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To my dear readers,

Firstly, I would like to thank Donald C for his generous donation to me! Thank you so much for your support. I got your message and I’m glad you liked, “Your Highness, I know my wrongs” as well as “The Eunuch is Pregnant”! It means a lot when readers support me by donating because sometimes the amount you guys donate/pledge is more than how much a book would cost in a bookstore. It makes me feel very valued and lucky.

Secondly, I’ve been having issues with my site again. The pages are now cleared but adsense is so strict and keeps flagging me every other day. T_T. So sad. The chapters that have issues aren’t even sexual. (For example, the chapter that Le Yao Yao hurt her foot and Yu picked her up and carried her into his room to put ointment on her foot. HOW IS THAT INAPPROPRIATE?? JEEZ) There was another chapter that Le Yao Yao stuffed meat buns in Nangong Jun Xi’s clothes so his chest became the roaring sea. LOL (it was before the talent show). But yeah, you get the idea. I keep getting violation reports and they keep restricting my ads. Now, I’m earning 20-30% less than I was last year at this time. T_T

Regardless, I’m still going to continue with the translations. It’s just getting harder and harder because the writing keeps getting worse (so the editing takes longer and my brain is slow). It is so draggy and I just want to fast forward to the end.

I also need to start searching for new ad providers because I’m getting screwed right now. (Feel free to make suggestions). In addition, I’m currently editing Supernatural Girlfriend before passing it to another editor to fix for ebook releases. I’m almost done arc 5.

Furthermore, I have to go through lists of Chinese novels to figure out what my next project will be. Initially, I wanted to translate a male MC one (because I want some male readers and it is so hard to get guys to read this. IF YOU ARE A MALE READER, THANKS FOR GIVING THIS NOVEL A CHANCE). But all the male novels I’ve read so far treat women like garbage (Lol I was going to use another word but I don’t want to get banned).

I also hate how the guy has no friends when he is poor and weak. But the moment he has some wealth/authority, everyone starts kissing his ass. It’s like there are no real friendships and everyone just uses each other to climb on top of each other. Ugggghhh. I have a feeling I won’t be translating a male MC novel after all. I don’t approve of this type of behaviour.

Another issue is that all the male MC novels that I like are over 2000 chapters and my boss (Etvo) thinks I will die and never make it to the end. It makes more sense to translate something shorter. So, I’m still hunting. I have lists of novels to go through (the novels must be from sites that have a partnership with volarenovels. com) I will only be translating LICENSED novels. If you want me to translate something that you want/like, you can hire me privately lol.

But I told my boss that I’m not starting anything new until I’m done the eunuch. So, don’t worry! I will finish the novel! Haha. (I’m always reassuring you guys in case you freak out). Thank you for being patient and not rushing me to hurry. I’ll link the chapter here in an hour or two. (This is for the aggregators to steal).

P.S. If you read all my announcement posts/rants, I love you! *sends virtual heart*
P.P.S. Please turn off your adblock for me. My ads on this site will not pop up. They’re only banner ads.

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