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Published at 21st of December 2019 12:41:13 PM
Chapter 1168

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The taxi soon disappeared around the corner . Wen Fenglin turned and headed into the Ou residence . He pressed the doorbell . The inhabitants, clearly busy with something inside, took a long time to answer the door .

Jiao Ziqing finally answered the door . Her eyes were red . She looked extremely upset .

The instant she laid eyes on Wen Fenglin, she started howling, "How could you say that Yu Lili was a good lady? Do you know what she has done? She hit my son! She hit him until his face was bleeding! Lao Ou and you must have been blind! Such a woman… sob sob…" She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence . "We have to convince Xiao Ou to go to the hospital . He's bled so much . I don't want it to cause any further complications . "

She quickly led Wen Fenglin up the stairs to the second story . When they reached his room, they realized the door was locked .

Jiao Ziqing knocked on the door, but there was no reply .

Inside the room, Ou Ming lay on the bed . Ou Huojin stood to the side, looking at him with an unfathomable expression . That pair of eyes that once looked identical to Ou Ming's were sharp and perceptive .

He looked at his son on the bed and said meaningfully, "You're a grown-up, and there are many things that your parents should not interfere in . But, you crossed the line today . You're the one who chased after, and now you're the one who insulted and humiliated her . Why on earth did you do that?"

Ou Ming heard it, but he didn't open his eyes . In a bored voice, he replied, "Don't the both of you dislike her? Now that I've broken up with her, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Is that the only reason?" his father asked . "And, here I thought it was because you didn't want to burden that child that you said those things to chase her away . "

As Ou Huojin spoke, he directed his eyes toward Ou Ming . Indeed, judging from Ou Ming's desolate expression, he knew that he had hit the mark . His child's temperament followed after his, so Ou Huojin understood his thinking more or less .

But, even he would never have said such hurtful words to another person . Once such words were spoken aloud, just like Yu Lili had said, they could never be taken back . His son had clearly burnt his bridges .

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"You will regret it," Ou Huojin said bluntly .

Ou Ming heard him . Regret was already beginning to engulf him . Even now, he was already regretting it with every fiber of his being .

But… could he regret it? Was there any chance for him to regret it?

Yu Lili was still young . She was only 25 . Such a good girl should not be wasted on a handicapped person .

Ou Ming could not even tell what his own future would be . He couldn't take such a gamble on her life .

His head started to spin . He felt a bone-crushing pressure around his skull . The two sides of his face were burning up .

Ou Ming didn't dare make a sound . He knew that if he complained that he wasn't feeling well, Jiao Ziqing would never let Yu Lili off .

But, Ou Ming couldn't take it anymore . His head was hurting . Slowly, everything around him started to slip away .

Yu Lili took Old Mrs . Shen out for a meal . When they returned to the hotel, they found Shen Zhilie by the hotel lobby eating a bowl of beef noodles . He carried an extremely begrudging expression .

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When he saw them, he glared at Yu Lili but continued eating nonetheless . In a voice tinged with envy and jealousy, he said, "The both of you went out without me? How could you?"

Old Mrs . Shen looked a little self-satisfied as she replied, "So, we didn't bring you along . What can you do about it?"

计程车的影子很快不见了,温凤麟转身朝着欧家走去 .

  按了门铃,里面的人也不知道是在干嘛,许久才来开门 .

  开门的是乔子青,此时此刻眼睛很红,看起来非常伤心难过的样子 .

  一看见温凤麟,一下子就嚷嚷起来了,吼道:"你还说那个余里里是个好孩子,你知道那女人干了什么事情吗,她打了我儿子!把我儿子的脸都打流血了,你跟老欧都瞎了眼了,这样的女人 . . . 呜呜 . . . "说着就说不下去了,道,"得赶紧劝小欧去医院才行,流了那么多血,可别被打出毛病来才好 . "

  很快就领着温凤麟上了二楼,一上去,却发现门在里面被反锁了 .

  乔子青拍了拍门,里面没有响应 .

  而就在里面,欧铭躺在床上,欧霍金在一边看着他,此刻眸光深深,那一双跟欧铭如初一撇的桃花眸,带着看透一切沧桑锐利 .

  看着床上的儿子,意味深长道:"你长大了,很多事情做父母的不应该干涉你,但是今天你确实做得太过分了 . 先前招惹了她的人是你,现在口口声声辱骂的人也是你,你到底为什么要这样做?"欧铭听言,闭着眼睛没有睁开,嗓音有些闷闷道:"你们不喜欢她不是吗,我现在跟她分了,你不应该是很高兴才对?"

  "只是这个原因?我还以为你是因为不想耽误这个孩子的未来,所以才说出这种话来将她赶走的呢 . "

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  欧霍金说这话的时候,一双眼睛一直看着欧铭 .

  果然,看见他少有落寞的表情,就知道自己说对了 .

  这个孩子的脾性随他,欧霍金大概也已经想清楚了一些 .

  但是,纵然是他,也不可能说出这么伤人的话 .

  这样的话一说出来,也正如余里里说的,以后想要挽回的时候,可就难了 .


  "你会后悔的 . "欧霍金直言 .

  欧铭听言,心中的悔意就已经铺天盖地席卷而来 .

  是的,会后悔的 .

  现在的欧铭已经非常非常的后悔 .

  但是 . . . 可以后悔吗?


  余里里还年轻,今年才二十五岁 .

  这样好的一个女孩,不应该将后半辈子都放在一个残废身上 .

  在他的身上,就连欧铭自己都看不到未来 .

  他赌不起 .

  头越来越晕,欧铭只觉得脑袋像是被什么东西碾压而过一样,两边脸颊都热乎乎的 .

  但是欧铭不敢说出来,万一他嚷一句不舒服,想来乔子青是不会放过余里里的 .

  只是,现在的欧铭却是有些忍不住了 .

  脑袋生疼,渐渐的,周遭的一切仿佛越来越远 .


  余里里带着沈老太太去吃了饭,回到酒店的时候,就看见沈之冽一脸幽怨地坐在酒店沙发上吃着牛肉面 .



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