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Chapter 06: Matters Set in Motion

On a certain afternoon, roughly ten days after Xavier and his men fought on the Salt road.

“…Fuh. I see, the son of Marquis Guzzle failed the subjugation. Well, at least he brought back the concrete information about the cause of the road’s disorder. That is an achievement in itself.”

“Yes. It certainly is a bit too much for a hundred soldiers if their target was an coordinated pack of over fifty Pack Dragons, like the report said. I would say Xavier-dono made the right decision.”

Aura kept her face facing forward while she replied to her secretary, standing at an angle behind her, with such short and blunt words.

The Carpa Kingdom was still in the middle of replenishing the losses from the previous war. A young man in perfect health was an important asset, no matter if he was under her direct command or under some feudal lord.

For that reason, the third son of Marquis Guzzle had made a rational and correct decision in spite of being a young commander on his first assignment.

“Now the ‘Pack Dragon Subjugation’ mission switched from the Guzzle Family to General Puyol.”

One thousand elite royal soldiers lead by General Puyol were already on their way to the fortress under the pretext of “countryside training”.

Either way, the initiative of this mission had shifted to General Puyol.

“Well, whatever. We are talking about that man here. He will definitely resolve the matter in one way or another.”

It was a bit unfortunate for the Guzzle boy, who wanted to raise his reputation as the next feudal lord through this case, but the re-establishment of the Salt Road was an urgent matter. It would be Marquis Guzzle first and foremost, when it came to compensating the resulting loss from a delayed solution, so they had to put up with it, even when their objective wasn’t exactly met. However…

The slender face of Secretary Fabio kept an inexpressiveness that raised the question if he actually was wearing a well-made mask, while he said that in an unemotional tone.

Aura’s tone, as she said that, sounded kind of forced in order to comfort herself.

In the past, when Zenjirou had still been in elementary school, he had watched the talk corner of a music show.

And that musician replied at once: “It was assembling air conditioning units.”

An arduous work in a room without air conditioning and when you were finally done, you headed straight to the next place. Needless to say, that place had no air conditioning either.

So, why was he remembering something from more than ten years ago now? The answer was simple.

“Zenjirou-sama, are you alright?”

At the present time, Zenjirou was sweating all over as he tried to assemble the “air conditioning” inside the inner palace, where it was so hot that he would rather spent his time in the midsummer of Japan.

“…Good, I got the backboard done…!”

“Zenjirou-sama, here, a towel.”

Zenjirou took a well-chilled towel from the tall waiting maid, standing at attention next to him, and wiped the sweat from his face.

In the stuffy bedroom, he had stood on a ladder, set against the wall, and done unfamiliar work. The expression “feel alive again” was by no means an exaggeration.

“I’ve gotta be grateful to the carpenters. And I did cause some troubles to Aura yesterday. I’ve to reciprocate the favour later on.”

Yesterday he had worked out a special permission for the carpenters to enter the inner palace in order to assemble the air conditioning. They had set up the wooden supports at the wall of the bedroom. The supports were properly stabilized with cross-beams, so it wouldn’t collapse even when the heavy air conditioning unit was attached to it.

There was no way he could screw into the marble wall. His original world may have anchor screws and electronic screwdrivers, but unfortunately Zenjirou hadn’t considered these peculiar tools when he got ready to move to another world.

“You can help yourself to the chilled towels as well. Ah, drink plenty of water as well. I wouldn’t want you to suffer a heatstroke or dehydration.”

Unless they cooled themselves a bit and drunk enough water, there was a serious chance that they would break down.

“We will gladly take you up on the offer.”

Left alone in the bedroom, Zenjirou spread the bundle of papers, which he had printed out from various homepages in Japan and showed how to assemble an air conditioning by yourself, on top of the bed and read through them again.

By saying so, he shifted his gaze to the right of the back board, where a round hole gaped in the thick marble wall. It was obviously pointing a bit downward, so that the drain water wouldn’t flow back into the device.

He uttered his admiration as he gazed upon the hole to the right of the back board.

The first-rate stonemasons of the palace apparently used “Element Magic” of the earth kind. Before opening a hole in the wall, they “weakened the stone” with magic and afterwards they “strengthened the stone” with magic again. Still, it didn’t change the fact that they had done an incredible job.

“Okay, first I’ll set-up the internal device. Then pipe the plumbing and stuff outbound. After that, I assemble the external device! …The external device, hmm…”

He glared at the sun shining in from the open window and heaved a sighed.

Around the time Zenjirou was sweating bullets as he assembled the unfamiliar air conditioning in the garden under the sparse shadow of the parasols held up by the waiting maids, Queen Aura finished her duties in her office and swung by the back yard of the royal palace.

Compared to the front yard, which was kind of the figurehead of the royal palace, or the courtyard, where sometimes parties for privileged guests were held, the back yard could only be described as “bleak”.

The place was allocated to the work of the craftsmen serving in the royal palace.

In a way, you could call it the “business district” of the royal palace.

That said, the flames of war fortunately had never reached the capital so far, not even in the previous war.

“Greetings. Just keep working.”

The craftsmen in the royal palace were allowed to skip the greeting while they were working, even when faced with the Queen. It was surprisingly lenient in that aspect.

It stood besides the canal of the palace and although it was new here, it obviously got special treatment, seeing as it had a waterwheel attached to it.

“Thank you for coming, Your Highness Aura.”

As opposed to this, everyone standing behind him were young men in their mid- to late-twenties, who couldn’t conceal their nervousness and had stiffened up due to it.

A retired, old “blacksmith” and still fledgling “blacksmith apprentices”.

At this moment in time, it was quite unapparent whether this craft would yield any result or not, so it had been impossible to withdraw manpower from the current active generation.

“Give me a report. I heard you produced some result?”

“Yes, Your Highness. According to your instructions, we have

Then we entwined it around an iron rod and cooled it down by suspending it into ash. Please take a look at the result here.”


She checked the presented object with her own hands and raised a voice.

To be frank, the object resembled a “greenish obsidian”.

By no means did it look like the “glass” that was used for Zenjirou’s tableware or alcohol bottles.


It was nothing more than a drab pebble without any utility, but at least it proved that the method to create glass, taken from Zenjirou’s DVD, wasn’t mistaken in principle.

“Well done. Continue to specify the manufacturing process of this substance and try to find a method to increase its transparency. I know it is a completely unexplored field of work. You have all the time you need. Failures will be tolerated, too. But giving up on it is not an option. Give it your all from now on as well.”

Upon her speech, the old blacksmith lowered his head excessively with these words. The rigid young apprentices behind him quickly followed his lead a second later.

It was already “more than she could ask for” that they somehow or other made something that “certainly looked like glass on a closer look” in such a short time.

“So, how is it going? Right now, you are using a furnace for wrought iron as it is, it seems, but will it suffice in the future?”

“Not quite, Your Highness. I believe it to be somewhat problematic. To be honest, it would not be all that strange for the furnace to blow up in our faces at some point from the heat when we continue to repeat the current method. Besides, it takes us five whole days to refine an amount of just this size, so it will prove to be difficult to polish the technique.”

In a moment of silence, Aura placed her right hand against her chin and was absorbed in thought. And then,

I leave it up to your decision whether you keep up with the research of ‘making glass’ itself or rather prioritize the research of the ‘firebricks’. Do the best possible. Understood?”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

With her guards still in tow, Aura left the glass manufacture research shed behind her and walked along the canal towards a different area.

Namely, a great number of “waterwheels” set up parallel to the canal. In total, there stood ten of them in a line.

If waterwheels were built one after another in such a short range, the hydraulic power would be too weak and the later wheels wouldn’t produce a satisfying power. However, there was no such fear for these waterwheels to begin with.

Their dynamic power was pretty useless to begin with.

“Y- Your Highness! You have come by. I would have properly greeted you if you had told me beforehand!”

Without catching their breathes, the craftsmen tried to prostrate themselves at once, but Aura shrugged her shoulders a bit and stopped them with a wink of her hand.

“Very well. How gracious.”

As Aura had no interest to waste time with unproductive actions, she spoke straightforward here, too.

“Why, indeed. Amongst the six broken waterwheels, five are of the traditional kind. The last one is a ‘new model’, built according to your instructions.”


“The knowledge of my husband is impressive…”

Aura muttered that only to herself, so that those around her couldn’t hear it.

Previously, when Aura had complained in front of Zenjirou how “their waterwheels broke faster than the ones on the Northern Continent”, he had casually remarked that “the numbers of teeth on the meshing cogs were probably not coprime” and his opinion had manifested these ten miniature waterwheels.

For example, nine and five were “coprime”, because their only common divisor was one. On the other hand, ten and five had five as an additional common divisor to one, thus they weren’t “coprime”.

When the numbers of teeth of two meshing cogs were “coprime”, then all the teeth geared with each other on the same probability. On the contrary, when they weren’t “coprime”, then only a few teeth geared with each other over and over again, whereas some teeth didn’t gear at all.

In the “coprime” case, the two cogs would wear off evenly, allowing for an optimum usage. In the “not-coprime” case, some teeth would wear off most intensive, whereas some other teeth almost didn’t wear off at all, which quickly strained both cogs during a continuous usage.

As a matter of fact, the average lifespan of coprime cogs was truly ten times longer than non-coprime cogs, even when they were made out of the same materials and with the same precision.

“It is just as you have told me, Your Highness. Compared to the cogwheels I have built so far, the ones made in accordance with your instructions last a lot longer.”

Strictly speaking, the recognition was entitled to Zenjirou, not herself, so Aura felt a bit complicated inside, but she wasn’t so careless to let it show on her face now.

“Very well!”

Satisfied, Aura looked down onto the bowing craftsmen and showed a bright smile while continuing to speak.

Aura sough confirmation, whereat the middle-aged artisan, still humbling himself to the best of his ability, answered with an appealing upward glance.

“Mh? What is it? Speak up.”

“Yes. With your permission, I will do so. Your Highness, do you intend to share the knowledge about the new cogwheel with the other feudal lords?”

(I knew he would be bothered about that. Well, considering his standpoint, it is understandable.)

Its development was good news for the clients, namely royalty and nobility, and for the consumers, namely farmers, but for a few others its existence meant a considerable harm.

A longer durability of the cogs meant nothing else, but less work for them.

Aura kept her poker face, even if she fully comprehended their inner turmoil, and replied in a casual tone.

“C- Certainly…”

Aura deliberately ignored how the artisan dropped his shoulders crestfallen and continued somewhat affected.

Right now, you only get paid every time a waterwheel or its repair is commissioned. However, my idea is to leave you in charge of the maintenance and supervision of the finished waterwheels and pay all the incidental expenses in advance at the beginning of the year.”

The waterwheel builder couldn’t comprehend her words right away, but before long, its meaning sunk in and his facial expression underwent another shift.

From despair to delight.

To put it simply: Aura’s suggestion was a “yearly contract”.

As the new version of the waterwheel would decrease the number of broken ones, the occurring cost reduction would directly cut into the income of the craftsmen according to that system.

In order to avoid that from happening, Aura was now saying that she would be paying all the expenses for maintaining the waterwheels in advance at the beginning of each year in a yearly contract and that they didn’t need to pay it back if it later turned out that the waterwheels kept working without any problems.
Naturally, it imposed the obligation on them to work without any additional fees when a waterwheel did break down, but it wouldn’t pose such a big problem, unless the accountant was extremely negligent with the bookkeeping.

(Of course I will let them calculate the annual average of repairs for waterwheels up till now and appoint a slightly smaller salary to the yearly contract.)

Aura thought that to herself, but it would have hardly spoiled the craftsmen’s joy, even if they were able to read her mind.

Neither was it in her interest to have the waterwheel-builder roam the streets due to the sudden reform.

And the craftsmen, too, could arrange their yearly budget better when they received a fixed amount of money at a designated time every year, even if their income was slightly less.

“Thank you very much, Your Highness. Really, we cannot thank you enough!”
The artisans expressed their gratitude while prostrating on the ground, whereas Queen Aura was already thinking of her next agenda.

Late evening on the same day.

Aura was always heading straight towards her son once her duties in the royal palace were over, but it was a rare sight to find Zenjirou there.

Since he didn’t speak the native language of the western part of the South Continent, he was forbidden to speak in front of the prince as it would disturb the first phase of the child’s acquisition of language.


The room was maybe around thirteen square metre large at best. For a room in the inner palace it was rather small.

So, why would they go through all the trouble to make a large room smaller?

Coolth. Although the sun had already set considerable, the temperature was still at thirty-five degree, but in this room alone it clearly felt more than five degree colder.

The man-made wind brushed over the block of ice and distributed its cold air to the entirety of the room. The chilly breeze could make Prince Carlo-Zen, an infant, sick instead when it was aimed at him directly, so they weren’t doing that, of course.

“Ah, Zenjirou-sama, please excuse me for remaining like this.”

The waiting maid greeted him without resting her hand from moving the fan, whereas Zenjirou acknowledged her with just a wordless nod.

(I could’ve brought the electronic fan over here, if only the extension cable were longer.)

To be honest, the task of fanning the block of ice was currently the most desired assignment amongst the waiting maids of the inner palace.

That being the case, a task alongside a cool block of ice was naturally preferred over the other tasks. At least it was no exaggeration to call it “heavenly” when comparing it to the tasks of mowing the lawn under the blazing sun or keeping watch on the fire in the oven at the kitchen.


“Mh? You were awake, Carlos?”

“Yes. He woke up earlier and appears to be in a good mood right now.”

Most likely, our little prince had been crying throughout the last night again, breaking the well-deserved sleep of the wet nurse.

Precisely because of that she had to cherish the time she could spent with her child like this.

It was a bit humiliating to have to ask for the wet nurse’s permission to hold her own child, but right now, the child was more familiar with the wet nurse, who was raising him, instead of his biological mother, so Aura had to soft-pedal.



“Fufufu, what is the matter, Carlos? What are these hands going to do?”

“Ada, Dah, Ahh.”

“Fuh, Fufufu, oh my? Hey, that tickles.”

The scene between the mother and her child was so heart-warming that it automatically conjured a smile on your face.
So far the father had been silent, but he seemed to have hit his limit and approached the two, opening his mouth.

“Zenkichi, it’s me, papa!”

The words coming from his mouth were in the “language of the western part of the South Continent”.

That said, his communication skills in the language were at best the same as a Japanese middle school student had for English. Nevertheless, hundreds of vocabularies were floating around in his head.

His “pronunciation” for all the other words was still “too rough” for now, so he wasn’t allowed to speak them in front of Prince Carlo-Zen.

“Zenkichi, it’s me, papa!”

“Fuah? Ah, Ahh!”


“Aw, Carlos. Look my way. You like Mama the best, right?”

She called out to him while dandling him in her arms, which kind of forcefully brought his attention back to her.

After regaining the interest of her child, the Queen gave Zenjirou a challenging glance and smirked victorious.

“Zenkichi, it’s me, papa!”

“Carlos loves Mama! Papa only comes in second! Papa accepts that, too, right?”

“Zenkichi, it’s me, papa!”

“What is the matter? Just say so when I am wrong. Right, Carlos?”

“Oho, what a loud voice. It will scare Carlos. You are scary, Papa, so scary.”

On a closer look, even the wet nurse, sitting on a chair at the side, and the waiting maid, still working the fan, were choking laughter and shaking their shoulders, but Zenjirou was in no position to notice that right now.


A sudden appearance from behind, a frantic expression and a loud voice.
The result of these three factors coming together was…

“F- Fu- Fuueeeeeeh!”

Their beloved son was crying aloud.


As Aura kept on laughing on top of the couch in the living room, Zenjirou, sitting across from her, reprimanded her with an ill-humoured expression.


Apparently nothing he could say would make her stop.

Frankly speaking, it was no pleasure to see his wife laughing endlessly while she lied flat on her face on the sofa, battering it at a mad pace.

“Aura. Why don’t you give it a rest already?”

Even his final warning was seemingly ignored.


“Hah! If you want to laugh that bad, laugh all you want!”

“Wait, Zenjirou!?”

Now on top of her, he proceeded to tickle her waist and armpits with both his hands.

“Take this!”

“Ahahaha, w- wait. Stop, Fuahahaha!”

As Zenjirou himself started to enjoy it before long, he showed a slightly devious smile while he continued to vehemently tickle the body of beloved wife with his hands. The tables had turned compared to the situation in the private room of the prince.

“Hihi, st… op…!”

“Hey! It is me or has your personality changed?”
In the end, the couple messed around passionately and intimately until the waiting maid in charge of the bath came by to report that their bath was ready.

After cleaning themselves from the daily sweat and dirt in the bath, Zenjirou and Aura returned to the living room in their usual casual nightwear.

“Sorry, it was just a little prank.”

“If she’s my wife, yes, sometimes.”

“Jeez… Oh well. Well then, how about you show me that device you have been talking about? The ‘air conditioning’, was it? You assembled it, right?”

With a diffident expression, Zenjirou replied like that to Aura and grabbed the door knob of the bedroom.

And since then, the door of the bedroom hadn’t been opened even once.

Still grasping the door knob, Zenjirou closed his eyes and after a deep breath, he yanked the door open with a wishful expression.

Just like he had hoped, a stream of cold air unthinkable for the hot season of the Carpa Kingdom greeted him from beyond the door.

“Now that is impressive. The light and refrigerator surprised me, too, when I saw them for the first time, but this raises the ante.”

The cool air felt quite comfortable on her flushed body as she had just gotten out of the bath.

She narrowed her eyes to slits like a cat that was being stroked under the chin, but noticed the sullen expression of her husband as he sat down next to her.

Zenjirou scratched his face awkwardly while his beloved wife peeked at it from the side.

Right now it’s quite refreshing, because it’s night, but we can’t expect it to be just as cool during the day, when the sunlight comes in through all the openings.”

It had been pure luck that he managed to get the air conditioning running on his first try, but considering the house construction in modern Japan, it still couldn’t be denied that the blessing of the air conditioning was weak here.

And like he mentioned just now: The buildings in the Carpa Kingdom had a poor air impermeability.

“Now, are you not asking too much?”

“Mhm, guess so. But I just can’t shake off this refreshing image from the ‘other world’ when I think of an air conditioned room.

“The biggest problem?”

“Yeah. The problem whether I really did assemble it correctly or not. For now, it’s working alright, not making any weird noises, nor leaking any water.

If that were to happen, time would have to be reverted with the “Time Reversal” magic for these few days in order to repair it.

(My only ray of hope is that I’ll be able to fix it myself in the future when I learn ‘Time Reversal’ and ‘Future Compensation’.)

To put it simply: It was a difficult technique that allowed you to activate a magic, whose output exceeded your maximum amount of magical power, by also paying the magical power from your future self, for example one or two days in the future.

Needless to say, it was more than likely that his magical power, too, would be continuously used for the “national benefit” when he finally could use magic, so he would hardly get any opportunities to use it freely.

To wind back that much time, he would surely have to pay a couple of months worth of magical power with “Future Compensation”. Although it was his own magical power, it occurred to him that it would be too selfish to use it like that, considering his position as royalty.

Zenjirou came to such a clean decision, whereupon Aura nodded and expressed her opinion.

“Aura… You’re totally up for moving into the bedroom, aren’t you?”
He inadvertently showed a wry smile as his beloved wife was surprisingly eager for it.

Once they had settled onto the bed, over which the cool air of the air conditioning blew, it was no longer an option for them to return to the living room full of hot air.

“Then you spent almost all of your day assembling this ‘air conditioning’?”

Zenjirou answered Aura’s question like that and nodded.

Assembling the air conditioning amidst temperatures of over forty degrees had been quite an arduous job for Zenjirou.

(I really have to get used to the climate here… Though, saying that the day I assembled the air conditioning, isn’t really convincing.)

After all, it was human nature to only think of a way to escape a bothersome situation they found themselves in. Because they wanted to get away from the trouble, they started to set praiseworthy goals.

“Well, I’ll continue with the soap and alcohol whenever I’ve time. I can’t work at my own sweet will anymore, since I’ve more stuff to do in the palace these days.”

“I can allocate less work for you when there is something else you would like to do. And I have more or less recovered anyway.”

“And repeat the same drama like last year when you give birth again? No thanks. I’m not proud of it, but I’m just an average guy. Even if I’ve mastered something, I’m sure I’ll forget it after half a year of not making use of it.”

Her husband replied puffed up with pride, whereupon Aura showed a wry smile and shrugged her shoulders. Then she said with a solemn face.

But please do not misunderstand me. I am not just saying it from the deep of my heart, but also because I expect the things you make to have a good influence on the country.”

“Um, well, I would prefer if you don’t place such high hopes on me. I’m just an amateur messing around with superficial knowledge. To be honest, I’m expecting to fail nine out of ten times.

He asked that as he apparently noticed it mid-sentence, whereupon Aura nodded with a grin.

Firstly, the glass. They made something satisfying on their first attempt already. I will show it to you tomorrow. Well, it is only a shiny black stone with a greenish tint, mind you. However, it shows that we are on the right track.”

Zenjirou was honestly impressed.

“Naturally, there are still a lot of problems. The pitch-black stone can hardly be called glass at this point and the technique to shape it into the desired form has yet to be refined as well.

Aura’s expression made a complete turn into a bitter one as she recited the current set of problems.

“Hmm, then we really need the ‘firebricks’, I guess.”

Aura consented and snorted frustrated.

No wonder, considering that the explanation said to “bake a mixture of clay and squelched old firebricks in a furnace made of firebricks”, which was not the least bit helpful.

“Ehm, the remaining problems are how to shape the glass and make it colourless, right?

He stared at the ceiling of the bedroom, which was illuminated by the orange LED floor lamps, while he recalled his unreliable smattering of knowledge.

Seemingly curious, his wife leaned over a bit in her nightgown, which fascinated Zenjirou as he answered faithfully.

In this way you get an even sheet of glass that’s smooth on both sides without having to polish it.

“I see. That sounds rather extravagant, but I understand the general principle.”

It reflected the different expectation the two of them had towards “glass”.

So it was only natural that she wouldn’t be in interested in the manufacture method called Pilkington process.

In the modern age, most of the production lines were automated, managed by computers, so it was an effective method there, but considering the level of technology in this world, it might actually be more effective to have the craftsmen flatten the glass they made through glassblowing or rather its practical application, the crown process, by hand.

“That leaves us with the question how to make the glass colourless. I guess we’ll have to follow the TV show for that, too, and get rid of the iron content in the sand as best as possible.

Moving on to the next problem, Zenjirou inclined his head in thought again.

The simplest and most realistic measure against it was to remove as much metal particles as possible from the sand.

By doing so, the heavier metal particles settled down first and the lighter sand fell on top of it.

Hearing his answer, the Queen placed one hand against her chin, which had started to regain its original edge from the recent training, and replied.

“Hmm, or the sand itself may be the problem. I think there is actually a pretty fine line between suitable and non-suitable sand for glass. If the sand’s no good from the beginning, then it might be useless, no matter how hard you try.”

Of course it was quite conceivable that they didn’t grind carefully enough or messed up either the stirring or the scooping, like Aura had said, so there was no guarantee that Zenjirou’s opinion was correct.

“Certainly. The suitability of the sand itself, eh. Maybe we should bring in various kinds of sand from each region.”

I do have a couple of magnets attached to the refrigerator door, but I think they’re too weak to magnetise any iron splinters.

Zenjirou dug up the middle school science lessons from his memory, whereupon Aura asked with her head inclined in puzzlement.

“Yep. You take copper, rolled into a long and narrow shape like a thread, and wind it around a magnetic core. When you run electricity though it then, it creates a magnetic field. In school we experimented like that to turn iron into a magnet, but I guess you don’t have copper wires here? Technically you could use iron wires instead, too, but it’ll be less effective. Copper is the best metal conductor after silver after all.”

“Hmm, we definitely do not have something like that in our country as of now. The question is if the craftsmen in the palace can actually make it when I order them to… It sounds difficult to make something that thin. And you even have to coil it, right? Then it must be rather flexible.

Zenjirou showed a bit of surprise upon her answer, but nodded with a convinced expression immediately afterwards.

Okay. When it got brighter conditions, let’s do it that way. Meanwhile, I’ll make preparations, too, and locate the workbench outside into the shadow of the courtyard.”

It was hard to see that an electromagnet powered by mere batteries would damage the electrical appliances like the computer, but lack of experience could be dangerous. Better safe than sorry.

“Fine. I will arrange the silversmiths. And I will let them bring in sand from as many regions as possible as a test as well.”

The discussion about the glass was thus concluded for now.

“Then there was your idea of making the teeth of the waterwheels ‘coprime’. The result is astonishing. Just like you have said, the coprime cogs last a lot longer than the other.”

“Oh, so it went well. Good. It was actually quite worried, since I only knew it by hearsay.”

Now she could save a little on the budget for the management of the waterwheels in the Kingdom. Aura’s smile as she said that, was brimming with the intensity of a Ruler and to be honest, Zenjirou was backing off a bit on top of the bed.

The Queen, not aware of the impression of her husband, crossed her arms beneath her overly prominent two breasts and mused happily.

By the way, the suggestion of running a test phase with numerous miniature waterwheels of the same design except for the cog teeth as well as the i

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