 .

  同样是燃魔腰带,不仅仅有传奇等级的,暗金,黄金都有,不少普通的法师玩家甚至高价求购黄金级别的燃魔腰带 .

  青橙殒拿到了装备 .

  微雨阁的几位加入团队之后得到了一个平均的DKP补助,也有个两百多分,为此付出的代价是金币和药剂,陆离并不会看在水精灵的面子上当圣母,或者说他不是一个精虫上脑就不顾一切的人 .

  第二件传奇是T1肩膀,萨满祭司专属 .

  落樱回忆低分拿走,主要是没人和他抢,所以有时候玩稍微冷门一点的职业也不见得就是坏事 .

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