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Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World 

***Thank God, a chapter with less than 5000 words***


"Oh, I decided! From this we will have Grattney 02 to engage the enemy line ship with shelling war!

「…… Hey!? You're going to do gunfire in the air!! In this aircraft!? 」

During the sound of the engine, the crew was surprised at the words of the captain, who was informed through the radio on the helmet they were wearing.

"The captain is going to do a lot of crazy things. Do you want to engage enemy more?"

"I'm not going to do a bombardment in the air like that."

"It's a good first experience."

"I'm not happy!! Such a first experience!!"

In the AC - 130 's cabin, everyone seemed to be complaining and grumbling but everyone was preparing for combat according to the commander's order.

"Captain... Are you sure you want to do it?"

"I'll do it."

There was no way to lend an ear to the word of the co-pilot, and the captain said that while becoming oppositely opinionated.

"I understand. Let's do it. …… Enemy ahead at 11:00, distance 4000, getting off in a single vertical position"

The co-pilot, who realized that the captain was not the same, shook his head and calmly switched heads to inform him of the ship's position.

"Alright, turn left after adding a blow in the same cruise, take it in anti-cruise"

"Roger that."

"With the smile of a naughty kid just the captain came up with a good idea while looking at the line of five ships that are running away with a straight vertical line that is conveniently too good.

"...… Hey, fire the flare."

"What? Why?"

"It's paper."

".....Ah, it is certainly best for a bicycle rider."

"Please inform Grattney 02 as well."

At first, the co-pilot, who couldn't understand the captain's intentions, came back with a simple and clear answer when he asked the pilot why the flare was emitted.

And together with the timing Grattney 01 and 02 shoots flare at the same time and was surprised by the sight that makes you feel some sort of divinity even though the enemy ships' formation has collapsed a bit.

"That scared me."

The captain said, grinning and laughing.

"The remaining distance to the enemy is 500 meters!! Line up!!"

"Whoa, all battle preparations ready! We will do a shelling operation from this!! Put up!"

『『『『Roger!! 』』』』

The captain, who returned to me on the report of the co-pilot, blasted the crew. And the unprecedented aerial bombardment of the AC-130 began.

"The left artillery bombardment ready! …… Shoot!"

Under the captain's command, shells were shot one after the other from the two AC-130s towards the flying battleships.


First two 105mm shells were shot from a distance of 300 meters, but they were swept away by the wind.

"Just because that bullet was swept away... This much... ?? 」

"Ora, ora, ora! Fall down!!"

However, as a result of hitting a bad number of guns in succession, the 40mm machine gun and 25mm Gatling gun rounds that were scattered all the time hit the gun deck and mast on the side of the hull, and unfortunately for them, the 40mm cannon cannon hit base of the mast. The mast was broken from the root due to a direct hit and the battleship that lost propulsion became unable to navigate.

Moreover, it suffered from the the fire caused by the incendiary rounds of the25mm Gatling gun at the hull everywhere.

A similar fierce attack was also applied to the other battleships sailing, and the Imperial Army fleet was annihilate after two AC -130s passed.

The last ship (5th ship) lost its mast and went down while burning in midair. The 2nd and 4th ship were hit by the 105mm howitzer, burned up in the form of a fireball and disappeared. The third ship was hit by the 40mm cannon, the hull was full of holes, ruptures occurred in various places, the hull crashed to pieces and fell apart at the end. The first ship sailing ahead had its gunpowder hit by the 25mm Gatling Gun and gradually dropped down to the ground in flames with repeated explosion.

"No need to flip."


Grattney 01 and 02 returned to base with the F-15e in high spirits as the first to attempt air-to-air bombardment in history. The AC-130 stopped to look at the devastation of the Imperial fleet ending in a one-side game.

Finally, the Imperial Army (unit which can take organizational action), who was in the Ghost Coalition(T/N: don't know what this is) at the end of this fight, was wiped out.

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