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142. Military Affairs

I must also name the dolls Ramiris has been mass-producing.

Furthermore, cultivating these monsters in a Cultivation Capsule further increases their strength by 1.5-2 times.

If you tried to accelerate the process, you would get an inferior monster, and naught can be done about that.

But time has yet to pass for them to be born.

Worst case scenario, they will only be stronger that Gelmudo… so they are a terrifying force.

In human terms, we are producing monsters equivalent to a Templar Knight.

Oh, surely you want to know whether a soul could dwell within?

Thus we are ignoring the point of creating souls for them, and instead giving them a jump-start.

Should that happen, we only need to make use of Sarion’s possession skills, to have common foot soldiers take control of them.

Moreover, Beretta is Ramiris’ subordinate.

And he also has the responsibility of guarding the Dungeon, which he certainly cannot abandon.
But these points we can fret about when they are complete.

I sigh upon returning to my office.
There are too many things to consider.

The first corps.

Affiliated with the first corps are…

———-Green numbers, 12,000 members. They have been split into a host of 4,000 members, comprising three teams. Their numbers have increased greatly over the past year, so they will be put to good use. The majority of them come as warriors from the many tribes in my domain. Even so, they are B rank [EP: 5,000~6,000] and are a splendid fighting force.

Next, the second corps.

Affliated with the second corps are…

———-Orange Number, 35,000 members. Recently “born” high-orcs. They are C ranked. However, only 15,000 will participate in combat with a 20,000 support and engineer corps.

The third corps.

The affiliated members are

———-Blue Numbers, 3,000 members. Comprised solely of new applicants from the lizardmen. They are only C ranked. But that be not their true strength. Nay, their power lies in their ability to mount the Wyverns and take to the skies. In fact, this division has the ability to completely dominate the air space. Even within Tempest, they are a secret division.
***By the way, Wyvern is a lesser dragon species. These B+ beasts we acquired with the help of Milim.

Standing above all of these are three divisions of absolute power.

Benimaru has full control over every force, such that not even I could command them.

Benimaru’s personal cohort is a group of 100 members of Crimson.

The problem is that one’s level is determined by how much energy one possesses.

Of course, in reality, energy does not define your actual strength.

And the captains of Crimson endured Hakurou’s hellish training. They are a very dependable force.

Then there’s Souei’s information squad.

To be honest, I only know four of their members. They do specialize in espionage, after all.

Souei has sole and exclusive control over them, and few even know of them.

Oh, and I’ll have Souei supervise the Third Corps as well. Information gathering could be done extremely well from the sky you see.

Of course, Souei is not the kind of person to ignore chain of command and issue orders without authorization.
Oh, and you may have noticed: there is not a single group over which I have direct control.

Oh, and I forgot to mention my guard, Shion’s Yomigaeri.

The most efficient division.

Though currently the most powerful are the Hiryuu, the Yomigaeri are capable of surpassing them.

And no, I did not choose them as my personal guard; the other members did.

So did Shion happily report to me.

You know, you have to wear a façade at times like this.

They are her personal squad… her fan-club.

Shion has been raising them in secret, so I don’t know how powerful they are. Well, surely there are no more than a thousand of them, and they won’t be on the front lines.

By the way, the Dwarf King has sent a formal letter of gratitude for Shion’s assistance then.
Seems like she actually diligently carried out her duties then.

Such are the current state of military affairs in Tempest.

He left to travel with the words “I’ll be searching for those worthy of following you!”

Sure, he loves to fight, and maybe that’s what I should leave him to do.

But that doesn’t mean I can relax just yet. What if he suddenly goes out and creates an absolute monarchy around me or raises taxes to 90%? Life isn’t a game where you can just mess around like that.

In summary, these are current Tempest forces:

Gerudo’s corps: approximately 37,000 members.

We number nearly ten legions strong.

If you think about, the majority of the second corps are engineers who are not really fit for combat.

But it’s not enough to counter the Eastern Empire.

At this point, every power under my domain has received an invitation. Their arrival is now but a matter of time.

We do plan to resort to them only if we are unable to win with the standing army, but…

This shall become the Forth Corps, the Crimson Numbers.

He has the『Generalissimo』skill he can use to control them effectively, so none are better fit than he.

Then there are the mercenary troops from the Council.

As such, mercenary troops from those countries just keep coming and coming.

There are currently 30,000 such mercenary troops. If they keep coming I wonder if we’ll be able to feed them all.

Northwest region is under no threat of invasion at the moment, so they left primarily border guards there.

Arnaud concluded that

「I am of the opinion that the 30,000 have come from nearby countries. The rest have been delayed.
I think we could expect at total force of about 60,000 members here」

Knights and mercenaries of every country…
Add up to only that much… is that few or many, I do not know.

Last but not least, there’s the adventurer’s guarding the Adventurer’s city inside our dungeon.

They too can be of use, so I decided to have Masayuki command them.

「Why me?」

He asked with a pained expression, but he’s the kind of guy who can actually produce good results.

Oh, the volunteer troops number 10,000. There’s a surprising number of them.

We promised to take care of their sustenance, but there’s rumors of a reward as well.
I have a feeling that Souei spread these rumors, but it just may be a good idea to pay them.

Thus our country’s standing army of 50,000. The monsters in my domain, 50,000.

Together we are a great host of 170,000 warriors.

* * *

For as long as Tempest, nay longer even, they have been preparing.

And this Great Leviathan awoke, and in its rage caused great destruction…

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