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Toward the Village’s Revival

We left the village only two weeks ago, but I feel somewhat nostalgic.

While we were out on the journey, what’s left was just some small tent for living.

Roasting! It was the only cooking method before! It seems they improved. What an impressive progress.

How far did they expand their hunting range...?

Oh well, it seem there many fur, etc from monsters they hunted, I'm sure the dwarves can turn them to clothes right away! Eventually, I want the goblins to be able to make it themselves.

It seems it’s not needed, Rigurudo came running.

What had happened? I tried to think the answer of my question.

“Welcome back! I’m sorry I didn’t greet you earlier when you came back, but Rimuru-sama there are guests...”

Even if he tired, he still feel obliged to greet me, I feel sorry.

Anyway, are the dwarves free in the village? I think they start inspecting around.

I leave the care of the dwarves to Riguru, I was guided to the place where the guests were waiting.

Who is it?

I was surprised when I saw what was under the entrance of the tent.

Some were well dressed with several others that accompany them.

When I was perplexed, the goblins were all suddenly dogeza (prostrate/kneeling)!

“ “ “ We greet you, O Strong one! Can you please hear our humble request!!! “ “ “

They speak all at once.

I discerning them all, their saying with serious tone and their eyes were all serious, I knew those eyes.


“Ah! We are really grateful! Our request is, we want to ask you so we can serve under you!!!”

One of them, answered as the representative.

They asked with hope-filled eyes.

“ “ “ Please take care of us!!! “ “ “

They deeply beg.

Right now, it’s time for the village revival! I don’t have time to spare for you guys!

Anyway, I predicted there will be turf wars going around here I think it’s okay to accept them in,

Although I‘m a bit worried about it, If that happen I will exterminate all of them, I do not forgive betrayal. 

I order to determine my resolution, is to accept those guys.

I’m surprised by myself.

By the way, it seems those guys are only a representatives, how many people do they have?

Each one of the goblins went back to their own village to bring home the news.

Listening to the story, I summarize the contents...

During the raid of Fanged Wolf clan, the village of Rigurudo and others was abandoned, the cause was they could not afford to offer any warriors.

The Orc race, the Lizardman race, and Ogre race!

However, that is in response to the situation where the lord of the forest is gone. So far it seems the move to clear away their old resentment. 

Therefore, to clear away the accumulated resentment, each race prepared to move out.

In this state, they will be ruined by involved in the fight.

The discussion ended without resulting with any solution...

Meanwhile, the news of the attack from Fanged Wolf clan was received, well not far from it. Therefore, Rigurudo’s village was forgotten.

Around the time the food stocks become scarce, there came a bad news. It was reported that a new threat in the forest has appeared!

Those riders are running within the forest just like it was in plains, they hunted powerful monsters in the forest.

Apparently, that what it looked like for those goblins...

The second opinion claims that, it’s too suspicious! It must be so kind of trap!

The ones who said it’s a trap; there is no reason to bring us into a trap! They didn’t listen when being persuaded.

Without intellect only sadness, the words for conclusion can’t come out.

I understand.

Either way, I decided to accept their request.

I told this to the representative of the goblins.

For now on there is a problem.

Isn’t that... A little too much?

Or rather, why I must be worried for such a thing?

For a few days, several axes were created, the newly created axes were used to cut trees, the collected timber was going to be processed, and would be used later to build housing. I leave the charge of the timber related things to Kaijin.

The three dwarf brothers as usual looked at the women (Goburina) with sharp eye.

At the time I told them to hurry their works, goblins came.

The rest of it, the opposing faction stayed at the villages.

But right now the works is still not done.

I’m looking for suitable location near water source so I can open farmland.

The place is in the vicinity of the cave from beginning.

I called Rigurudo, asking about the situation around that area.

“Around there was nonaggression territory. Because unlike in the forest, inside the cave, there is a nest of powerful monsters...”

“Wha! Is that true!!!”

“....As I expected, degozaimasu na. This Rigurudo, truly admire you”

Is it really great?

Well, as long as he’s satisfied.

I and Mildo are consulting about various things.

The current technology in this world, it measured it is on decent level with magic intertwine together.

I want to make some of kind treatment facilities for excrement which was necessary for goblins and dwarves. But it’s not necessary for the black wolves.

But when seen from sanitation side, it was common sense that it would easy for it to become the source of infection for infectious disease. That was what Mildo said to me.

It’s fate of weak monsters.

In case of the goblins, the number of birth exceed the number that die because the strong fertility, it seems it possible to maintain the numbers.

In exchange for that, it seems the life span extended.

I confirmed that there was only a few “World Travelers” in this world.

Because there weren’t many details known regarding the benefit of the excrement, he was surprised when listening to my story.

I let him take care of things that were his specialty.

Ranga also accompanied them just in case.

Thus, Mildo and others, the construction team departed.

The though is too depressing. To gave name one by one for all 500 people. Any longer, I think it would turn to the forbidden A B C D.

Immediately, I started giving them names.

The fatigue was less than the previous naming; it is something that you do not want to do again.

They all kneeling in front of me, were the evolved chieftains

Obvious, side by side. It’s Ra Ri Ru Re Ro.

I think it all appropriate, so it’s okay! There is no one that object.

I will work very hard! It’s was one of a good man appeal!!!

It’s possible to determine the gender of Goblins, but it hardly shows in the appearance. But when they evolve the differences is recognizable.

In the future, I wonder if this name can become series or not?

It’s not needed right now.

Well, in front of me the hobgoblins. I wonder if they capable with hierarchical relationship or not?

In particular, for monsters that emphasizes on power... A clear chain of command was necessary.

Rigurudo was promoted to Goblin King.

In the surroundings, all of the goblins in the village prostrate themselves; I gulped my own saliva when watching such spectacle.

“ “ “ Wa ha~a!!! We humbly receive your order!!!” “ “

With that word as the signal, thunderous cheer rose up.

For crafting tools, Kaijin had prepared it.

For timber, it steadily provides the village with vacant land.

All were well.

From it’s scale, it should be called town rather than a village.

Towards the new place, step forward.

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