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The massive tunnel spread out in utter darkness as the sound of music got closer, suddenly a light cut through the darkness revealing a small part of it. The light seemingly came from nowhere when a sudden shimmer of reflected light brightened and took shape.

Roy, Ray and Shelbert appeared out of nowhere as their two bikes uncloaked, the light coming from the front of their thin vehicles.

Shelbert breathed out into a sigh "That couldn't have been good for my heart."

Ray snorted from the back of Roy's bike "Oh it wasn't that bad!"

Shelbert growled as he held his face in his right palm over the bike's front "I ran around the inside of a fucking death ray projector shooting and being shot at by combat Androids with 25% the possibility of the ray being internally projected onto my fucking head." He looked up and around at the two of them snickering "What did you two do again?"

"25?" said Roy questioningly "I thought I said 55? Must have misheard me old man." He sneered.

"You…" Shelbert clenched his fists as he rose from the bike but before he could say another word a light flashed down the tunnel they had come from along with music coming closer. Each of them turned to the three large armoured vehicles that came to land in front of them, neither of the three looking undamaged as bullet holes, melted metal and claw marks covered each.

As the music was cut short ecstatic thugs walked out of each vehicle followed by their comrades, each was armed with some kind of weapon being projectile or energy based. In total there were eight Fourclaws counting Sly, two custom androids being Lesha and York along with thirty two thugs from different gangs and groups.

"Alright everybody out of the Riders! Tell check them for bugs!" exclaimed Sly as he stepped out of the Rider "Spread out and set a perimeter! We don't know if those androids will follow or not!".

"On it boss…" sighed Tell as he pulled out a couple strange tools and walked back inside the Rider he had just come out from.

"Check come over here for a sec." said Sly as he noticed the bandit gathering her men.

Check turned to him and shrugged before walking over "I can barely believe my own eyes but we-Ahem…you did it. Now all we gotta do is get to 14, scavenge up some loot and take the airlocks along with any rovers left behind to get back to 13!"

"Yeah we'll be leaving that to you all, we're going ahead." said Sly as the other Fourclaws began to gather around the least damaged Rider.

"Ahead? What you mean?" Check asked while glancing at them "Aren't you gonna loot 14 with us?"

"I don't suggest just looting 14, spread out through the tunnel system and hit other cold zones too. We're heading in deeper as well, there's something specific we're after." Sly explained.

Check glanced at Tell running over from one Rider to another "Huh, well as the boss says don't ask questions that will turn away profit. Or in other words, you do you. What's that guy doing anyway?" she said while pointing at Tell hovering a device over one Rider's interior.

Sly followed her gesture "He's checking for signalling devices or beacons inside those things, we don't want to be followed and you don't want to be tracked. We'll leave you two of the Riders, should be enough to carry all your asses to wherever."

Check glanced around at the many thugs walking around the tunnel with flashlights and gunlights "Yeah that'll do." She then forwarded a hand to Sly "Well good doing business with you but who's staying with us to make sure your cut goes where it's supposed to?"

Sly briefly shook her hand "I'm sure you'll find it in your heart to do so yourself." Before walking over to Tell who was checking the last Rider "Did you get them all if any?"

Tell who was crouching down under one of the side seats glanced up at Sly, around the Rider and then back at him "Yeah we're clean."

Sly glanced back at Check and nodded "You heard him, good to go."

Check stared at them briefly as if questioning something ("Meh…you do you…") she thought before turning away "Alright boys and girls load up into the doorless and go wherever the hell you want, Jesters we'll take this one here to 15!" she announced to the rest of the thugs.

Sly glanced around from inside his groups Rider as York, Lesha and all the Fourclaws -excluding Roy and Ray who remained on the two Cloakcycles- flowed into the vehicle. He watched as the thugs separated into two groups as well, Jesters and friends into the Rider with a busted roof and the rest into the one with the busted back.

"Make the heist look and sound like the point of it all while in actuality it's all nothing more than a massive decoy." Said Colorado as he sat down in the seat next to the driver's "You really think it will work? That they'll buy it?" he asked Sly while looking back at him.

Sly sighed "If not then at least it will buy us some time. These tunnels are old and while they may not be connected to the new system they still spread out through half the colonies, the entire cold zone. And unlike the new system these aren't a straight line, there is crossroads that they'll have to look through. We'll get to 30 before they realise what we're up to."

He watched as the other two Riders hovered up into the air and took off down the tunnel ("At least I hope so…") he thought.

"Well no point in thinking about it now!" exclaimed Zey as she pulled out a massive weapon from the side lockers in the vehicle, heaving the mini-gun up with both arms she grinned mischievously "Plans' gone well so far, so let's get to and fuck shit up!"

Lesha and York looked at her then turned to glance at the rest who cheered with Zey before looking at each other with a simple understanding between them 'We're doomed.'

Spirit Realm Of Chaoz

Crystal Kingdom of Kori


Kyle ascended the stairs as quickly as he could without breaking into a run, walking up so quickly that he overtook Karnage and took the lead ("Shit…Damnit…Fuck…") was all that could go through his mind as he thought over the situation. Before he knew it they reached the top where Durin was patiently waiting for them alongside Celica who seemed less patient.

"Ah, here he-" began Durin before being cut off abruptly by Celica.

"Took you long enough, hope you're ready." Said Celica as she stared at Karnage.

Kyle stopped on the last step, he stood there and stared at them briefly before speaking "Durin…Can you take us back to Chaoz and get my friend?"

Karnage glanced at him in annoyance but said nothing.

Durin raised a brow in confusion "We used much of our power to get you here intact, we can indeed send you back then bring you both here again but…that will prolong your time here by more than it would be needed."

Kyle grimaced "Guess I have no choice then…"

"What is this about?" asked Celica as she glanced between him and Karnage.

Kyle looked at his aunt "Celica was able to be brought here so I wondered…is it possible to do the opposite? To send me home?" he asked while looking back at Durin.

Durin considered the question "Things being as they are I am guessing that you wish to go help your friends stop this Scythe we've heard of?"

Kyle nodded "Can you take me there then bring me back? This is the city of scholars after all." He exclaimed while gesturing at their surroundings.

Durin gave him a hard stare before smirking lightly "Theoretically we can break through the veil from even here, we can open a rift from this afterlife to another yes but…You will have to break through to the world of the living on your own as we will be too busy keeping the first rift open."

"Wait…so this is what's going on?!" exclaimed Karnage with surprise as she grabbed his shoulder "You're going after Sly and Reyna? Did you tell the others about this or?..." she trailed off as he glanced back at her.

"No, I didn't tell the others. There wouldn't be much point in worrying them further. It's why I thought it was a blessing that Soren could come with me." He smirked "He's just as crazy as me." But his smirked quickly died out "But I guess it's back to plan A, I'll be going alone."

"No you won't, I'm coming with." Karnage stated with a glint in her eyes and a grin.

"You could die." said Kyle as he stared back at her.

Her grin grew wider "Try me."

Kyle continued to stare at her, cold eyes as he thought it over but found no way to convince her otherwise so instead he turned back to Durin and Celica. Sighing he stepped closer to them "I guess that makes two."

Celica glanced in between all three of them "Are you all crazy? You said so yourself his soul is too fragile!"

"True…This could worsen your situation child, are you sure about this?" Durin asked as he met Kyle's eyes, seemingly cold and distant yet he could see the glint of worry "Not only do we not know where the Nogitsune currently is leaking in from but the more you move through realms the weaker your soul will become. You could snap at any moment."

Kyle nodded then glanced down at his open palms "Then so be it, if I snap I fucking snap. I'm not leaving anybody else behind, even if it means becoming what I hate I'm not standing in the side lines while my friends risk their lives." Looking up he met Durin's solemn stare "They're not my blood, they're nothing like family to me but…Even though I was a stranger to them...They accepted me for who I am, then they accepted me for what I am."

Durin watched as the hint of worry and doubt within Kyle's eyes disappeared and changed, replaced by determination "Even if you become a monster? Even if you are what ends up destroying them?".

Kyle considered his words for a moment before smirking "As If those crazy bastards can be stopped…I'm sure at this moment they're plotting something insane, planning in the shadows to come out with a flash. It's who they are, it's what they are and I'll be damned if something like me can stop that."

"Look who's talking." Added Karnage with a snicker from behind.

Kyle chuckle lightly "So can you do it?" he asked again "Can you send me to Mars?"

"I guess we'll just have to find out won't we?" said Terrance as he appeared out of nowhere, standing between Durin and Celica.

"That we shall." Said Rel as he appeared with a chuckle followed by the appearance of all the other founders.

"So you wish to travel to another afterlife…Well let us see what we can do." Said Terrance as he raised his left hand forward, green energy flowed like liquid around his palms.

Durin raised both hands forward as white frost gathered around his, the others following suit as their own respective Spirit gathered in their fingers or claws. Just as Terrance flicked his palm forward so did the others as each sent fort a stream of mana, all meeting at one point and colliding into a mess of colours.

The colours twisted and twirled, cut each other off and squashed either apart as they merged and mixed until a pure white sphere of Spiritual mana floated ahead of them. The sphere's surface was smooth, it's colour pure like milk and it shone a dim white that seemed to radiate out.

Kyle stared into the sphere, still three or so meters away from it he stepped forwards approaching it. "Is it?..."

"It is child, a portal to your afterlife." Responded Terrance "What you might find there I cannot say, be it family and friends or dreadful spirits and hating past it is up to fate. One thing I can surely tell you not be fooled by it's peace. "

Kyle's eyes widened briefly as he considered the old tortoise's words, it was as if he knew something but wouldn't say. But Kyle clenched his fists and continued to approach the sphere as Durin spoke "We will make sure your friend follows you all the way through." He said just as Karnage stepped up beside him facing the sphere. Kyle glanced to the side at her briefly before staring back into the whiteness of the portal.

("Whatever waits for me on the other side...I've already made up my mind...I'll do what I can while I still can!") Grabbing her hand he stepped inside as he closed his eyes. His world went black for what felt like too many a time.

Manless Spirit Realm (Afterlife)

Kyle opened his eyes to find himself standing in his home district, his eyes opened wider as he glanced around "7…Home…" he spoke to himself then noticed that his voice was strange, it was as if he was speaking through a funnel as it echoed.

He looked around further "Karnage?" seeing her nowhere he felt tightness in his gut as he realised that something had gone wrong "What…" then he froze entirely as she appeared out of nowhere a few meters ahead of him.

Kyle's eyes opened to their fullest as his face paled, his whole body failed as he immediately fell to his knees as realisation went through his mind "No…Not this…Not you…"

Alison took a step forward as her solemn smile sent a chill down Kyle's spine, he quickly moved to stand back up and back away but he couldn't find the strength in his legs to do so and instead fell back.

Kyle couldn't believe his eyes but the longer he stared at her long light brown hair, bright green eyes and freckled cheeks he was left with no choice but to believe so. She was real, she was standing right in front of him and he dreaded everything.

Kyle's mind raced as he thought of ways to get out of this situation, somewhere to run, some way to hide but he blanked out every time as he continued to stare at her and she stared at him.

"I'm…" she spoke making him jolt back an inch, the sound of her voice bringing only more pain to the agony he currently felt. He truly dreaded this moment, he could of dealt with meeting anybody else but it just had to be her.

Alison's expression grew saddened as she looked away from him "So…here we are…" she spoke softly "It's been a while…Ki…"

Kyle opened his mouth to speak but no words came to him, not a sound was made as he continued to stare at her. He couldn't stand to hear what she had to say, he didn't want to hear what she had to say. Kyle was terrified of hearing what the person he murdered had to say to her killer.

He felt his mind go blank, his body grow heavier, his chest tightening and hollowing out as he did the only thing he at the moment could do. He waited and watched, waited for her to speak, watched for what she would do.

Alison looked back at him in his terrified state, the literal meaning of having seen a ghost. She slowly took another step forward, seeing him flinch again she stopped briefly but then continued her approach until she almost stood above him.

Kyle no longer able to take the pain that now filled his chest closed his eyes, unable to look at her any longer. He continued to wait as his mind panicked ("Damnit…Just say it…Say it…It's my fault…It's…it's…")

Then he felt a sudden warmth on his head as a hand ruffled his hair "It's been a while Ki…" Alison repeated.

Kyle opened his eyes as he found her crouching down in front of him patting his head, a warm smile on her face as she looked down at him "Why…?" he asked having dreaded this very moment more than anything. He couldn't understand her smile, he couldn't comprehend that warmth. He had hated himself for so long that he wanted her to reproach him, he wanted her to hate him for what he had done.

But Alison only continued to smile "Why? It's been years dummy, don't you remember I use to do this when you got yourself hurt?" she asked in brief reminisence.

Kyle stared at her in disbelief as he suddenly pushed away her arm with his own, tears formed in his eyes as he spoke scattered words "I…I killed you…I-"

Alison shook her head "No…I was caught in the crossfire of something else…It's okay Ki, I know. I know what you are, I know what's been going on." She continued to smile while wiping the tears off his face.

Yet Kyle didn't relax as he remained laying on the ground confused "How?..."

Alison glanced around "Being dead has it's perks…you get to meet people…you get to see things others cannot." Slowly she stood back up and reached out with her right hand, suddenly the world around them smeared away like paint as another took it's place.

Kyle looked around and recognised the road, his heart sank deeper as he remembered it all clearly. This was where it happened, this was where he killed her. The buildings were the same as all the other districts but unlike the dull 12 or run down 13, 7 was more flashy with it's lights, more decorative with it's animated boards and advertising screens.

"The afterlife isn't solidly fixed to reality, it's fluid and…you can relive certain parts of history." Alison explained as out of one building to their left, hundreds, thousands of people began to walk out of the flashily decorated double doors.

The crowd of people moved around and scattered down different streets and side streets, passing by them and sometimes even through them as Kyle watched them all move until suddenly they faded into the distance.

"It was then that I finally realised…" Alison continued to speak as the world around them briefly smeared all over again before once more returning to normal yet not…The once fancy street was aflame with white-blue hellfire as the screaming of sheer agony filled the streets. Among the flames Kyle could clearly single out one figure, a boy barely a man as he stood staring down at his hands aflame as a dark shadow stood above him.

"It wasn't you who killed me Ki, it was that thing…It wasn't you who ever hurt anyone, it was it." Alison turned back to him as the scene melted away returning the world around them to the first fancily decorated street.

She sat down by him as he stared down at his hands "So you…you don't…hate me?" he asked while looking up at her as she smiled back at him.

Alison rested her arms over her raised knees and leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder "At first I didn't know what to think…I was just suddenly here, it took me a while…days…weeks…months? I don't know time is weird here…but as I looked around…I found out more and more, I found out the truth…So no Ki I don't hate you…Dummy." she flicked her index finger on his forehead.

Kyle felt relief wash over him as he glanced down at her, as she…


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